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Sweet One

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Ok, you all might be saying to yourself, "Oh no, Laura's gone nutty again", but seriously, I love bread. All my friends are on their new low-carb diets and they're not eating any bread and it drives me crazy because when we go out to eat at restaurants and stuff, they tell the waiter to not give us any bread b/c it might tempt them, but i love it.


I'm gonna have babies with bread.


Alright. Show the bread some love, people.


*note* Laura has lost her mind. Woooo.

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umm' date=' laura, classes have only just started. how have you gone " :wacko: " already? :thinking:[/quote']


I never stopped being :wacko:. Never.


Oh, and garlic cheesy bread is enough to make me pee my pants with delight. :D


Dammit im hungry now :/

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Next time you're going along the 401, stop in Merrickville. They have it there in this awesome store called Mrs McGarrigles.


Merrickville! I always see the sign when I'm driving down the 401! Damn, I've been missing out on this mustard. Booooo. Thanks Kyle. I'll definitely make a point to stop there.

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