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The SEX thread

Sweet One

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That's called mother nature my friend, and it should be noticed to appreciate the beauty behind the connection of what actually causes the air to get trapped; it is a connection, remember that.


I will remember that the next time i'm in the throes of passion with my lady and our 'connection air' decides to release itself just to heighten the beauty of our love-making.


Hmmm what are your views on sharing your love during your special lady-time of the month? I've found it's a very divisive issue!

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I will remember that the next time i'm in the throes of passion with my lady and our 'connection air' decides to release itself just to heighten the beauty of our love-making.


Hmmm what are your views on sharing your love during your special lady-time of the month? I've found it's a very divisive issue!

Hm I'm not sure if I'd call that a divisive issue, usually there's a perfect timing between the few days of each month for each encounter. I wonder how much pressure, volume, and temperature the gas contains at the moment of the encounter; I also wonder if it's pure oxygen or a combination of various gases that are released.


Are you a fan of bukkakes too?


I think it's quite gross, personally. I would never do it. It just doesn't sound that appealing.

Do what?

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In fact, me and some friends were having a conversation about having sex while on your period. And everyone said ot was gross.. especially the guys, and I totally agreed. Then my friend whispers into my ear that she does it and they just lay a towel down beneath her.


And I'm just thinking, ugghhghghhghg.

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Ugh, exactly. :sick:

:laugh4: I can barely stand having to put up with it myself, the whole cleaning and stuff of oneself to have someone else all up in that shit. Bleeeeeeh, especially your partner.

I guess nothing says, "I love you, babe" like your bf/gf covered in your vagina blood!! :wacky:

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Yeah, ugh. I wish I could eliminate my period in ways other than getting pregnant. :(


My boyfriends okay with my hairy legs (cause sometimes you're just too lazy to shave), but I think a bloody vagina is where he'd cross the line.


As would I.

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haha ew :disappointed: a girl in my old class likes having sex when she has her period :uhoh: and she really liked talking about sex which could be kindof gross to listen to. She'd be all "Ooooh I'm so horny, I havent had sex in AGES. Gimme a cock! Once I had sex in a bush at a party :awesome: lolollol" :thinking: and she told us that she gets even more horny during her periods. Ew ew ew ewew :disappointed: sex and blood dont go well together :bomb:

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haha ew :disappointed: a girl in my old class likes having sex when she has her period :uhoh: and she really liked talking about sex which could be kindof gross to listen to. She'd be all "Ooooh I'm so horny, I havent had sex in AGES. Gimme a cock! Once I had sex in a bush at a party :awesome: lolollol" :thinking: and she told us that she gets even more horny during her periods. Ew ew ew ewew :disappointed: sex and blood dont go well together :bomb:

Oh please, that's nowhere compared to what I have seen in some places.


There are several bars and bartenders that I know of that somehow manage to get some sort of pill to put into the drinks of the female customers, this supposed pill is actually given to cows to put them in an intense libido state, and the same reaction happens in the human female body. Once the pill kicks in, there's no way back. It's usually the bartender or someone who paid the bartender to do it on his/her behalf who gets to fuck the girl, pretty much against her will because of the intense horniness from the reaction of the pill.


Quite disturbing if you think about it.

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In fact, me and some friends were having a conversation about having sex while on your period. And everyone said ot was gross.. especially the guys, and I totally agreed. Then my friend whispers into my ear that she does it and they just lay a towel down beneath her.


And I'm just thinking, ugghhghghhghg.


Why couldn't god come up with a better plan? I'm a man and I'm even pissed off.


That is disgusting by the way.

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I went out with a girl who liked doing it whilst on her period, I didn't mind, as long as you don't look down or think about it then it's pretty much the same as any other time, out of sight, out of mind!


Isn't the whole slipping of drinks into someones drink really fucked up!?!? Who would do that!?!? I apologise on behalf of my race. :(


I have a car and have slept with my missus in it, it can be uncomfortable...and risky...and we were nearly caught once but something you should try at least once in your lifetime, just for the novelty!

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