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The Official Exam Thread


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We don't have ours until after the winter break, which is annoying. This year they're at the end of January, I think... I'd really rather take them before Christmas though, that way I'd get my studying out of the way.


Whoa, that suxs! :o


Why your school or college has such system?

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Well, I got my video project out of the way at the end of last week. Twas a music video I made to Prospekt's March (cut off Poppyfields at the end to keep things brief). :nice:


Actual exam stuff starts tomorrow and ends Thursday. My ones on Mon. and Wed. look brutal, though my Thu. one is essentially 50 blatantly obvious multiple choice questions, half of which are true/false. Almost insulting (the big project was due last week), but I'll be done after it.

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I have my Shakespeare exam tomorrow, and I'm really nervous. That's why I can't sleep now. :uhoh: I just want it to be over with. Two more days and I can shut my brain off for 5 weeks! :P


Hi Sarah! good luck with your shakespeare exam :D

yours is better than mine, i have pathology and periodontology exams!!!

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Hi Sarah! good luck with your shakespeare exam :D

yours is better than mine, i have pathology and periodontology exams!!!


Thanks! :kiss:

Good luck with yours as well-- that doesn't sound like too much fun!:uhoh:

Is the semester/term almost over for you? That's the light at the end of the tunnel for me!

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Thanks! :kiss:

Good luck with yours as well-- that doesn't sound like too much fun!:uhoh:

Is the semester/term almost over for you? That's the light at the end of the tunnel for me!


Nope, semester just started... well it started this november, ending on march of next year... so i just entered my tunnel and the light is pinpoint in sight! :laugh3:

yeap i doesn't sound too much fun, unlike yours :(

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Yeah, my exams last a week and it's no fun :( I had Latin on Friday and History today, then I have English and theater tomorrow, Chemistry on Thursday, and Calculus on Friday :bigcry:


That's why I've been here so much today, I've been putting off my studying :P

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