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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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You guys from New York?? WOOT WOOT! :)


when you count down the minutes until Jonny's birthday.

Yeppers. So excited!:dance:

same for me except english test!


Oh crap, I forgot about that!





When you're so obsessed with the fact that Jonny's birthday is tomorrow that you forget you have an English test to study for.

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1.when last night you hope to god Jonny has a great birthday:wacky:

2.the first thing y=I did when I woke up"omg happy birthday jonnyboy!!!!'

3.I woke up at 5:30 and the first thing I did was check out coldplay.com:D:D

4.(convo with my dad)'say happy birthday jonny,dad!!!

'whos that?your little freckled scot(:Preferring to andy murray♥)'

nooo guitarist of coldplay father!!

'says with mocking voice' okay happy birthday to the little boy

:dozey:hes not little:P:heart::wacky:

5.I was looking thourgh my french teachers' french magazine looking foor something coldplay and on page 80 it says 20h30 greatest clips of coldplay:wacky:on virgin radio!!!and I pass it around the table pointing to the coldplay pic:D:D

6.when you get your friends so say happy birthday jonny even though they dont know who he is...:dozey:

7.when you see Ginn on the back of a jersey and on a poster it said matt and you freak out and say 'matt mcginn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'♥


okay thats it sorry if it was long:P

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Im sure this has been said before, but when you borrow someones MP3 and the're like "oh, listen to this song" and the n you say "oh, wait I just have to check something" *Checking if the person has Coldplay there*


:dance: Nice! Where at? You have a major picked out? :nice:


yeah i do that all the time on ppl's ipods. and novah i'm going to UCSB- Santa Barbara! and i want to major in biology!

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