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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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When you really wish you teachers would stop saying things like "Don't Panic" so you could stop smiling like a crazy person for the whole class.


When you, Karen, and Emily have a discussion about Guy's erm.....umm.....


perv alert!


5th apendage:wink3:



at lunch today.

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When you really wish you teachers would stop saying things like "Don't Panic" so you could stop smiling like a crazy person for the whole class.


When you, Karen, and Emily have a discussion about Guy's erm.....umm.....


perv alert!


5th apendage:wink3:



at lunch today.


:wink3:my kind of conversation:wink3::lol:

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o don't forget we also discussed



showering with Guy



ahhh i'd love to have a cafeteria full of coldplayers for my lunch period! it'd be great fun!


:stunned::stunned::stunned::whip:you should've told me about that!!!!!!!!!!!

:wink3 : :wink3: :wink3: :wink3: :wink3: :wink3:

I will gladly discuss that with you guys:wink3::wink3::wink3:


Im not kidding:dozey:

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