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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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Absolutely.....the usual routine after a live show

...know the setlist, read the reviews, see the pictures, watch the videos and marvel at coldplay all day!!


Don't forget the obsessive (in my case) 'make specific gig folder with sub-folders for various band members so I can post all the new ones to my favorite threads if the o.p.'s don't/can't,lol.:D

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I think that Princess of China is going to be a huge hit - at least radio hit - in Denmark.


This morning the Danish Voice had Coldplay in Double Up and played Paradise and Princess of China. At the same time, MTV Denmark had Rihanni Mix - and no. 1 was Princess of China. Something happened and another program (showing overviews of TV channels and having radio playing) was playing Princess of China. So it is getting a lot of Danish airplay for the time being and is also on iTunes (entry at no. 18 on the weekly countdown).

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Coldplay will never have a concert in my country:(

But this summer I'm going to new jersey....and I hope I can go to their concert...I'm looking for tickets right now:D

Good luck with that. I looked (several times over the past few months) there's only limited view left. I really wanted to go, but no tickets left. (or at least good tickets)

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OMG something awesome happened today! Normally, in the common room at my college they have a TV on that's constantly playing some music channel and all I ever hear is the crap that's in the UK Top 40.

But today, some religious group were using the common room for some kind of interactive display about religious stuff. I don't really know what it was about, and I'm not a religious person so I wasn't at all interested so I just sat with my friends and ate lunch. As we were eating I realised that they were playing music - and not the usual crap. Can you guess which band's music they were playing? :P

It turned out that they had this area set up with some cushions for people to sit on and relax, and they were playing Coldplay music non-stop :awesome: In total I heard In My Place, What If, GPASUYF, White Shadows and Fix You :D Of course my friends weren't interested at all... :dozey:

So in the end I sat there and pretended to be interested in the spiritual stuff, but in reality I was just listening to the music :sneaky:

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OMG something awesome happened today! Normally, in the common room at my college they have a TV on that's constantly playing some music channel and all I ever hear is the crap that's in the UK Top 40.

But today, some religious group were using the common room for some kind of interactive display about religious stuff. I don't really know what it was about, and I'm not a religious person so I wasn't at all interested so I just sat with my friends and ate lunch. As we were eating I realised that they were playing music - and not the usual crap. Can you guess which band's music they were playing? :P

It turned out that they had this area set up with some cushions for people to sit on and relax, and they were playing Coldplay music non-stop :awesome: In total I heard In My Place, What If, GPASUYF, White Shadows and Fix You :D Of course my friends weren't interested at all... :dozey:

So in the end I sat there and pretended to be interested in the spiritual stuff, but in reality I was just listening to the music :sneaky:


That sounds so cool. :awesome:

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they made tumblr yeah :| :| that 'in charge' person is gonna see everything on Tumblr about coldplay if they search 'Coldplay' tag :lol: yeah everything, buckin, loldplay, pervplay or even fanfictions :lol: he/she is gonna have so much fun on tumblr :lol:

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What if the "in charge" person tells the band? Then the band will say it in an interview. OH GOD.

EDIT: The "in charge" person/people, according to today's Oracle questions:

Tumblr will be much like twitter, facebook and Coldplay.com in that Anchorman will oversee it. Roadie #42, the band including Phil and sources close to the band will all contribute.

You will too if your art is reblogged.

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What if the "in charge" person tells the band? Then the band will say it in an interview. OH GOD.

EDIT: The "in charge" person/people, according to today's Oracle questions:

Tumblr will be much like twitter, facebook and Coldplay.com in that Anchorman will oversee it. Roadie #42, the band including Phil and sources close to the band will all contribute.

You will too if your art is reblogged.


Haha, that would be...'interesting'...but not likely. They do know of this forum and have mentioned it in a Q&A with fans, but never talked about or probably noticed most of the sillyness that goes on. They might see some scary stuff on Tumblr, but they won't want to talk about it,lol!!:laugh3:

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What if the "in charge" person tells the band? Then the band will say it in an interview. OH GOD.

EDIT: The "in charge" person/people, according to today's Oracle questions:

Tumblr will be much like twitter, facebook and Coldplay.com in that Anchorman will oversee it. Roadie #42, the band including Phil and sources close to the band will all contribute.

You will too if your art is reblogged.


Oh well, looks like I was wrong :rolleyes:

it's even more awesome, though :wideeyed:

And now you can panic, Tumblr fangirls :lol:

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