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Worst Acting Ever


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.. On at least a fairly popular TV show or film, so y'know, people here will know what youre talking about.


Australian soap Home and Away is on right now, theres this girl who is like 17, has blonde hair and almost a unibrow, she plays a weird girl who keeps a gun. Some crazy woman gets a hold of her gun, and shoots a guy they all know.


The acting performance by this unibrowed blonde has to be the worst Ive ever seen, shes like "Oh, oh no.... uh oh... Is he gonne be alright?" "Yeah the bullet just grazed his skull" "But theres so much blood though" she keeps switching from completely casual to horribly dramatic, I cant believe people let her on TV.



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I used to watch Home and Away.....back in 1998. I think it portrays the typical Australian so well. Especially Alf Stewart, because we all say "you flamin mongrel!". Yup.




Oooh yeah..



Reilly, why do you have a picture of Tammin iforgetherlastname in your avatar? Do you LOVE her and want her to have your bay-behs? :wink3:

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[do you get angry at watching bad acting?...if so...then that's two of us]


maybe it's a sign, saying, stop watching Home & Away. No Matter How Much they tempt you be revising the theme tune, you have to turn your back Reilly, and walk away...

but not just a few paces, so you can still hear it.. or can catch it in a reflection of some sitting room cabinet or Unit! :/ :idea2: maybe, change channels, or..switch off the TV


The worst acting i have ever witnessed, is still going on to this day...it's on Byker Grove :lipsrsealed2: , Oh Lord...It's Awful..there's a really fat camp little kid on it...not that i have much against gays :laugh1: but he's really annoying..and can't act for beans! There's a hideous and mind boggling cycle of that programme, in which 1) the actors actually think they have a chance of being on TV and famous and are ALL chavs...and 2) the producers of the show say "Yes..yes this is Talent, this is who we want acting out our scritps."

:wacky: :wreck:

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I used to watch Home and Away.....back in 1998. I think it portrays the typical Australian so well. Especially Alf Stewart, because we all say "you flamin mongrel!". Yup.




Oooh yeah..



Reilly, why do you have a picture of Tammin iforgetherlastname in your avatar? Do you LOVE her and want her to have your bay-behs? :wink3:


Yawww heehaaahww yeahah hell yeah hehe yup!


Sorry. Its so crap she had to go and make a music career though (Which I just discovered yesterday from checkin' her on the net) its like cheesy Avril Lavigne Ashlee Simpson crap, gahd. Do you guys have to witness this on tv?


Haha Alf Stewart always wants fosters and to BBQ a dingo. Aaanyway, Ive maybe seen about 3 episodes (Although its been on forever) and in comparison with the English soaps, Home & Away is a lot more intriguing. Im not familiar with any characters uh, I dont know their names, but its on when Im on here.

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[do you get angry at watching bad acting?...if so...then that's two of us]


maybe it's a sign, saying, stop watching Home & Away. No Matter How Much they tempt you be revising the theme tune, you have to turn your back Reilly, and walk away...

but not just a few paces, so you can still hear it.. or can catch it in a reflection of some sitting room cabinet or Unit! :/ :idea2: maybe, change channels, or..switch off the TV


But I cant! Tammin is on..... Its a hell of a lot better then watching 6 o clock news, but at least shes leaving soon (We're like 2 months behind australia) so I can get over this dreadfully sad week long fascination!


Yes I get angry at watching bad acting, its insulting as a viewer. Im not angry at the actor, theyre usually doing theyre best (Which is embarassingly awful) Im angry at the casting agents and producers who picked someone crap. Especially when they pick a celebrity who is CRAP at sitcom acting, Andy Garcia was disgusting in Will and Grace (And hes a wonderful actor), Brad Pitt was baaaahd in Friends (But the writing was funny at least) and fuck I just saw Nick Lachey being a detective in Charmed (Theres no excuse for this FULL STOP).


Aaanyway I think GasMans the only guy who got this topic, yeah Grange Hills terrible acting is what Im talking about. Ben Affleck is bad but I wouldnt say hes incredibly terrible and useless altogether. Same goes for Hollyoaks, I think some of them are pretty good but although there are some bad ones I dont think theres too many who are ridiculously awful (But the guy whos like a fitness trainer or something HAHAHAHA gahhhd).


To re-iterate my point on Affleck, hes not bad enough so that you can see more of a set and a bunch of cameras then a realistic scene with a bad actor.

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Damnit now I wanna see Passions but I doubt we get it over here.


I dont know what El Dorado is.


Point Pleasant is a new show which is like the OC, I wouldnt say the acting is so sickeningly bad that it belongs here, but it IS really awful. And cheesy... It looks like a spoof on teen drama its so crap.

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Damnit now I wanna see Passions but I doubt we get it over here.


Reilly, just think of this. If a monkey in the show is a better actor than the actual cast, you've got some bad news.


Hey hey hey what happened to the monkey love?


And some people arent getting it, J-Lo's not so bad that it looks like they ripped her off the streets, neither SMG. Im talking about having no timing, no sense of anything on set, and looking absolutely amateur and ridiculous.


Nobody really famous is gonna be like that, cuz, well, you'll get found out and criticised at a certain level (Should be from the very start but oh well).


Ah forget it.

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Sorry. Its so crap she had to go and make a music career though (Which I just discovered yesterday from checkin' her on the net) its like cheesy Avril Lavigne Ashlee Simpson crap, gahd. Do you guys have to witness this on tv?


Haha Alf Stewart always wants fosters and to BBQ a dingo. Aaanyway, Ive maybe seen about 3 episodes (Although its been on forever) and in comparison with the English soaps, Home & Away is a lot more intriguing. Im not familiar with any characters uh, I dont know their names, but its on when Im on here.


I've heard one of her songs...I don't even think she has any others out! It goes something like "the kids, the job, the house, the SUV..will they ever aaaa-greee-iiiii". Yeah I dont know the rest of it. :lol:


I'd give you a lesson on the characters but uh, I dont know them. I just know Alf "flamin gala" Stewert is still on it. Has it been what, 20 years now? And it's very Australian to BBQ a dingo. Honest!

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