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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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She’d told me she had skin cancer, and I felt like my life was going to collapse around me. After Charlie had finally left, since I shoved him out the door, we talked. We talked until the sun came up. She told me that she was in the third stage. Apparently, that’s the last stage. When she talked to her doctor, he said that the baby should be just fine. I really didn’t care about the baby at the moment, or her, or myself. I was in I sort of a coma, I guess. I heard what Diane was saying, but I didn’t reply, I didn’t react, I didn’t do anything. I just sat there, in complete shock.

She had cancer.

Her golden locks that I loved so dearly was actually a permanent wig she’d had placed a couple years ago. She took out an old photo album of before she was diagnosed. Her hair was the same color, but my, she looked so different. Her eyes weren’t as glassy, her face wasn’t as pale, and she smiled more than I’d seen her smile since I met her. Again, I didn’t know what to say, so I apologized for being so silent. She understood completely, as she always does. I decided to leave, and promised to call her that night.

Of course, the guys were as supportive as they always are. They told me to stay strong for her and for the baby, so she knew that she wasn’t alone in this. But the thing is, I felt alone. Because I knew that in a matter of time, I’d be raising a child on my own. Chris was even nice enough to have our gig postponed that night, as much as he hates to miss gigs, due to a ‘family emergency’.

Time flew by in a flash. I guess it was because I felt like I was in some silly dream that didn’t make sense. I thought I was going to wake up. Instead, I watched days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months. I also watched Diane slowly get worse, and tried to be there for her as much as I could, without losing myself. It seemed like when her belly got bigger, her health got worse. As horrible as it sounds, I started to hate that baby. I felt like it was taking Diane from me, instead of the disease growing inside her skin.

Wake up, chemo, doctor, gig. That became my schedule. There was nothing else to do in my life. All I could think about was Diane. I never slept when she slept, I never ate when she ate, I just wanted to be with her as much as I could, because whenever I wasn’t, I felt like I’d never see her again.

Then suddenly, one day in late spring, Diane’s water broke.




kind've a boring chapter. :P


but, i think either chapter 10 or 11 will be the last.

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She’d told me she had skin cancer, and I felt like my life was going to collapse around me. After Charlie had finally left, since I shoved him out the door, we talked. We talked until the sun came up. She told me that she was in the third stage. Apparently, that’s the last stage. When she talked to her doctor, he said that the baby should be just fine. I really didn’t care about the baby at the moment, or her, or myself. I was in I sort of a coma, I guess. I heard what Diane was saying, but I didn’t reply, I didn’t react, I didn’t do anything. I just sat there, in complete shock.

She had cancer.

Her golden locks that I loved so dearly was actually a permanent wig she’d had placed a couple years ago. She took out an old photo album of before she was diagnosed. Her hair was the same color, but my, she looked so different. Her eyes weren’t as glassy, her face wasn’t as pale, and she smiled more than I’d seen her smile since I met her. Again, I didn’t know what to say, so I apologized for being so silent. She understood completely, as she always does. I decided to leave, and promised to call her that night.

Of course, the guys were as supportive as they always are. They told me to stay strong for her and for the baby, so she knew that she wasn’t alone in this. But the thing is, I felt alone. Because I knew that in a matter of time, I’d be raising a child on my own. Chris was even nice enough to have our gig postponed that night, as much as he hates to miss gigs, due to a ‘family emergency’.

Time flew by in a flash. I guess it was because I felt like I was in some silly dream that didn’t make sense. I thought I was going to wake up. Instead, I watched days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months. I also watched Diane slowly get worse, and tried to be there for her as much as I could, without losing myself. It seemed like when her belly got bigger, her health got worse. As horrible as it sounds, I started to hate that baby. I felt like it was taking Diane from me, instead of the disease growing inside her skin.

Wake up, chemo, doctor, gig. That became my schedule. There was nothing else to do in my life. All I could think about was Diane. I never slept when she slept, I never ate when she ate, I just wanted to be with her as much as I could, because whenever I wasn’t, I felt like I’d never see her again.

Then suddenly, one day in late spring, Diane’s water broke.




kind've a boring chapter. :P


but, i think either chapter 10 or 11 will be the last.


:bigcry::bigcry:I feel so bad for them!!!

and now for me knowing that soon this story will be over!!:bigcry:

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