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The Perv Unit


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Aleja, that's so sad. When I was dreaming, we were on a bus at first. I think it was this white woman, me and Chris. We got off, I go online to Coldplaying and tell everyone about the rivalry against Maroon 5 (even though I kind of like them). When Chris gets off the bus, it's dark outside. I get off as well. It's a labyrinth like place, it had one spiral staircase going upward though it was very very long and big. Music was playing out of random though I was pretty sure it wasn't Coldplay's or Maroon 5's. This thing, monster I guess, comes out of no where. (And mind you, I did watch Hell Boy last night and I remembered that monster creature thing in it). It turned into a lion, then a snake. Chris starts running up the staircase away from it. He's looking terrified as it chased him. I knew in my dream what the snake was after, the hidden tracks. Chris tried running faster but his leg was hurt of course from his injury. The snake rushes and leaps somehow and bites his torso. Chris is pleading for help but I stand and do nothing and neither does the white woman. I'm looking shocked and in my head, I'm thinking, "this is a dream, wake up Indya. just wake up" then I see the sun shinning through my window and I'm staring out my bedroom door. I lay there, angry because I didn't do anything.




What you say makes me wonder why we both dreamed similar dreams. We both couldn't stop the inevitable. I don't know, but that freaks me a little bit. And, though many don't believe it, I wonder if that says anything about what could lye ahead for him. :\ Really makes me wonder.... I hope he stays safe.

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what would jonny do if something happened to chris? :stunned:


*sigh* good question...



Ummmmmmmmmmm....... no, no, it'd just be total world devastation. There's nothing anyone can do.... man, honestly, if he died. if Chris Martin really died.... :shame:

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Ummmmmmmmmmm....... no' date=' no, it'd just be total world devastation. There's nothing anyone can do.... man, honestly, if he died. if Chris Martin really died....:shame:[/quote']

yea that's about it lol



and also the perv unit would vanish I think :stunned:

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i'm a ghost....





hm... you know, if chris died, he wouldn't really DIE. it's like he said, "those who are dead are not dead, they're just living in my head"




BUT if Chris is dead (touch wood, never gonna happen) then those who were living within his formerly alive mind will too perish since they would now have nowhere to cohabit. Am I right?

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