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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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September 6, 2011 - submitted by Laurens, Belgium


Q. Hey Oracle,


I saw the clip Walk from Foo Fighters and the bumper sticker from Coldplay and Dave Grohl's giant sigh! Thought it was funny. What do you think about it? Are the Foo Fighters not a big fan of Coldplay?





The Oracle replies:


It IS funny. They are fans and friends so it was done in jest. I see it as a nod* to the band if anything.





Give the nod to. Informal. To express approval of; agree to: The board gave the nod to the new proposal.

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September 6, 2011 - submitted by William, United States of America


Q. When does the Bowers & Wilkins comp to meet the band and listen to the album close?



The Oracle replies:


It closes "on or around the 8th September" with the winners being notified "within one business day" of that draw according to their facebook rules.

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Another wasted day of obvious answers by The Oracle.


Do you come to this thread just to leave negative comments? Seems like you do (most of the time) Maybe not everyone knows EVERYThing about Coldplay? or Maybe not everyone are "Coldplayers" and they just want to join in the fun. Its the Oracle's right to choose whatever or whomever she wishes to answer..

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Not always. I just don't like that the Oracle answers questions that can be easily answered with a little tool called Google.com


I think the whole concept was created for her to reveal things we actually don't know and she has exclusively access to.


Who bloody cares? If the Oracle wants to answer their questions so be it, but don't come here just to leave negative comments about what the Oracle should and shouldn't do. Basically what i think is that you just want the Oracle to answer questions that you'd approve of.

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Do you come to this thread just to leave negative comments? Seems like you do (most of the time) Maybe not everyone knows EVERYThing about Coldplay? or Maybe not everyone are "Coldplayers" and they just want to join in the fun. Its the Oracle's right to choose whatever or whomever she wishes to answer..


Hm, I can see your point but I support The_escapist here. Definitely its the oracles right to choose the questions but I don't see actually the point why they created the oracle if she answers questions which can be easily solved with the help of google.


For me it would be interesting if she reveals really interesting and unknown things - especially 6 days before Paradise and the new album which follows.

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Hm, I can see your point but I support The_escapist here. Definitely its the oracles right to choose the questions but I don't see actually the point why they created the oracle if she answers questions which can be easily solved with the help of google.


For me it would be interesting if she reveals really interesting and unknown things - especially 6 days before Paradise and the new album which follows.


And why would you think that? Isn't it obvious that she wouldn't answer questions regarding the new album until it's actually out there? I'm sure most of you have asked her questions regarding this and it's obvious that she wouldn't pick those questions so she's diverting it by answering other silly questions that - yes you can google. So basically in the mean time we're left to just wait...


edit: Right, i'm sorry if i sounded angry but i'm really not. I just noticed a pattern in this thread where people are ganging up on the Oracle just because (a) they don't get their questions answered (b) when they do get answered it's never good enough and i seem to remember that people have called her a liar just because they think they know better © she's not going to reveal anything about the new album

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My 2 cents:


I am very thankful that the Oracle exists. She can answer whatever questions she wants, and I'm happy with that. Not all bands do little things like this for their fans.


I agree. Come on guys, don't get mad just because I stated my point of view.


I am thankful that the Oracle exists.


And obviously I don't expect her to reveal stuff about the new album when there is no official news yet. But she could reveal things from the past eras which cannot be find in GOOGLE.

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My 2 cents:


I am very thankful that the Oracle exists. She can answer whatever questions she wants, and I'm happy with that. Not all bands do little things like this for their fans.


Exactly! I'm very happy that she's around to answer the fans questions no matter how silly it is but she does it anyway. Especially during those long breaks where we have to wait for an album to come out so in a way she's there to connect us with Coldplay and letting us know that they still think about their fans. :)

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I asked her if any of the band likes to go grocery shopping.... Still waiting on that one:lol::P


:laugh3: hehehe i bet Guy does! I seem to remember there was a photo awhile back from a fan who posted it here where he went grocery shopping, you can do a search here "Mr Berryman shopping" hehe

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And why would you think that? Isn't it obvious that she wouldn't answer questions regarding the new album until it's actually out there? I'm sure most of you have asked her questions regarding this and it's obvious that she wouldn't pick those questions so she's diverting it by answering other silly questions that - yes you can google. So basically in the mean time we're left to just wait...


edit: Right, i'm sorry if i sounded angry but i'm really not. I just noticed a pattern in this thread where people are ganging up on the Oracle just because (a) they don't get their questions answered (b) when they do get answered it's never good enough and i seem to remember that people have called her a liar just because they think they know better © she's not going to reveal anything about the new album


Don't get me wrong. I am very happy that the Oracle exist - a nice service for us fans and I really enjoyed several answers because they were interesting and completely new.


But sometimes, especially to actual changes and developments its hard to understand why she picked this or that question. I strongly believe that there are more interesting ones which she can answer without giving away too much information.


Its clear that she won't reveal the official tracklist and snippets of the new songs...

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September 7, 2011 - submitted by Tom, United Kingdom


Q. Is DLIBYH an acronym, or is that the actual song title?


Thanks very much





The Oracle replies:


How exactly would you be pronouncing that then Tom? It's an acronym just as other titles to songs on the album have appeared: UATW, CB, ETIAW, MM, MTM, HLH, UATW and POC.

The most asked question over the past 24 hours has been 'what does DLIBYH mean?'

You know I can't reveal that but there's only been one guess cropping up.

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September 7, 2011 - submitted by Michael, United States of America


Q. When you are in Atlanta in a few weeks... think you can play Fix You? I just can't think of anything funny right now (obviously cause I'm sad and want to hear Fix You).



The Oracle replies:


I'm sure they'll play Fix You at ACL so don't worry but in the meantime,

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September 7, 2011 - submitted by Ilana, Canada


Q. ORACLE! Will Coldplay be playing a secret/ small venue show while in Toronto performing at Much Music. If so - how can I get tickets?! I'm a huge fan, travelled the world to see them and wouldn't want to miss them in my home town. thanks! xo



The Oracle replies:


No, they won't be in Canada long enough to do anything other than Much Music on this occasion Ilna.

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September 8, 2011 - submitted by Tama, Israel


Q. I've read Coldplay's last tweets, and saw that some of them end with A. What/who is A?? Am I missing something?



The Oracle replies:


Yeah you are missing my explanation of what each initial stands for a while back: A is Anchorman. Head over there now to read Chris' tweet from earlier.

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September 8, 2011 - submitted by Alex, United States of America


Q. First off, hope everything's going great for you Oracle!

I have a question. I know it is very, very, VERY early to even remotely think about this question, considering Mylo Xyloto is still months from release, but I was wondering if you knew if there might be a good chance for another EP after MX's release because as we all know Coldplay has a stash of material in stock relevant to this era that might just not fit with MX. It just occurred to me and I was just wondering if they might have already talked about it or tossed the idea around; I just want as many great new songs as possible! Thank you very much for your time! :)



The Oracle replies:


Wow Alex, you sent this to me on the 2nd of September and consider October 24th to be months away? I reckon you may be a time traveller or something. In 6 weeks time we will almost have the 5th album in our clutches. I for one cannot wait!

I haven't heard of any EP to follow it but as you say, it's early days. Prospekt's March is the only time the band have released an EP after an album but it's not something I would regard as a blueprint for the future.

There are many tracks that are discarded throughout the writing process and not all ended up on any impending recordings.

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September 8, 2011 - submitted by Lorena, Spain


Q. Dearest Oracle,

Today I was watching, as usual, MX and Hurts Like Heaven live at Rock am Ring festival and I saw "stole a key took" written on the front of Chris' piano. Is that part of Charlie Brown's lyrics?

Thanks for everything!



The Oracle replies:


There are lots of lyrics written on the piano and some of the guitars so yeah, those words are from Charlie Brown.

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