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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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I thought it was pretty good. For me, it was really interesting to read about what roadies have to deal with and how much work it takes to set up for gigs. There were plenty of great little anecdotes about the band too.


Like others have said, don't expect it to be a book about Coldplay. It's Matt McGinn's story, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. :)


If you want a more proper review, you can read Mimixxx's review here: http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4177821&postcount=400


There are more fan reviews here and onward: http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53217&page=36


Thanks... that was really helpful.

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Guest howyousawtheworld
Listening to Fix You tonight...brings back so many memories. 2-3 years ago I was really depressed, and used to to walk 4 miles to Uni every morning (leaving at 6am) in the pitch black, I used to always listen to this song on the way :)


Sounds a great song to listen to on a long walk.



And hey 95 posts in 5 years? Where have you been!

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I remember the exact moment when I first played A Rush of Blood to the Head in my CD player....laying down in the back seat of my mom's minivan and listening to the most beautiful music ever, as i watched the trees pass by my window. and i know exactly what road it was :heart:

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I was playing X and Y cd in the car


it was all great until the part of fix you where jonny starts on his electric guitar ..... it HAD to start skipping exactly at that point -___-



ugh i hate it when that happens. it happens to me when i play my AROBTTH cd in the middle of God Put A Smile Upon Your Face:\

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