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18-Feb-09: Coldplay/The Killers - War Child gig, Shepherd's Bush, London (Reviews, Pictures, Videos


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ugh, why don't i live in the UK????? :bigcry:


stoopid latin america with no coldplay & killers < or either > gigs!!!!!! :angry:



hope someone from here gets it so at least i get to read how it was!!! :bigcry: :bomb:

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arggggghhhhhh!!!! i think i need to get my real estate licsence in London and trans-commute

YESSSSSSSSSS. do it woman! do you need an assistant?!?!:idea2:


I'm seeing The Killers on Monday, maybe I could hide in their equipment or something.

If anyone could do it, it'd be you Angie!!! DO IT!:wink3::lol:


To everyone who actually has a shot---GOOD LUCK!!! On behalf of allll the coldplayers with no chance of going to this, sending Coldplay-karma that ppl get in and bring us back reports:D

(i know i mentioned this already:blush:.....:bigcry:)

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I really really really really want to go there!!!

So badly!

I'm trying for weeks to get a ticket for a Killers concert, last night I thought about just buying a ticket to London and try my luck at the Brits or one week later at the Killers concert.

And today they announce this!

It would be so perfect!!!

I could go to see a play in London I just have to see (James McAvoy!!) AND go to this fantastic concert!!!

Oh my, I am so worried.

I try not to get my hopes up too much - but I can't help it.


I was trying for the past 2 hours to find somebody to cover my shift or refresh coldplay.com at 5pm GMT for me. No luck.

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