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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Here goes the next chapter. I'm not sure about it but I hope you enjoy! :)



A Song For You







Chapter 3



It was hard to concentrate on work when his mind was somewhere else altogether. The production of the new album was going smoothly and everybody was giving their best. They were all together at the studio, playing a few of their new songs. Guy, on the other hand, was dreamily looking ahead, unaware of three sets of eyes amusedly looking at him.


“Guy!” Chris called for the third time, without a response from the bass player. “GUY! Wake up!” He yelled, waving a hand in front of his face.


“What? What’s wrong?” He asked, distractedly.


“What’s wrong?” Jonny repeated, chuckling at his friend’s oblivious expression. He knew why he was like this. Claire. He knew her very well and judging by her personality, she was perfect for Guy. But he hadn’t heard that much about their date. He only got yelled at, courtesy of Mr. Berryman. “We’re playing and you’re not. What’s up, man?”


“Nothing. I was just... thinking. It’s all.” He murmured, defensively.


“Come on. Spill.” Will ordered, smiling at his friend.


Guy looked at him as if telling him to shut up.


“Okay.” Will held his hands up in the air. “Don’t tell us. But please focus on playing, at least.”


“Actually, it’s getting kind of late; we’re not on the right mind.” Chris stated, showing some tiredness in his eyes and yawning slightly. “We can continue tomorrow.”


“Okay, let’s go.” Jonny said, sighing with relief. He was tired and starting to get a little grumpy. They hadn’t been very productive that day and he was dying to get home to his family. The same thought was running through two other heads.


“I’m going to stay here for a bit longer, actually.” Guy said, sitting down on a sound box, drinking a little from his glass of water.


They looked at him, surprised. He looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept very well these last few days. He really seemed to be worn out. But Guy was the kind of Guy that wasn’t stopped by that kind of stuff. He would work with a fever if he had to, which already happened on more than one occasion. In fact, there was one day when he showed up in his pyjamas, much to his friends’ delight.


“Alright. See you tomorrow! Get some sleep, man.” Will advised, patting him on the back on his way out.


Finally by himself in The Bakery, he started playing the piano, softly at first but getting entranced by it as time elapsed, without realizing. He felt flooded by the sounds that echoed around the room, immersing himself in them, getting lost in them. He didn’t even register the fact that he was singing along, the words following the course of the melody.


He was in such an abstracted state, he didn’t hear the sound of the doorbell or the footsteps approaching, for that matter.



Claire got off work for some rest before she had to go for the next shift. Working in an ER wasn’t easy but she wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Sure, she was single and had a small group of friends but that was enough for her. They were the only family she had left and they completed her. Up until now. Up until a week ago, when her world shifted without previous notice.


It wasn’t the first time her friends set her up on a blind date. But she guessed it might have been the last.


Entering the studio, she followed the sound coming from downstairs, where she spotted him, singing and playing like he was the only man on Earth. He looked so peaceful and distraught at the same time, it made her feel slightly breathless. She had never felt like this before. That realization scared her.



She moved forward so that he would notice her presence in the room.


He looked up in her direction, capturing her eyes in his gaze and making her knees go weak. She walked slowly towards him, not breaking their eye contact for one second.


He had to move his head upwards to look at her from his place on the piano stool. The moment she stroked his cheek with her left hand, he was gone. Everything that happened next was a blur to him. He could only describe his feelings during that unforgettable, blissful night.


Amazement. Passion. Pleasure. Lust. And an inexplicable sensation when he felt her body completely intertwined with his, in an everlasting embrace.



He smiled at the memory as he got ready for another day of work. She had left two hours ago and he watched her get dressed, lazily, longingly, from his place on the floor, in the middle of the instruments. He didn’t talk, he just gazed at her too mesmerized by her to disturb the beautiful scene in front of him. She moved so gracefully, he mused, a small, content smile gracing his lips.


It was crazy to think he knew so little about her and feel already like this. They had only met each other the week before. How was that possible?


She turned around to look at him and he closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. She leaned down, softly touched his face and kissed him, as if to leave her goodbye on his smooth lips. For him, it was the sweetest gesture anyone had ever made.


It was the most reassuring goodbye.


The goodbye that secretly promised an eternal returning.





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Here goes the next chapter. I'm not sure about it but I hope you enjoy! :)



A Song For You







Chapter 3



It was hard to concentrate on work when his mind was somewhere else altogether. The production of the new album was going smoothly and everybody was giving their best. They were all together at the studio, playing a few of their new songs. Guy, on the other hand, was dreamily looking ahead, unaware of three sets of eyes amusedly looking at him.


“Guy!” Chris called for the third time, without a response from the bass player. “GUY! Wake up!” He yelled, waving a hand in front of his face.


“What? What’s wrong?” He asked, distractedly.


“What’s wrong?” Jonny repeated, chuckling at his friend’s oblivious expression. He knew why he was like this. Claire. He knew her very well and judging by her personality, she was perfect for Guy. But he hadn’t heard that much about their date. He only got yelled at, courtesy of Mr. Berryman. “We’re playing and you’re not. What’s up, man?”


“Nothing. I was just... thinking. It’s all.” He murmured, defensively.


“Come on. Spill.” Will ordered, smiling at his friend.


Guy looked at him as if telling him to shut up.


“Okay.” Will held his hands up in the air. “Don’t tell us. But please focus on playing, at least.”


“Actually, it’s getting kind of late; we’re not on the right mind.” Chris stated, showing some tiredness in his eyes and yawning slightly. “We can continue tomorrow.”


“Okay, let’s go.” Jonny said, sighing with relief. He was tired and starting to get a little grumpy. They hadn’t been very productive that day and he was dying to get home to his family. The same thought was running through two other heads.


“I’m going to stay here for a bit longer, actually.” Guy said, sitting down on a sound box, drinking a little from his glass of water.


They looked at him, surprised. He looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept very well these last few days. He really seemed to be worn out. But Guy was the kind of Guy that wasn’t stopped by that kind of stuff. He would work with a fever if he had to, which already happened on more than one occasion. In fact, there was one day when he showed up in his pyjamas, much to his friends’ delight.


“Alright. See you tomorrow! Get some sleep, man.” Will advised, patting him on the back on his way out.


Finally by himself in The Bakery, he started playing the piano, softly at first but getting entranced by it as time elapsed, without realizing. He felt flooded by the sounds that echoed around the room, immersing himself in them, getting lost in them. He didn’t even register the fact that he was singing along, the words following the course of the melody.


He was in such an abstracted state, he didn’t hear the sound of the doorbell or the footsteps approaching, for that matter.



Claire got off work for some rest before she had to go for the next shift. Working in an ER wasn’t easy but she wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Sure, she was single and had a small group of friends but that was enough for her. They were the only family she had left and they completed her. Up until now. Up until a week ago, when her world shifted without previous notice.


It wasn’t the first time her friends set her up on a blind date. But she guessed it might have been the last.


Entering the studio, she followed the sound coming from downstairs, where she spotted him, singing and playing like he was the only man on Earth. He looked so peaceful and distraught at the same time, it made her feel slightly breathless. She had never felt like this before. That realization scared her.



She moved forward so that he would notice her presence in the room.


He looked up in her direction, capturing her eyes in his gaze and making her knees go weak. She walked slowly towards him, not breaking their eye contact for one second.


He had to move his head upwards to look at her from his place on the piano stool. The moment she stroked his cheek with her left hand, he was gone. Everything that happened next was a blur to him. He could only describe his feelings during that unforgettable, blissful night.


Amazement. Passion. Pleasure. Lust. And an inexplicable sensation when he felt her body completely intertwined with his, in an everlasting embrace.



He smiled at the memory as he got ready for another day of work. She had left two hours ago and he watched her get dressed, lazily, longingly, from his place on the floor, in the middle of the instruments. He didn’t talk, he just gazed at her too mesmerized by her to disturb the beautiful scene in front of him. She moved so gracefully, he mused, a small, content smile gracing his lips.


It was crazy to think he knew so little about her and feel already like this. They had only met each other the week before. How was that possible?


She turned around to look at him and he closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. She leaned down, softly touched his face and kissed him, as if to leave her goodbye on his smooth lips. For him, it was the sweetest gesture anyone had ever made.


It was the most reassuring goodbye.


The goodbye that secretly promised an eternal returning.







it's so beautiful


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I thought I should share this with you. Because this was amazing and im writing all because of mine and ainsley convo :)

btw this is real im not making any of this up. This felt like fate x


Me and perry


We have been close friends for quite some time well exactly 5 months. He is so funny he walks me to school everyday we joke and chat about random stuff. He was so great to be around. But I had these feelings for him just a couple of months ago. Everytime he made a joke and that smile he did made me melt. I mean he has a body to die for :P But thats not why I loved him. I loved him because he is sweet and caring towards me. He doesnt like anyone to upset me. But then this happened the biggest shock of my life.

It was a hot and sunny day near where I lived and as per usual I would walk with perry. Talk about the lastest goss. We would always meet at the bakery (its not coldplay's its really a bakery :P ). He would buy the same drink he has always. 'Dr pepper'.

As we were walking I asked him.

'Hey perry why do u always but that drink?'

'Well I hadn't really noticed' He said whilst laughing. God how i loved his laugh, I was laughing too so i just carried on walking plugged my earphones in and listened to Sam sparro through the radio on my phone :P

But then Perry stopped in front of me and told me to take my ear phones out.

' What ? ' I asked

' This ' He replied grabbed my hand and took me round the corner of my road near my where its the only secret alley near my school. Perry took me in his arms and hugged me then he looked into my eyes and went towards my lips. Ive never felt more happier in my life. He got closer until he kissed my lips. He tasted amazing. I've wanted him so badly for the past couple of months so I opened my mouth and kissed him passionatly. He moaned a bit but it was a quiet moan so i knew he liked it. He tooks his hands and wrapped them around my back stroking my back. I shivered, he was moving his hands gently on top of my shirt and then under which made me even want to kiss him more. We must have been kissing for at least 5 minutes it felt so special and perfect. I can't believe after waiting so long for him, he wanted me to. He stopped kissing my lips and starting kiss my neck.

'Fuck' I wishpered very quiet so he couldn't hear but I think he did. Perry smiled and gently but more passionate sucked my neck, kissing it and biting just gently. I couldn't handle it all he was just amazing. I squeezed him closer to my body. He kept kissing my neck it was heaven. I had to do something in return.

' Kiss my neck , you can if you want ' perry asked and stopped kissing mine. By then there was a small love bite on neck. Then I went for his neck. Kissing ever so slighty I didn't want to hurt him. But I liked it when he did it to me rough :P. He grabbed me by the waist and said in my ear. 'I love you Emma, I dont wanna lose you'. That made me have a tear in my eye, waiting for him to say that. Them words will be ingraved in my head forever. I stop kissing him and replied. 'I love you too Perry so much'. we stopped giggled walked hand in hand and never parted. That love bite will be with my forever.



this is a true story xxx

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“The hills are alive with the sound of…”


“Shut up!”


Jonny and I were sitting on Jonny’s bed, while Guy took his shower in the adjoining bathroom. He was singing; very enthusiastically and very off-key.


“So, what should we do, Jon?” I asked, leaning forward to stare into his face.


“I don’t know, Chris. I just can’t believe this is happening. Are you sure you saw what you think you saw?”


“Yes, Jon, I’m sure. It was her. How would I just pull her name out of my head like that? Why would I lie to you?” I was becoming a bit offended because Jonny didn’t seem to believe me. “Yeah, I know Guy is freakin’ drunk, but I’m not!”


Dust in the wind…all we are is dust in the wind…”


“Shut. UP!”


“You shut up! You’re ruining the chorus, Chris! RUINING IT!” I groaned and buried my head in my hands.


“…Tell your boyfriend…if he says he’s got beef…that I’m a vegetarian and I ain’t fuckin’ scared of him…lalalala…don’t trust a--”


“GUY! What the hell are you singing?”


“What, you’ve never heard it? It’s all the rage amongst the American teen girl population.”


“Since when are you a teenage girl?”


“I’m not, but sometimes I wish I were.” With that, the shower finally shut off. We were silent for a moment.


“So, Jon. What can you tell us about Mama?”


“Well, she lived about ten minutes from here; near that Indian restaurant you like.”


“Oh. How did she, um, die?”


Jonny sighed, rubbing his forearm. “Cancer.” This made me think. Perhaps Jonny was in danger from cancer. Oh, shit. That would be terrible! Surely it wasn’t that.


“Oh, you know Chris…I think I have something of hers in the bathroom! I’ll go get it.”


“Uh, Jonny, wait…” I called, flailing my arms helplessly. The next thing I heard was a high-pitched shriek and a demand to ‘get the hell out’. Jonny shuffled back into the room, clearing his throat uncomfortably. “Guy’s still in there.” I finished.


“Well, I thought he would at least close the bloody door if he was still trying to get into his clothes!” he defended, his face blushed.


“How far along was he?” I asked, giggling.


“I’d rather not talk about it.” said Jonny, developing a deeper shade of red on his face. “Let’s talk about Mama instead.”


“Well, you said she lived ten minutes from here, right?”




“Well, let’s go!”


“We can’t!” cried Jonny. “Some couple lives there. I don’t think they’d just let us take a walk around.”


“But Jonny…you forget. I’m Chris Martin.” I waved my arms around for lack of something better to do.


“What if they don’t like Coldplay?”


“Hm. You’re right. But we could at least ask!” I clutched at Jonny’s hand, and he gave me a weird look. “I have to figure this out, Jon.” Finally, he nodded.




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I thought I should share this with you. Because this was amazing and im writing all because of mine and ainsley convo :)

btw this is real im not making any of this up. This felt like fate x


Me and perry


We have been close friends for quite some time well exactly 5 months. He is so funny he walks me to school everyday we joke and chat about random stuff. He was so great to be around. But I had these feelings for him just a couple of months ago. Everytime he made a joke and that smile he did made me melt. I mean he has a body to die for :P But thats not why I loved him. I loved him because he is sweet and caring towards me. He doesnt like anyone to upset me. But then this happened the biggest shock of my life.

It was a hot and sunny day near where I lived and as per usual I would walk with perry. Talk about the lastest goss. We would always meet at the bakery (its not coldplay's its really a bakery :P ). He would buy the same drink he has always. 'Dr pepper'.

As we were walking I asked him.

'Hey perry why do u always but that drink?'

'Well I hadn't really noticed' He said whilst laughing. God how i loved his laugh, I was laughing too so i just carried on walking plugged my earphones in and listened to Sam sparro through the radio on my phone :P

But then Perry stopped in front of me and told me to take my ear phones out.

' What ? ' I asked

' This ' He replied grabbed my hand and took me round the corner of my road near my where its the only secret alley near my school. Perry took me in his arms and hugged me then he looked into my eyes and went towards my lips. Ive never felt more happier in my life. He got closer until he kissed my lips. He tasted amazing. I've wanted him so badly for the past couple of months so I opened my mouth and kissed him passionatly. He moaned a bit but it was a quiet moan so i knew he liked it. He tooks his hands and wrapped them around my back stroking my back. I shivered, he was moving his hands gently on top of my shirt and then under which made me even want to kiss him more. We must have been kissing for at least 5 minutes it felt so special and perfect. I can't believe after waiting so long for him, he wanted me to. He stopped kissing my lips and starting kiss my neck.

'Fuck' I wishpered very quiet so he couldn't hear but I think he did. Perry smiled and gently but more passionate sucked my neck, kissing it and biting just gently. I couldn't handle it all he was just amazing. I squeezed him closer to my body. He kept kissing my neck it was heaven. I had to do something in return.

' Kiss my neck , you can if you want ' perry asked and stopped kissing mine. By then there was a small love bite on neck. Then I went for his neck. Kissing ever so slighty I didn't want to hurt him. But I liked it when he did it to me rough :P. He grabbed me by the waist and said in my ear. 'I love you Emma, I dont wanna lose you'. That made me have a tear in my eye, waiting for him to say that. Them words will be ingraved in my head forever. I stop kissing him and replied. 'I love you too Perry so much'. we stopped giggled walked hand in hand and never parted. That love bite will be with my forever.



this is a true story xxx




i LIKE this perry guy! :wacky:

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