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Add all the best and funniest quotes by Coldplay!


Here's mine:

"It's a funny day when you realize that Jennifer Lopez is just as ugly as you in the morning... well, maybe not as ugly as me, but you know what I mean."


(Chris, of course)

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i got a few good ones all from chris


"I always feel guilty that someone has to come and clean my room, so I always try to give it a brief tidy first. I leave a tip and a nice note. I'm not lying, ask anyone that's slept with me."


"We've got lots of ideas...not sure how good they are, though. We play two new songs live, one's called "Why does it always snow on him" and one's "Deadwood"...the titles just popped into our heads."


"Eminem is amazing ... brilliant. I knew him when he was first starting out. He used to say to me, 'D'ya think I'll make it, Chris?' I used to say, 'Yeah, you'll make it, Em.' But he was always forgetting his name, he'd always have to remind himself by asking, 'My name is...?' 'My name is....?' The poor fella."

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a couple more


"Mellow, that's our next single, a bit like Yellow only slower."


"1823--we've been a band for 116 years, that's why some people say we're richer."


"That's the only reason why we stay on tour. I like nothing more after a hard day's work than to do loads of cocaine, meet some local whores and then talk about how great Radiohead are, and how we should be more like them.''

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"That's the only reason why we stay on tour. I like nothing more after a hard day's work than to do loads of cocaine, meet some local whores and then talk about how great Radiohead are, and how we should be more like them.''


this one is soooooooooooo funny, and the eminem one, lol.

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Here's some more:


Jonny: "If I could do solos I'd probably be tempted, but I can't. I can't play that quickly. I've been playing for about 12, 13 years. You'd think I'd be able to do it by now."


Jonny: Jazz...


Chris: "Well, people might not know that Will… Will's a good swimmer. Put that in. This is the sort of thing people want to know. We're all good swimmers actually." There's a long pause and he sighs. "If we all went down in a plane crash," he muses, "then we might be interesting. I wonder what people might say about us?" What do you think they would say? He thinks for a second. "'I thought they said they were good swimmers!'"


Will: "I'm not really the famous one. I just sit in the back and hit things"

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lol yer when hes talking 2 the camara and holding the cd saying all the stuff like they have 2 make it.

Chris looks like a burk lol and jonny looks druged up when he does the jazz bit on the phone


chris~"we got a police escort from the hotel to the venue.Everybodys here.I`v just met brian wilson.Does life get any better.



luv kirsten




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