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ok this movie made me do 3 things.




and fall in love with damien rice all over again after 2 years of its absence in me life.


i cried because well it was sweet and well HEARTBREAKING


i screamed because natalie portman is so hott as well as clive owen and jide and because the ending well.......ruined the movie for me


and damien rice..... *kiss*


ok your reviews.

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there's a thread already, but i'll let it pass.


i liked this film. after watching it a couple of more times, i found that damien (although was lovely to have in the film) was, I don't know...a bit..unfitting for it. I don't know why.


Julia Roberts was great in that movie. I'm usually not a fan of her acting, but she was surprisingly great in it. Jude was good, a bit of a pansy in the movie. Clive Owen rules the world. He's so goddamn good when she tells him about the affair. Bravo. And Natalie Portman was great...very cool.

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I liked this movie. I've only watched tosse Jude Law hehehe *____*

But, I realy liked this movie, the end it's so interesting, this movie chaned my way to see relationships, and I agree so heartbreakig, but I liked.

I had to stop and think about the movie to started to like :D , but it's a great movie.

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there's a thread already, but i'll let it pass.


i liked this film. after watching it a couple of more times, i found that damien (although was lovely to have in the film) was, I don't know...a bit..unfitting for it. I don't know why.


Julia Roberts was great in that movie. I'm usually not a fan of her acting, but she was surprisingly great in it. Jude was good, a bit of a pansy in the movie. Clive Owen rules the world. He's so goddamn good when she tells him about the affair. Bravo. And Natalie Portman was great...very cool.


yea clive owen was the best in this film. that affair part. wow i loved his interigation.

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i think deep down we will all be evil to someone and either contiue like that or learn from it. but like natalie said "we all have our moment" i think everyone has their evil moment in relationships. look at the president of sudan and the leaders of the kkk or child molestors. all this hate and stupidity leads me to say that i think that humans are born "purely evil", meaning that yes we are born pure yet we are born with the genetics of evil and it stays with us for our lives only... some acknowledge it in in dramatic extremes and some dont . we are an evil specimen, us humans. k im done.

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i've got a inkling that it's not humans that are an evil specimen, but men in particular rather than women. look at the percentage split between men and women of famous evil people. it's largely men. and i suspect those women that are evil are masculine women, are in cahoots with evil men or are simply inspired by men.

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well its hard to be men i have to say because i think a study should be done to see if there really is a brain inside male genetalia. it seems that men cant be satisfied with one partner for a long period of time. its like their penises are shouting "NEED FRESH MEAT" and any monogomous man im sure thinks about the excitement of infidelity or how it would feel...the rush that is....to do it without being caught.

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we tend to forget that we're not that far removed from animals really - both men and women. at the end of the day, its a primeval urge for men sow their seed as far and wide as possible and monogamy goes directly against that urge. i'm not condoning infidelity, just saying it how i see it.

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there is this author of a book im reading and he is doing a stuy on the change or evolution of sexuality from the time we were apes till now. and it targets questions like 'why do we have sex in closed premices now as opposed to animals who do it out in the open" BUT ANYWAYS i think that it talks about how in any male animal ...there is a desire to spread his seed. its like a masculinty thing i think he says. like a manly think to do. and i think thats one thing that HASNT changed since when we were apes.

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i don't reckon it's so much a thing to prove masculinity so much, although i've no doubt it does so, but an even deeper urge born from evolution itself - the wider a seed is spread the more chance of mutation. and the stronger, more succesful males tend to spread more seed coz they win more women, therefore the better genes get more chance to propagate. though i reckon this is all now out dated in the current world as stronger, more intelligent, more succesful men are tending to not have so many kids coz they're too busy doing other stuff whilst the weaker men are having more kids coz they've not got much else to do. but i'm probably wrong coz i'm not a studier of these things, just a ponderer on life.

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