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A thread for poems


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Hey i wrote this poeam yesterday night. I needed to write and now i feel better.

I´ll always remember


let´s begin a new day

i said myself today

but i can´t get it again

i can´t keep hiding this


i know i must try to relax

so i wake up and get ready

now i go out for a walk

i leave home and go far


i'm on street and don´t know why

i don't know where to go

at home all make me sad.


i leave my keays

but i shouldn't go back

i look the people and sky

then i close my eyes and breath

and i begin to walk away.


i rememebr all the time i spent

but something is wrong

i was trying to leave you


i turn my way, just against

and walk in the other side

i walked trought the streets

and end in a field


i feel myself there, im free

i just lie next a walk

see the sky, feel the wind

feel the sea, see the birds


i can cry what i want

i can feel like a bird

i can crowl in the sea

i can fly on my mind


i spent more than an hour there

some people come and pass me near

no one stop to talk

just welcome with the hand


i heard a noise

and i hide next a tree

spring is coming

birds are loving


there are a couple

that come next to me

and stand in front the sea

then they go to beach.


i remember the time we spent

felt the sand trought my hands

felt the waves on my skin

time i feel lost now.


i decide to go back home

but before i leave there

a letter devoted.


i come back there just

half a year later

i feel better than ever

i´m alone but free.


i arrive there and

i search the letter

the pen is still there

on the bottle i kept it.


i slept there an hour

the same couple is there

they look at me and smile.


i hear the rythm of waves

i feel the wind again

a leaf stop on my shoulder.


i look back and see

a guy with my letter

he come near to me

and began to speak


i like a lot this lyrics

i imagine you´re looking for it

and i come here everyday

just to give you back


i´m quiet it never happend before

don't worry keep it if you like

i´ll devote it if you want

he stop and look at me


you´ve devote my soul

you singed my skin

you keep me breath

you make me beat again


the noon is falling

his light eyes look at me

i get up again,

that was a dream?


23 October 2004, Saturday.


Ariadna Squire Damique


I hope you like it.

(i know is so simple and a bit long)

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Sorry but is in spanish :embarrased:


En la profundidad de la noche

En la profundidad de la noche

sientes un dolorido lamento

en la oscuridad vislumbras

dos manos húmedas

ves el suelo, no ha llovido

son lágrimas de un corazón dolido

no soportaste más ese dolor

y comenzaste a llorar

ya los luceros no brillan

ahora estás tristes y rojizos

ya no ven belleza a su lado

no sienten calor en sus manos

su corazón ha sufrido

y se siente parado

trataste reanimalo, en vano

trataste olvidarlo todo

pero no lo lograste

es un dolor tan profundo

un dolor tan complejo

algo inexplicable, piensas,

ya no recuerdas que antes

otra persona lloró como tú

que una amiga se refugió

en tu comprensión

pero ahora te sientes sola.


una isla en medio del mar

y no puedes parar de llorar

crees que es lo único que te queda

te mueve una gran pena

y nada puede evitarlo, piensas,

tratas no recordar ahora

tu querido pasado

que tanto se ha alejado

que crees que es un sueño

recuerdas con vegueza y alegría

esos cándidos ojos que te miraban

esas cálidas palabras que susurraba

esas miradas cómplices, todo en una palabra

pero todo eso desapareció de pronto

ya no ves sus ojos alegres ante ti

ya no sientes su voz cerca de ti

se alejó poco a poco

pero no te diste cuenta

no llegaste a sufrir

por eso ahora duele así

ya tus ojos no le miran como antes

ahora estan tristes y rojizos

ese alguien que antes te consolaba

ahora te hace llorar desconsolada


te sientes engañada pues

él se llevó tus palabras

pero debes seguir adelante

recordarlo todo con alegría

para volver a sentirte viva

deja de llorar niña,

sonríe como aquél día

en que oíste una voz

que llenó tu vida

sonrie vida, sonríe niña

no llores más por aquél día

apesar de sentirte vacía

reponte del pasado

y vive un nuevo día

pronto llegará la mañana

la luz avivará tu mundo

no temas al mañana

caminas sin rumbo

crees oir su voz

deseas oír su perdón

pero no llega nada a ti

así, piensas, mañana todo cambiará

pero debes seguir sin mirar atrás

lo amaste, lo amas

sabes que siempre lo amarás

incluso aunque él no lo sepa


incluso aunque él no vuelva

nunca le olvidarás

amor profundo sientes hoy

más que ayer con él

tu corazón ahora late de nuevo

más vivo que antes

y es por su recuerdo

por su dulce y cálido recuerdo

recuérdale en secreto

sueñas con hacérselo saber

pero no te atreves

así que tratas esconderlo

pero sabes que no puedes

hoy lo volviste a ver

y tu corazón latió sin freno

pero no puedes decir nada

no tienes palabras

y te escondes, él te mira

de pronto sientes un frío

sobre tí, como un mármol

ves una habitación oscura

nadie a tu alrededor

en la mesa un despertador

fue un sueño, sólo eso

un sueño que nunca olvidarás.




Ariadna Squire Damique :cool:

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These days arn't the same anymore

Now the leaves have fallen

You've left me alone

It feels like i'm dying

A toxic needle to my mind


The world is spinning

And the sky is falling

I'm trapped in a bubble

Lost in this maze

Crashing through a prayers mind


And now here I am

Here am I

The one who's asking the questions

And am I the one

Who just said goobye


Like a rubix cube

I confuse your mind

A multi-coloured blast of frusration

And a twisting tease

Not saying a word


By - Me :D :P

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"You were my little baby girl

And I knew all your fears

Such joy to hold you in my arms

And kiss away your tears

But now you're gone

There's only pain

And nothing I can do

And I don't want to live this life

If I can't live for you."


I am reading some article about Sid Vicious.....

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There are statues

on the square

are made of metal

silver, bronze

all them are mens

kings, conquerors,

warriors, presidents

only old mens

cold shadows

then you decided

to go to an expo

there are some pics

of people you don´t know

people you see on streets

a man is there look at pics

then you go to visit the museum

because this man told you about it

you unknown him

but you believed him

you also see statues there

women statues mades by stone

strong, they keep eternity

you look around

and you feel alone

looking at a wall

you feel someone breathing near you

you look behind you

and there is a men

the same men you saw before

you feel the wind

then you look in front of you

now you are alone again

look at the floor

there is a note, a letter

for you? from who?

did this man leave it there?

is like a clue of a game

i´m a friend you don´t know

or not? then try to find the truth

you are looking for your true

then just follow this clue"

there´s an address in the note

you decided to go home

and forget all was happened today

you look a book

and you can´t see the faces

are like shadows in front your eyes

you are blind now, you can´t know people,

you don´t know why and are so scared

you look yourself in a mirror

you only see shadows and light behind you

does this anything to do about the clue?

is late, all your room is dark

then you try to sleep

you have nightmares

you only see shadows

because your heart is blind

your heart is becoming a stone

like statues you saw before.


Ariadna Squire Damique

06/11/2004 Saturday.

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