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Oh... wow.


You have a perfect figure. :shocked2:


This has inspired me. I've got to hit the gym again and present you ladies with my impressive beach bod. :wink2:


Ah Jay, thanks.:blush:


Yes, let's see your bod:sneaky: You're cute I know that much but what's under the cute dress shirt and tie?:thinking:

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hoe mean was that!? :P


wait til I tell my african-american friend Turk

he'll kick your ass! :P




Well, screw Turk, I have my own SUPERHERO CHOCOLATE BEAR that'd so kick Turk's ass. Plus he has a girlfriend called...Zarla...who is even bitchier. :P










@ Melanie - Wow, you were true to your word! Chris is soooooo gonna notice you when you go to their concerts, especially if you go in a bikini hahaha


Jay may have to hit a gym to get ripped, but I already am lol - all those years of back-breaking work helping the less fortunate etc etc - I'm a regular super-man

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mel you are freaking HOTTTTTTTTTTT


C'mere.... :wink3:



Screw the foursome....well, not literally....its all you, JD;)



Thanks for the kind words JD (and Jamie too)


And now...for those of you not fast enough....too bad:P



its gone:vanish:

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Screw the foursome....well, not literally....its all you, JD;)



Thanks for the kind words JD (and Jamie too)


And now...for those of you not fast enough....too bad:P



its gone:vanish:


You remembered my name! *Tears well up in eyes*


Mwahaha, JD my man, were we lucky!!


I believe this calls for an air high five: on my mark...


1............2...............3.......................4.................HIGH 5!!


*Clicks fingers*


Now that's ol school.



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Did I miss the pic? :bigcry:


It. Was. Freaking. AWESOME.


Ouch dude. Clearly its God pissing all over you for posting away after we had that little "talk" - mwahahaha, I'm well connected. :smug:

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You probably saved it, yeah? :wink3:


Unfortunately no, for two reasons:


1) I didn't think Melanie would take it down lol




2) It was on first come, first serve basis - and you weren't first. So I say: :P



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Ah well... I'm sure it'll be back someday. And it will be a pervier one! And then you won't be around!


Don't come knocking at my door begging for the pic!




Yes. Quite. Maybe use it as your avatar?:wink3:

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Only if you pm me the bikini shot! I know you did save it! :lol:


I honest to God didn't. I feel like a damn fool!


Ask JD or Briggins though...they're pervs to the hilt plus JD and Mel have..."history" :lol:

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I bet you're looking at it right now, you perv :lol:


Nope, I'm actually reading the Kama Sutra though...whoah the illustrations in this thing! Who knew a chick's body could bend like that? My girlfriends have been most reluctant to expand their horizons!


I'll put scans up soon, promise! :P

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GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! melanie!!!!!!!! that's so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't see it!!!!!!!!!!



I'll be posting my bikini shot in a few I think ....it's terrible don't even bother people :smug:


PM me and Stefan - we're loyal and honest people (well, me anyway:P)

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