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This is mine, I made it from scratch with gimp! I named here Rehka which means 'a line' (because she is made up of a bunch of lines)




It is rather clumsy but I like it, her right (or is it left) eye is a little too big, ahwell! In my mind;


She is an orphan who was left to fend for herself on the streets. She was given the name Rehka, because of hair pencil thin hair. Her pale skin shivers as she runs through the cold rain, she doesn't know what she is running from.


Right, that is my dramatic writing fix for the day!:P

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Hello artsy people!


I need your help. The Coldplaying Charity Club would like to add a snazzy 2008 wall calender to the CCC/Coldplaying Cafepress store, but that means we need some 13 high resolution photographs.


The minimum resulotion must be 1800 x 2300 px at 200 dpi – horizontal orientation. I know I've seen some really beautiful photographs posted in this thread before, so I figure here is a good place to place this request. Please send me a PM or email at coldplaying.for.charity[at]gmail.com if you have a photo or two to submit. (If there is a particular month that you think your photo would be well suited for, include that info in the PM/email). Keep in mind that the photos must target a large audience - so portraits of friends, etc are out. Might consider taking photoshopped, montage-type pieces. Depends.


I'm not sure yet how we'll make the ultimate selection – depends on how many/how quickly we receive submissions – but be on the lookout for a possible poll to vote on your favorites! Please understand that we wont be able to use all the photos.


Enough blab, get those photos sent in!! I'd love to have this calender ready in the next few weeks in time for the new year!


As always, proceeds from shop purchases will go to charity. It's all for a good cause. :nice:


I'll post the above info in the CCC forum as well. THANK YOU!

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