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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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I have 2 nieces, and each of them bought me the Coldplay Live 2012 CD/DVD for me. So now I have 2, LOL.


On New Year's Eve Danish TV station TV2 Zulu will broadcast Brian Moerk's interview with Coldplay at 18.50 (6:50pm) followed by Coldplay-Live in Oslo from 19.10 (7.10pm) to 20.15 (8.15pm).


For the time being I am listening to Top 12 at 12 on Danish music TV station VH1, Denmark - COLDPLAY.


12) Life in Technicolor II. 11) In My Place. 10) Hurts like Heaven. 9) Don't Panic. 8) the Scientist. 7) Princess of China. 6) Every Teardrop is a Waterfall. 5) Yellow. 4) Speed of Sound. 3) Fix You. 2) Paradise. 1) Viva la Vida. :heart:



Paradise having been played so much from VH1, Denmark I thought that it might have been no. 1. VIVA won once again. :vuvuzela:

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I'm listening to the Blue Room EP and Don't Panic sounds very weird compared to its Parachutes version!



Don't Panic does sound very different, it's strange and cool. Also, Such a Rush is quickly becoming one of my favorite songs--I think Chris sounds very sexy on it!

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Yesterday, a few school boys were walking next to me on the street & one of them was singing Yellow :awesome: Yeah, his singing was terrible :P but still it made me extremely happy. This has never happened before :shocked2:

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