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The Frames / The Swell Season / Once


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Sorry :/ :stunned:


Ok so I only found out yesterday, but they're playing 2 dates here at a really small venue, which is really surprising :o BUT it's already sold out!! :bigcry: and the tickets were really cheap!!!

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aahhh, I was very busy but I really can't leave this place, hehe


Yep, I have the video, it's very strange and Glen looks like a devil...uppss, sorry - but try to look at his beard....I know I'm crazy :lol:

anyway, I like the car:wink3:


me and my friend were still wondering what's the video about...

one girl from our czech The Frames's forum asked him aaaand here is the answer:



"well the idea wasnt mine.. although i tried to twist it and it dint really come accross in the finished thing.. (which im not in love with) the idea was that its a guy in a car in a bad state of heartach or jelousy or confusion, and he's dreaming this girl into life.. or something like that.. i wanted it to resemble the scene in ask the dust when arturo and camilla go to the beach.. but that didnt work out.. and so im MY head i dream her into the present and then i run her over!!!! the metaphor being that im killing the ghost of her that haunts me.. so i start the car and im rid of her forever.. but the video doesnt quite say that.. so now ive just added a new layer of confusion to the debate.. sorry..


............glen......... "


well, no satisfaction, right? :D

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aaahh, lucky you!

can you image what do they play on czech television?.....the ****** like James Blunt etc. :dozey:


but, there is a teleview which plays really good music from all over the world (Stereophonics, Coldplay, U2, sometimes The Frames, Franz Ferdinand...), it's every Saturday.

And the problem - it's during a night (1:00-4:00) :dozey:really great...




what do you think about "The Swell Season"? Glen solo album (with Markéta Irglová). I'm sure you've heard about it

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