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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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Does anyone know where this is from?

I guess it's from the Sound Relief 2009 in Sydney :D

And I understand your obession :lol:


Someone from the old thread did this & posted it. I am now less worried about my own pervy behavior :lol:





Those are kick ass banners though :laugh3: But quite explicit as well. I'd go for something more subtle, otherwise I'd blush to death :lol:

Hahaha, I think I had seen it before !! ;) :sneaky:


Well, it's quite outspoken and unreserved. :lol:



:nod: I'd blush just at the thought that he might see it :lol:



Edit: I'm going to bed now. Night night girls :heart:



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Thanks Row, I can now go to work with a smile on my face:) Good night girls xx


So happy to oblige.. oh I do understand about needing to smile at work...


Awesome!! :D



Oh, the paddles! LOL! I need them every single day in this thread.

LOL me too..




Does anyone know where this is from?


I think, although I am prepared to be corrected, that it's a shot from Sound Relief, or there abouts.. after he did his infamous crowd run?




I hate that and I love it too.. I love that he did it.. I hate that he did it.. It scares me to watch it despite knowing he's OK.. does this make ANY sense! LOL.. But I love when he comes back and gives that HUGE grin, as if to say.. yeah I know.. it's was bloody stupid.. LOL..


Someone from the old thread did this & posted it. I am now less worried about my own pervy behavior :lol:





Those are kick ass banners though :laugh3: But quite explicit as well. I'd go for something more subtle, otherwise I'd blush to death :lol:


OMG! ROFL! hahaha.. sheesh.. Subtle? Much? No.. LOL..

still we're all thinking it..






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We are so dirty/pervy compared to the old Chris thread:\:D


I'm proud of this :nod::smug:



Someone from the old thread did this & posted it. I am now less worried about my own pervy behavior :lol:




On the contrary I think we have to do something like this :wink3: don't worry, I will not blush :sneaky:


This is even better:





I'm going to bed...I'll make myself a cup of strawberry tea and I'll try to sleep.





Night night ♥

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Someone from the old thread did this & posted it. I am now less worried about my own pervy behavior :lol:





Those are kick ass banners though :laugh3: But quite explicit as well. I'd go for something more subtle, otherwise I'd blush to death :lol:


I think makes sense, is because he wants to be ? :\



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I remember seeing a video of the "collapsing Chris" thing, but now I can't find it. If anyone happens to run across it, send along please, so I can continue to fuel the obsession that is Chris Martin/Coldplay.


example in life I am very calm and painful. a bit like Chris when he is home. he spends time reading.


So he spends the energy on stage.


but when I am passionate about is pure madness. but I do not dance more simple question of weight.

but in time I could dance like a real prof of dance, in time in disco, people gave me all the dance floor and watched me dance, so strange .


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygedb8O95aQ]Chris "The Dancer" Martin - Do You Love Me (Now That I Can Dance) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg-HZJL3skQ&feature=relmfu]Chris Martin from Coldplay: awkward and cute dances - YouTube[/ame]

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yes Chris is very reactive and impulsive to the point of losing control, so dangerous to himself.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XeQJSVFc28&feature=player_embedded]First Song and Chris Martin pissed about burning his wrist- Hershey PA - YouTube[/ame]


So good night Girls ;)

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example in life I am very calm and painful. a bit like Chris when he is home. he spends time reading.


So he spends the energy on stage.


but when I am passionate about is pure madness. but I do not dance more simple question of weight.

but in time I could dance like a real prof of dance, in time in disco, people gave me all the dance floor and watched me dance, so strange .




Thank you for show my videos, Lory! You don't know how special it is for me. :kiss:




Great video, Row! CHRISSYLICIOUS!!!!! #hot

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hahahh that's so scary to watch i keep thinking aaaaah where is he?!! hahaha but it's awesome at the same time


Yes! LOL..



I'm proud of this :nod::smug:




On the contrary I think we have to do something like this :wink3: don't worry, I will not blush :sneaky:


This is even better:





I'm going to bed...I'll make myself a cup of strawberry tea and I'll try to sleep.





Night night ♥


OMG Kristal! ROTFL!


I do hope you had a good night. xx


Thank you for show my videos, Lory! You don't know how special it is for me. :kiss:


Great video, Row! CHRISSYLICIOUS!!!!! #hot


Thanks Keka.. I am so happy you all like it..


Goood morning, girls!! How are you doing? I missed this thread so much, I have been so busy lately.. School. :disappointed: Ah well.. What did I miss? :D


What did you miss?


E V E R Y T H I N G ! !


Naaaa.. just some photos and stuff..


Welcome back.. we're all just the same..




Or maybe worse! :wink3:




Good morning everyone.. morning2.gif


Something to start the day with?










Some Sound Relief photos I found.


Over half way through my working week. Not long til my holiday now..

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Viva pictures...*Drools Homer Simpson style* Certainly MY idea of an excellent start to one's day!


Welcome back, ilovechriss! Have fun catching up with the thread!


*Also sends :hug: out to Kristal* Sorry you had a crap moment there, I'm glad being here cheered you up!


Those signs from the crowd are hilarious. I'd NEVER have the guts to write out something like that and display it at a show.


So many awesome videos in here, girls! I've enjoyed watching them!


Chris "The Dancer" Martin - Do You Love Me (Now That I Can Dance) - YouTube[/url]



These are just flat out adorable. I really, REALLY want to go out dancing with him now.


One question: in the first video, the clip that starts at about 0:25 seconds in, and that pops up every now and again throughout the video...what the heck is THAT from? I'm curious to see the full thing of that, if it still exists somewhere!


Funny Chris Martin on Radio 1 : Can you invent a song with " Shrimp" and " Aubergine" ? - YouTube[/url]


He needs to come to a radio station in my area and do this sort of thing. I'd love to write in a suggestion for a song idea. That was awesome. Oh, Chris, I just love you to bits :heart:.


(Did I hear right, too, did he say "Mind your language" to the lady at one point after she made some sort of comment related to people who look similar to Guy or something? :lol:)


It's the "Jonny goes jazz" video.



Ah, okay, thanks, I'd never seen that before. How very strange, that video :p. But very funny, too.


Also, I would like to suggest that Chris narrate all band documentaries shirtless from here on out :nod:.


I love how they went from this:

To this:



HOW CUTE IS THAT FIRST VIDEO?!?! Oh, my god...they're like cute puppies that I want to take home and care for :hug: :heart:.


Love the contrast, you're absolutely right. It'd be so fun to show young Coldplay the 2011 video and vice versa. Young Coldplay likely had no clue how things would eventually turn out for them, I bet.


I have been spending or wasting, (you decide) my time the last two days on this..



I hope you all enjoy it.... it made me smile when I was making it.


This just brightened my whole day :D. So hilarious and awesome and perfect-the song choice is inspired (can I say I actually kinda like that song? It's just so goofy). This is right up there with the infamous "Chris Martin knows it" video, I say.


I'm curious as to what the clip at around the 1:30 or so mark onward is from, it looks funny. And as usual, I'm beyond jealous of Ellen DeGeneres, and Chris doing the worm is WAY hotter than it has any right to be.


In case it hasn't been said enough already, this thread, and everyone in it, RULES.

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(Did I hear right, too, did he say "Mind your language" to the lady at one point after she made some sort of comment related to people who look similar to Guy or something? :lol:).

Hahahaha, I think he did :laugh3:


Also, I would like to suggest that Chris narrate all band documentaries shirtless from here on out :nod:. .

I support that proposal :rolleyes:


..and Chris doing the worm is WAY hotter than it has any right to be. .

Oh, finally, someone said it!:bomb:


He just does it so well, doesn't he? :sneaky:



In case it hasn't been said enough already, this thread, and everyone in it, RULES.

:nod: :love:

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Hahahaha, I think he did :laugh3:


I thought so!


(He sounded really hot lightly scolding her like that :shifty:)



I support that proposal :rolleyes:


We should put this proposal in writing or something :p. I doubt we'll have trouble getting signatures :lol:


Oh, finally, someone said it! I'm not the only one! :bomb:


He just does it so well, doesn't he? :sneaky:


Haha, wow! No, you're definitely NOT alone there. Not at all.



YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES, he most certainly does! He's very...bendy...and flexible...and energetic...


Makes one think of him using those moves...elsewhere...


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Haha, wow! No, you're definitely NOT alone there. Not at all.



YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES, he most certainly does! He's very...bendy...and flexible...and energetic...


Makes one think of him using those moves...elsewhere...


Hahaha, Angela! :laugh3:

Spoiler comments are always the best ones:laugh3::laugh3:




This is still so sexy.



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Also, I would like to suggest that Chris narrate all band documentaries shirtless from here on out :nod:.


This just brightened my whole day :D. So hilarious and awesome and perfect-the song choice is inspired (can I say I actually kinda like that song? It's just so goofy). This is right up there with the infamous "Chris Martin knows it" video, I say.


I'm curious as to what the clip at around the 1:30 or so mark onward is from, it looks funny. And as usual, I'm beyond jealous of Ellen DeGeneres, and Chris doing the worm is WAY hotter than it has any right to be.


In case it hasn't been said enough already, this thread, and everyone in it, RULES.


I agree with your first sentence! LOL..


thanks for the comments Angela.. I am so happy everyone likes it.. LOL.. and I, er the song? :embarrassed: I have the erm, album LOL! Right Said Fred were hilarious.. look them up on Youtube for a laugh.. :p


The clip around 1.30.. did you mean the bit with Chris in a wig, or the one where they are all doing silly walks??


The wig bit is the bit where he appeared on SNL, which was hilarious and very very silly.. I can dig out the clip if you haven't seen it?


The other bit is the Anton Corbin interview and film he made of them before the live streaming of the Madrid gig.. He made them do silly walks, (as a sort of Monty python tribute) I have the full thing on my hard drive.. the first outing for the wristbands.. the concert is awesome too. Actually THAT might well be a good candidate for our cake club video in a week, if everyone wants to do it..?


Hope that helps.. Or did you mean another bit! LOL! I have them all on my computer, so I can tell you all the places they came from if you need to know. :D



Hahahaha, I think he did :laugh3:


I support that proposal :rolleyes:


Oh, finally, someone said it!:bomb:


He just does it so well, doesn't he? :sneaky:




:nod: :love:


:p why else do you suppose it's IN the video! LOL! :cool:


I thought so!


(He sounded really hot lightly scolding her like that :shifty:)


We should put this proposal in writing or something :p. I doubt we'll have trouble getting signatures :lol:


Haha, wow! No, you're definitely NOT alone there. Not at all.



YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES, he most certainly does! He's very...bendy...and flexible...and energetic...


Makes one think of him using those moves...elsewhere...


:o :laugh3::cool:

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I agree with your first sentence! LOL..


thanks for the comments Angela.. I am so happy everyone likes it.. LOL.. and I, er the song? :embarrassed: I have the erm, album LOL! Right Said Fred were hilarious.. look them up on Youtube for a laugh.. :p


You have the album :lol:?


Haha, that's awesome-hey, it's your music collection, put whatever you wish in it! That's the only song I know by the band, and I've seen that particular video, but yeah, I'll look them up a bit more on YouTube.


(I think one reason I like that song is 'cause I'd heard they wrote it as a means of poking fun at guys who thought they were God's gift to women when they really weren't. Knocking people like that down a peg or 20, I am all for that)


I don't know how anyone could NOT like that video. It's so freaking funny. I want to go watch it again, actually.


The clip around 1.30.. did you mean the bit with Chris in a wig, or the one where they are all doing silly walks??


The wig bit is the bit where he appeared on SNL, which was hilarious and very very silly.. I can dig out the clip if you haven't seen it?


The other bit is the Anton Corbin interview and film he made of them before the live streaming of the Madrid gig.. He made them do silly walks, (as a sort of Monty python tribute) I have the full thing on my hard drive.. the first outing for the wristbands.. the concert is awesome too. Actually THAT might well be a good candidate for our cake club video in a week, if everyone wants to do it..?


Hope that helps.. Or did you mean another bit! LOL! I have them all on my computer, so I can tell you all the places they came from if you need to know. :D


The silly walks, yeah, that's what I was referring to, I just couldn't remember the exact moment in the video where that clip popped up. Thanks for the info, that sounds very entertaining and fun-yeah, I'm all for that as a cake club idea, I'd love to see that!


I have seen the "SNL" skit, yes-have it on a tape, actually :D. So very hilarious and silly indeed. I was so happy to see him (and later, the entire band) pop up in a couple of the skits. I love a guy with a good sense of humor...


(Plus, "Weekend Update" has long been my favorite segment on SNL, so appropriate for Chris to show up there, and plus, Chris and Seth Myers on the same stage? Yes, please!)


As for the spoiler comment...ummmmmmmm :angel: :whistle:. I'll just agree with PoC...I do love me those spoiler tags. Mmhm.

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