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Okay, so you all have your religions and you're happy with em cos you want to bang the hot musicians.

Unfortunately I dont want to bang nick, fab or guy, (not so sure about fab though. haha jk) and i needed a purrv religion sooo....

here it is:






Okay, avril cant make good songs like coldplay, she isnt half as cool as the strokes, in fact... she's a poser and she sucks. Her new video is out, it doesnt make sense at all and the song is really lame.

But hey, when you check this pic, all these small problems just disappear:

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Maybe you guys would like to know that avril broke up with her lame pseudo-skater boyfriend, Jesse (what kind of name is jesse anyways? it sounds like a girls name). Probably because she noticed that Thom is the right boy for her.


So yea anyways, they broke up and then the lil bastard left the band for good (that's really good news. - i hope all the new band members are gay so they wont stalk my precious girl).


What a glorious day for our religion :cool:

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Oh geeze I thought you were like gonna say things like you thought she was hot or something! Haha.


Oh yea, i almost forgot about that!




Holy crap avril you're so freaking hot, if i were your bf, lil thom would play with you 24/7. No breaks! You're so perfect, your tight underwear is an inspiration for my left hand. You may be really small, but at least you have big tits. i want you so bad, my petite girl.


done. :cool:


No, I mean if you wanted to make an ism board of a female musician you like who would it be valley my boy?


Uhh... lemme see... that evanescence chick is a good singer... but she's kinda fat, so i dunno... she doesnt deserve a religion

Britney spears is really fine. slutty, but hot. Too bad her songs are crappy. At least toxic is cool.


So yea, i guess avril is the only female musician that deserves a religion. :cool:

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No offence but Avril's religion isn't half as good as the Valensi religion. How can you think she is hotter than him anyway? Geez.. :rolleyes:

:lol: ;) :P

Hey was her boyfriend 'Jesse', the one that looks like a girl and sounded like one too? Haha oh gawd I hated him so much, almost as much as I hated her.

(no offence again)

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"- Proud member of the Berryism! (Guy is my hero, my role model!) Thanks Marie!


- Proud member of the Avrilism. (Avril is my bitch) Thanks Thom!"




:o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

LMAO!! Ahaha oh man I just noticed that. You crack me up so much Thom! :lol: :lol:

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