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Postcards From Far Away project | Previous pre-delivery discussion (thread closed)


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you know what would make this even cooler?

if we all found a postcard in the shape of a butterfly. so they'd get hundreds of different butterflies and it makes it so much more obvious that we're a group.

however, we could come up with something corny such as,"if you release a butterfly, it will always fly back to you" or something along those lines. :laugh3:

just a thought.

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you know what would make this even cooler?

if we all found a postcard in the shape of a butterfly. so they'd get hundreds of different butterflies and it makes it so much more obvious that we're a group.

however, we could come up with something corny such as,"if you release a butterfly, it will always fly back to you" or something along those lines. :laugh3:

just a thought.


awwwww..... that is such a nice idea!!!!!! :nice:




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^ hehehe. yeah, i think that would add a bit of an emotional part. :smiley:

i know that butterfly shaped postcards are available (i envy you americans because you've got such a wider variety when it comes to greeting cards in general!), so that would be quite an idea.

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Erm... How would all of us from different countries coordinate to send the same exact butterfly cards? And wouldn't those be greeting cards and not postcards?


Not to play semantics or anything, just saying...


EDIT: Never mind, you guys said postcards. My bad! But I still think that would kinda take away from the whole "far away" part of the project...

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yeah, actually the whole thing is for the postcards NOT to be the same......


i think is kinda important for them to be somehow personalized....


& i agree on the greeting card thingy...... :thinking:

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^ nah, of course we'd all send different butterfly postcards. i think that would be much prettier than sending the same butterfly postcard.

and i'm talking about postcards that have the shape of a butterfly. so ... i mean actual postcards.

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I think that the differences between the postcards are really important... and also show them some of your city or country... because of the "from far away" part :D


Daniel, you banner it's really lovely :D

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yeah, we should stick to that theme.

i just wonder how i'm gonna do it. i'm probably gonna buy a postcard that shows my hometown, but i'll additionally glue some coldplay related pics on it. :nice:

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I want to print my own one.. with city pictures and some lyrics... I made a little research and I found a few places where to print it here :D


I'll see if I can make it that way and if it doesn't work I'll buy some postcards

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Instead if just writing were we are from we can maybe draw or put like the flag or something!!


Make sense??


i think it was you who mentioned that earlier, right???


well.... someone did and i thought it was a really good idea, so i addded it to this template.......




i doubt it'll end up looking like that, but i still think the flag-thingy was a pretty good idea!!!!

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i think it was you who mentioned that earlier, right???


well.... someone did and i thought it was a really good idea, so i addded it to this template.......




i doubt it'll end up looking like that, but i still think the flag-thingy was a pretty good idea!!!!


that looks really good!!!!


Ur good!!!:D

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37 pages in like 24 hours... :O


This should win awards... for best method of procrastination :P


As I live in DC, I think I have an infinite number of tourist postcards to choose from. We have such incredibly cheesy postcards here, I want to take advantage of that :D


... Giant postcard in the shape of Bush's head, anyone? :sneaky:

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