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They really got it right. LIKE BULL's EYE.



I can hear Will telling Chris..... " no no let's wait to put it on the EP. The fans won't know what hit them!" And Chris is bouncing around the room pleading " ahhh come on!!!!!"


When played live, LIT1 is epic. now with the lyrics, I'm sure it would become my favorite live track ever.....and that's crazy!

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Gotta play Devil's Advocate I'm afraid. LITii would have been better with the airy Eno esque embience at the start ala LIT.


Plus, Chris Martins lyrics for the most part are just words that rhyme, so I appreciated LIT cos' musically it was genius.

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Guest Hyperfried

Absolutely marvelous recording... Really loving the energy, and, well, everything about it.


The only thing I wish is that it had begun similar to LiT 1 with the Light Through the Veins sample, then transitioned into the beginning of LiT 2 that LiT 1 shares, and then come in with the lyrics. Maybe an extra 30 seconds of intro, to me, would've made this perfect.

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Are you guys serious? this new one is horrible compared to the original, it's so much more powerful as an instrumental. and the lyrics are blah. plus, seriously, there can only be so many versions of this song. LiT, The Escapist, LiT II, and the chorus reprise in Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground. Oh, and I suppose one could sort of count "Light Through the Veins" as well. god.

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