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"42" Comparisons


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I was just reading a wikipedia article about Radiohead's "OK Computer", and something caught my attention. It compares the song "Paranoid Android" to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" because "of its three-part musical structure".


Three part musical structure? That sounds eerily like how "42" has been described countless times by critics and Coldplay themselves.


So will "42" be similar to "Paranoid Android" or "Bohemian Rhapsody" in any ways? (Probably not lyrically or with "Rhapsody's" weird vocals)


Here's the article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ok_Computer#Lyrical_style


Also just a random note:

Does anyone else think the vocal ending to "Viva La Vida" sounds kind of like the strange vocals in "Exit Music (For A Film)"? All these Radiohead comparisons...

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You have hit the bulls-eye on the exact comparison I have been thinking of lately. ("42"/"Paranoid Android")

Even the individual sections seem to match up. There's a sad, emotional section (first section), "chorus" or soaring midsection ("rain down from a great height") and the "indescribably weird" section (ending with electric guitar). "42" supposedly has each of these.


I'm looking forward to this song a lot.

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yea a lot of people have caught the paranoid/42 comparison. but i think the despcription of 42 sounds a lot darker and a ton different.


i hope 42 meets all of its hype. its CRAZY how much hype its getting. like NEVER have i heard of a song which has gotten this much hype when no one has even heard a SOUND CLIP or anything close... haha idk its crazy but it makes me so excited to think about it.

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Don't forget that both "paranoid android" and "42" are from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". :dozey: (As is "Don't Panic")


Actually, the three part song I keep hearing mentions of the most is the Beatles "Happiness is a Warm Gun". Pop songs just seem to work better with threes. If you're using a verse-chorus-verse structure, it always seems more complete if there are at least 3 verses.


If your going for the multi song-chunk approach instead, having two sections always makes something feel lopsided, while four can seem too complicated. Three is usually perfect. Which is why I will personally swat the first person who uses this as an excuse to whine. :whip:


I like songs like that. Looking forward to it. :)

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Don't get the good people over at At Ease started, Nick!!:lol:


I hope there are similarities...not that they sound the same, but that 42 is as musically diverse as Paranoid Android. Coldplay have come a long way musically and stylistically, but that's still a high standard to live up to.:)

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i think that you shouldn't be so anxious about 42. Maybe, in the end is just another song with nothing really amazing. i don't wanna be the bad guy, but that could happen and some will be really dissapointed..

just my thoughts.. please don't kill me:embarassed:

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Queen, RH, Coldplay... it's all good baby! All musical geniuses! I love it already! :)


Edited: Beatles, The Who, Led Zep... more musical geniuses! Don't forget P Floyd!


And maybe this album will align with a certain movie too?

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it's not like Queen and Radiohead are the only bands to have done this kind of thing. The Beatles had 'A Day in the Life'...Led Zeppelin had 'Stairway to Heaven'...the Who had 'A Quick One While He's Away'....the list goes on! Just because Coldplay is exploring that same 'three act structure' with 42 doesn't mean they're simply copying Paranoid Android. Radiohead has their influences too.


In the same way that each of these songs is unique from the other, I don't think we should expect '42' to be like any of those songs. Coldplay has always had its own sound, and I'm excited to see what '42' sounds like.

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I personally think I will LOVE 42, it seems great. I just happened to notice that wikipedia comparison and it made me think. Im not trying to get anyone riled up or cause any fights, I just think its interesting that Coldplay:


-Are POSSIBLY releasing a b-side album from VLV scraps (Kid A- Amnesiac anyone?)

- POSSIBLY will have a long 3- part song MAYBE similar to paranoid Android

-Put a vocal track at the end of VLV that I THINK sounds A LITTLE like parts of Exit Music (For a Film)

-Released a song for free download from their website for a certain amount of time, 4 and a half months after Radiohead did.


Im not saying theyre copying them, and even if they are, its a great band to copy. I just think they think a lot alike Radiohead and I think its interesting the way all of this is developing.



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Three part songs have been around since before Homer's time, let's try not to give Radiohead more credit than they deserve.


This reminds me of how they teach school children that everything - from fireworks to paper to seismographs - was invented first in China. Ironic that China hasn't had an original thought in the last couple thousand years. Radiohead = China.


*straps meat to legs, releases dogs*

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Three part songs have been around since before Homer's time, let's try not to give Radiohead more credit than they deserve.


This reminds me of how they teach school children that everything - from fireworks to paper to seismographs - was invented first in China. Ironic that China hasn't had an original thought in the last couple thousand years. Radiohead = China.


*straps meat to legs, releases dogs*


hahaha exactly! I didn't mean to come off as so aggressive, but that's really all I'm saying. In my personal opinion, Coldplay are about as similar to Radiohead as Radiohead is to the Talking Heads (the band from which they got their name). I guess the constant Radiohead comparisons get on my nerves....I love them to death, but I've never seen the similarities other than the Britishness.


However, with that said, I kind of see what everyone is saying with the whole 'Kid A/Amnesiac' thing, but once again....as Saffire said...don't give Radiohead more credit than they deserve. They're not the first ones to do it.

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i dont know, my expectations for all of the songs in this album were very high!. but after hearing the couple songs everyone's heard already, it's just not the direction i thought they were taking. When i thought of 42, i id think something radiohead-like.. but judging on the sound of all the new songs i've heard so far, it prob wont b anything like that :S radiohead is and has been in a complete other level than coldplay, if they say experimental, they really go experimental.. not like what ive heard of viva, experimental meant, very pop and a one man band sound-like, except for violet hill.. i mean i still like it, but it really is something completely off to what i had in mind after reading such things like "album to be rememberd by" "experimentalism"..

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ahh people are getting hyped with 42 so am i..i just don't want to see threads on here that are like "man i thought it was going to be better..man it sucked..man coldplay never grew up" or any negative ones even though there are gonna be some and thats going to be annoying!!!

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i dont know, my expectations for all of the songs in this album were very high!. but after hearing the couple songs everyone's heard already, it's just not the direction i thought they were taking. When i thought of 42, i id think something radiohead-like.. but judging on the sound of all the new songs i've heard so far, it prob wont b anything like that :S radiohead is and has been in a complete other level than coldplay, if they say experimental, they really go experimental.. not like what ive heard of viva, experimental meant, very pop and a one man band sound-like, except for violet hill.. i mean i still like it, but it really is something completely off to what i had in mind after reading such things like "album to be rememberd by" "experimentalism"..


oo please don't refer to it as a one man band :( ..its coldplay=guy,jonny,will,chris

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oo please don't refer to it as a one man band :( ..its coldplay=guy,jonny,will,chris


well, i wish I didnt had that impression from the new album so far, really. but listening to viva la vida, a spell.. and lost (the full version from the interview), it seems that the 2 things that really stand out are eno and chris.. I miss will's real drums, I miss guy's incredible melodic bass lines, and I seriously intensely miss jonny's guitar melodies and power.. in my opinion they really stepped away from sounding like a band so far, which is what i dont get when they talk about just the 4 of them in their bakery and stuff..

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ahh people are getting hyped with 42 so am i..i just don't want to see threads on here that are like "man i thought it was going to be better..man it sucked..man coldplay never grew up" or any negative ones even though there are gonna be some and thats going to be annoying!!!


I couldn't agree more with you.:)

and.. FedEx.. you have right now 42 posts!!:laugh3:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Morning Bell. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it in this thread... but yeah the middle section is lifted straight off of Morning Bell from Kid A.


I'm not sure what the hype was about this song though... it's alright.

I'm really feeling Strawberry Swing and Cemeteries.


I actually deleted Lost! and Violet Hill. I"m sure they recorded better tracks that would've fit in better than those... famous old painters maybe? we'll see.

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Morning Bell. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it in this thread... but yeah the middle section is lifted straight off of Morning Bell from Kid A.


Hmm. That hasn't occurred to me, and Morning Bell is one of my favorite songs off Kid A (and Amnesiac.) The drums are similarly stuttered, but that's about as far as I can go with any substantial similarity.

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I see no resemblance between radiohead and coldplay. Only with the parachutes album but like a lot of people here love radiohead they want to find in coldplay another radiohead. If you have not heard the song then you can't say this is a copy of paranoid android just because it has 3 parts. Besides the sound between both songs is quite different.

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Morning Bell. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it in this thread... but yeah the middle section is lifted straight off of Morning Bell from Kid A.


I'm not sure what the hype was about this song though... it's alright.

I'm really feeling Strawberry Swing and Cemeteries.


I actually deleted Lost! and Violet Hill. I"m sure they recorded better tracks that would've fit in better than those... famous old painters maybe? we'll see.


Hmm.. never occured to me it was Morning Bell


I thought that Part 2 of 42 sounded more like GO TO SLEEP at 2:05 and onwards (the guitar riffs).


As for Chris's singing "you didn't get to heaven but you made it close" Pt.3, he sounds a bit like Thom in CUTTOOTH (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9_ngO76bso) in particular the part where he sings "a little bit of knowledge will destroy you"


not sure if i'm being absurd for saying that but yeah.

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