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[inspired by the words of a flower]


i turned to him and said

'we should be wolves'

he cocked his head

and said 'i'm listening'

i pelted him with my fists

frustrated with the way

he feigned ignorance

at my most passionate desires

not foxes

who dart among the forest

stealthy as hummingbird wings

quiet geminis

cute one minute

perfectly capable of taking off a limb

not coyotes

with their feral ways

their song privy only

to those who worship moonlight

and cunning silhouettes

i want to be a wolf

i tell him

narrowing my eyes

and stalk the earth

create my own landscape

paint it grey with my pelt

and red with my need for survival

i want us to truly live

to fall off the cycle

to abandon

i want to howl

all you can do is bark

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I wrote this during a history lesson in school, and it's in swedish hehe :wacko: sorry but it wont be be funny or make much sense if I translate it so I hope that you all will go and learn swedish now so you can read it :nice:



Hitler var en man

som inte vann

Han var ingen hunk

utan bodde i en bunk(er)

Tog sitt liv gjorde han där

och nu finns han inte mär





I made a nice little drawing to this poem but I wont post it since it might offend

some people :laugh2:

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nice poems!!^^


here an other one...


called Path of my mind


I am walking in the night

But my feelings hold me tight

They know I can't fight

They are always getting it right

They make me so confuse

So confuse that I can't choose

If I accept or if I refuse

If I win or if I lose.


I see all these dead-ending roads

There are the problems I try to solve

And the future I have to build

Cos I can't see further, there's no bridge

Which way should I choose, or turn?

What will it do back to me in return?

Right or wrong, real or fake

I wish to be in a dream, I'll awake.


My feelings are a bunch of wild animals

I know it and they are out of control

I can hear them, everyday, looking for answers

About their goals, their own existence, and they share

All they know, about me and my whole life

They are here, waiting for me to dive

Into this deep dark fog, but they call it future

I'm scared but I have to do it for sure.

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I wrote this during a history lesson in school, and it's in swedish hehe :wacko: sorry but it wont be be funny or make much sense if I translate it so I hope that you all will go and learn swedish now so you can read it :nice:



Hitler var en man

som inte vann

Han var ingen hunk

utan bodde i en bunk(er)

Tog sitt liv gjorde han där

och nu finns han inte mär





I made a nice little drawing to this poem but I wont post it since it might offend

some people :laugh2:



I think I understood the first sentence...now I know what your topic in your history lessons is..:wink:

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a new one.


Called Tell you


Guide me to your eyes

Show me what I can't realize

I beg you to tell me

How much you love me

Because you're so far from me

I'm missing your smile and I see

Your eyes, giving me love.


I hope to dream about you

You help me to get through

Your words are touching me so

I want you to know

The truth, what I think about you

It's so easy to write it, hard to tell it

I wait for us to meet

Will it be only a dream?

In my deepest mind, I know

You're like a wild wind

You're hidding behind the sun' glow

I'd like to talk to you

Tell you my hopes my fears

The things I can't get through.


My heart is screaming your name

He waits to be tamed, without being ashamed

You're my guide, my only guide

But you don't know I exist...

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I'm sorry for when I make you cry


drink me down, please

in a fit of love I'm down to my knees

drink my love

to soothe the inside of

you, sweet estrella

and fail you I will never, no

in a fit of love I'm down to my knees

drink me down, please


wither you should never

whether our promises last forever

you can always break me

and chocolate milkshake me

or, no

every lie I've told

is for, but not to


but when I break the promises I make

if I am a real mistake

break me

break free


in a fit of love I'm down to my knees

drink me down, please

how can I describe an angel when that's who you are


I'm your demon-lover-boy

and we fight sometimes

when God split the red sea

that's how we describe lolle

goddess, bourne of dirt

from my womb, though it doesn't hurt

until your absence

in a fit of love hurt happens

in a fit of God, you


if I had a choice I'd be sweet

to dissolve as we meet

honestly I'm more like dirt

I beg you, let me dissolve in your water

crowned goddess of my soul

have me, you make me mud

every moment you open up

I would give up my life, my sun

to be wrapped in your fold

you're my sun

colorful lolle, clay is in your hold

I'll make you hurt

we know, because I'm dirt

but one promise, forever

in a fit of love I'm down to my knees

drink me down, please

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^I love your poem! it means a lot for me!!


a new one... called Walking through the cold rain


This person I can't stop to love

This life I wait for it to begin

These memories I can't switch off

All those bells which can't stop to ring.


Walking through the cold rain

I want to put off these heavy chains

Running in a timeless cycle

I wonder when I'll wake up.


Those things I'm worried about

The way I can help me to shout

I want to put it all away

I can be hated, I can't be blamed.


Walking through the cold rain

I stare at the sky, in vain

Living in a meaningless world

Nothing can describe this, any word.


Those feelings I'm invaded by

Make me feel insecure and shy

I try to find an answer, an option,

To all those silly questions.

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A friend of mine wrote this poem.


“525 600 минут.”


The suns are weeping in the night;

They have lost their everlasting fight-

(Still- they claim they were right!)

And the silent moons are thrown away-

As they sway, as they sway.


See the stars twinkle upon the sky!

Listen to an angel play his sweet cor anglais!

You know, once we all must die-

As we sway, as we sway...


Sleep with flowers, kiss the fire-

Do what you would never dare!

Look at the stars- forming a choir-

Who will care? Will you care?


As we are trapped in the symphony’s destructive lust;

(We cannot escape, no!, no way!)

Our lives lost between the pages three and four

Left us with no dreams as our faces burn to dust,

(As we sway, as we sway...)

Drunken on the sea, without any solid shore...


Painted music will always remain there, mute and dead.

There will be no past to call for help instead-

Our eyes will bleed, and our hands will turn to stone.

And the sea will remain forever grey.

We will stay all alone

As we sway, as we sway.

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her you've got a special one, I'll give it to a girl i fall in love with...



it's called In Love


I've waited in front of the sea

It gave me an unexpected opportunity

You appeared, just in front of me

Like an angel, coming out of the sea.


I needed to tell you so much

How much my heart is beating

For you, and in me, love is such a rush

You're a cure, my mind stops aching.


This is a great feeling I can't keep

It's like a secret travelling in me

It makes my heart racing everyday

Waiting for you is all I've done until today.


Love invaded me so quickly

I just let it do it, I feel so peaceful

Now, you're all what I need

Since I've got you in my soul.

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I'm sorry for when I make you cry


drink me down, please

in a fit of love I'm down to my knees

drink my love

to soothe the inside of

you, sweet estrella

and fail you I will never, no

in a fit of love I'm down to my knees

drink me down, please


wither you should never

whether our promises last forever

you can always break me

and chocolate milkshake me

or, no

every lie I've told

is for, but not to


but when I break the promises I make

if I am a real mistake

break me

break free


in a fit of love I'm down to my knees

drink me down, please

how can I describe an angel when that's who you are


I'm your demon-lover-boy

and we fight sometimes

when God split the red sea

that's how we describe lolle

goddess, bourne of dirt

from my womb, though it doesn't hurt

until your absence

in a fit of love hurt happens

in a fit of God, you


if I had a choice I'd be sweet

to dissolve as we meet

honestly I'm more like dirt

I beg you, let me dissolve in your water

crowned goddess of my soul

have me, you make me mud

every moment you open up

I would give up my life, my sun

to be wrapped in your fold

you're my sun

colorful lolle, clay is in your hold

I'll make you hurt

we know, because I'm dirt

but one promise, forever

in a fit of love I'm down to my knees

drink me down, please


erico... :stunned:

i love it... sorry i didnt read it yesterday... :nice:


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Weird Lizard







I made you a love pom (from one lizard to another lizard)


if you fall through the crack

catch your rib, give you heart attack

I love you, I cry

because crack make you die


if I lit a cigarette

in the gas chamber to smoke it

your redemption

catches my eye's attention


and love

I open up

show my intestine

my heart


tore me apart

I return to her

that which, to my love

to push, to shove

that which, to those above

will win your wonder

my heart beats, all of it




whistle while you work


a cement block:

plucks the heart strings of my soul

this beautiful green

plastic ring

will you marry me?

the point is when you gave me the pearls of a caribbean clam trapped within its golden mansion

that's when

I decided, I hate you

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A new one... written in 20 mins... after arguing with one of my friends... who isn't a friend anymore...


Called You can't


Here I'm talking

You've got to know something

You see I've changed

But you don't understand.


My old "me" was unaware

It wasn't real, it was unfair

I stroke all what the others knew

About me, I'm someone new.


What the matter with you?

Can't you stand the fact

I'm not the same as in the past

And what? What are you gonna do?


I wanted to change

Not to be the same

I didn't show my real "me"

And now, you'll see it.


You can't bear I'm apart

This is something you don't have to care

Why are you minding my own buisiness?

Let me be all I am, this isn't an illness.


Maybe you didn't want me to change.

But I changed for me, not for you.

I feel good, now, standing on the bridge,

Ready to jump? I'm! You're not... true?


You're afraid, that's what I see

Afraid of who I'm, who I'll be

You can't be in my place

Definitely, you're not in my maze.

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^Wow!! does it really happen to you?


this is called The end


It runs beside the abyss, it can't get back

It tries to reach the stars, to leave the dark

I can see it forgetting its fears and it starts to fight

It grows, out of control, ful of sparks.


It strikes all I belived in, and more

It rows my whole "me" ashore

The surface is burning next to me

It takes my very last memory.

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Wow, the poems in this threat are really fantastic.



Well, this is one of my attempts:




The stars are watching expectantly,

The wind rush’s through the darkness - gone,

And even silence creeps into the soil

Of a fragile orb that cracks under the weight of wounds.

Only ravenous time hovers above the ground.


Despair freezing their movements -

Tension focused on the moment.

Hope invades their veins

And blood regains its cordiality.

But time ticks their lives away.


Their hearts are drowning out numbed and weary

Their enemies fiendish smirk.

All eyes fixed on the locked horizon

It’s eastwards they are gleaming,

But time has dazzled their sight.


A distant spark and suddenly there’s Freedom.

Beams of light unveil a million.

Bright heat melts their invisible prison

Healing the scars of an itching past.

Embracing time, they walk into the world at last.

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