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**The Kooks!**


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Truee true, at this point I'm inclined to think that Max is out of the band, I'm just hanging on until they make an official statement or something :(



His voice is gorgeous, I have to agree. I love it how at times you think it'll crack but he always pulls it out fine, awww lovelovelove

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Quite a good review (though you can TELL she didn't know much about them as she said Max was there, when in fact it was Pete)

You ever get a really intense food craving? Like you start thinking about strawberry shortcake at about 11:50pm and you know you can’t go out and buy it this very moment, but you keep thinking and thinking about it? So you go to sleep straight away just so that when you wake up, you’ll be that many more hours closer to being able to go outside and eat a piece of strawberry shortcake? And when you wake up you decide you should really have your cake after lunch, because you’ll probably get a stomach ache if you try to eat it for breakfast. Once you eat your lunch and you finally FINALLY get to eat the piece of strawberry shortcake after all that waiting it tastes so sweet and good and you just make a sort of satisfied sighing sound? “Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…!” That’s kinda how I’ve felt about seeing The Kooks for the very first time this weekend at North Six in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.


Full review on here, plus, there's some cool photos on there and on flickr

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Message from Hugh

We had a great time in the states. It was our first time over, we never expected to have a reception like that so far away from home. Thanks to everyone who came down to see us and partied with us at the shows.


We look forward to coming back and seeing you







We look forward to coming back :wink2:



And looking back on the diary, I found that entry about Luke's birthday



Sorry I have not been in touch for so long we have been so busy, it was great to see you all out on the UK mini tour. You all seem to be really having it out there, it puts a smile on my face to see you all jumping arround.


We have been all over the place to Japan and then to SXSW in the states. Japan was great, it was so different to any other place i have been. Luke turned 21 in Tokyo and what an evening we all had togather.


We have to fly out to Germany for a tour in nine days so if there are any German fans reading this, make sure you come and say hello, i cant wait to meet you all.


And finally before i go...


Thanks to every one who bought the naive single I was truely shocked when i heard where it charted. We never thought we would have a top ten single in a million years.


Keep watch I will write again soon



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Pics! PIcs!Luke is looking very pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty :wideeyed: :drunk:



Hugh's statement got me all excited!:dance:

Yes, dear (In the words of The Killers)we hope you ejoyed your stay, its good to have you with us... and we certainly hope you look forward to coming back! :wink:

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So true, living in denial is indeed the best option here. I always simpathized with Max for some reason so I don't want to see no Pete stepping in! He does have his own band, so stick to that one please :rolleyes:

No, really, it's getting pretty obvious now so I better breath in and start accepting it. I even believe the last video is a VERY obvious farewell. Plus, it's always either the band together or shots of Max alone in that one, so yeah :(

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Glad to know Im not the only one :disappointed:


Its very true. Personally, I think its crucial whenever a band changes a member(s) because it also influences in their lyrics, what they write about and even if they dont want to, their sound as well. No two human beings are the same, regardless if they try so yeah.


Max, yeah, Im sad about that one. I sympathized with him a lot, he had this mysterious air that added a little something to the band. Yeah I think its time now to accept it now, no matter how hard it may sound. Most signs point towards him out...and yes Im sure he has his reasons :sick:


Andy! :( Its so true!!! The vid, the shots of them together and then him alone!

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Even if they didn't do it intentionally, it gives that impression doesn't it? I'm sure it's intentional now considering the situatuions :\


There's something about Pete that I don't like... I know, I know, it's the hair! Honestly, you have to have Max's hair to carry all that coolness in one being :laugh3: Awww well, if rumours on the forum are true, he might be starting his own little project so thumbsup for that one! And I really hope this matter is cleared out eventually (and soon), cause I would hate it if people are saying he's in rehab or whatever if he actually isn't! :angry:



Oh and music, I really hope crossedfingers and all that they don't change radically! Now that would be tragic :sick: I'm totally up for evolution of their sound but hey, nothing too crazy please? :laugh3: Judging from those new songs, it looks like their sticking to the acoustic art which they master :smug2:

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Im crossing my fingers(and toes:laugh4:) so their sound doesnt change drastically, just a bit because change is good. :smug:



I hope as well it all clears out soon, like an official statement or something so we can know for sure what's up with him(Im sure that's not too much to ask :sick:). The rehab situation sounds dreadful and I'd like to believe it more that he is doing some side projects.

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Well yeah, when he dropped out the first tour rumour said he was tour-exhausted (first tour and you're exhausted already? LIGHTWEIGHT! :laugh3:), then second time he didn't make it to the gigs it was suggested his mum was ill, but then this rehab option appeared and it didn't sound TOO unlikely as no one was saying anything about him. But yeah, I'm sure once this tour is finished and they start recording (*double crosses fingers*), they'll say something about the matter. They are used to be pretty good keeping up with the diary, so I'm confident on this one as well.

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It all sounds very interesting to me actually. Hmmm, first tour exhaution?!? :stunned: He does sound like a LIGHTWEIGHT(Im sorry Max!:kiss:) and second his mum was ill? Sounds tender and all, but mmm.

I demand an explanation!:uhoh:


I mean, yes, I believe the diary...but doesnt it all seem very suspicious? Im really lost.

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I KNOW! First tour exhaustion doesn't make sense at all, it just doesn't. Ironically, the last post (on the bugle! :laugh4: sorry, had to say it) on the diary is by Max, when they were in Spain. I think he didn't tour after that, he certainly wasn't giging in the last festivals.


I'm feeling like a detective already! :wacko: (I know, serious matter!)

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If you arent Andy(or a Libs fan)... yeah you know the rest!



I suggest play it more, until your car loves it!(Just pretend that wasnt a completely scary comment:laugh4:)


I just realized that I havent heard it in so long , that EP and the Kooks acoustic album have taken over *panicks*

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