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18-Feb-09: Coldplay/The Killers - War Child gig, Shepherd's Bush, London (Reviews, Pictures, Videos


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More awesome reviews folks. I started off being really jealous this morning (actually I got really fangirly over the Gary Barlow vid, then I got really jealous)... but it's been so much fun reading your reviews, looking at your pix and watching the vids that I almost feel like I was there. And the most important thing is that some genuine fans got to go, I'm sure some people applied for the lottery who weren't particularly big fans of either band but just wanted to say they were there.


Chris was right... best fans in the world!!!

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The UK isn't as good as people make it out to be, a country in recession whose economy won't recovered before 2011, businesses going bust everyday due to the weakness of the pound etc.


Well its hard everywhere now... But you dont live in Croatia, I dont know how much you know about the country but its in deep s**t for very very very long time not just the economy!!!! (sorry for that, but its the only way to explain it)

And well this is not the place to talk about economy, politic or anything like that....




I just managed to look at some of Ian's pics and they are great.... :D

Tnx so much Ian!!!!

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Okay, so I was just glancing through the many, many pages of this thread, and I nearly had a coronary when I got to page 69, with all the videos and pictures and such. And I just have to scream about it. I would have DIED if I had been there!! DIED. Of HAPPINESS. I saw Coldplay last November, and the Killers only a couple of weeks ago, and U2 was my first concert ever. Those three together? BLISS. Oh, my, God. Absolutely amazing. I adore those three bands more than most people love their ... whatever they love! So thanks to whoever did go and posted all the stuff--much appreciated! And I am SO FREAKING JEALOUS!!! I mean, when is something like that EVER going to happen again??! Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

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OK so I spend about 2 hours going over the whole thread since I left last night and I just ahve to say wow...


and you all know what;s coming to youuuuu :D massive multiquotation (they should've never explaind that button to me :P)


back! what a night, more tomorrow but I need sleep, so I leave you with this ;)






will do the rest of the photos when I get home tomorrow afternoon, my 3G just loves reducing the quality :rolleyes:


OMG bloody amazing :wideeyed:


Just a quickie before sleep. not got time to read the posts which came before, so if any duplication, sorry. Ian's probably twittered most of the highlights. will compile proper report when get back to Manchester tomorrow.


absolutely surreal & awesome.


queued for 7 hours, before doors opened. Had ace time with all the coldplayers in the queue. lots of time to chat, check out twitter.


as we were so close to the front of the queue, we were front row in front of Jonny. Looks like we have some awesome pictures to share.


Killers were great. Coldplay were better, obviously :p


Al Murray (pub landlord ) did a bit of gap filling whilst the roadies worked like trojans to get the kit up.


My highlight was when Gary Barlow joined our boys on stage for BAck For Good. I am ashamed to admit, I went into complete fan girl mode and screamed like a girl. I have never screamed like that in my life, and I blame Chris for ending the main set with Fix You, which had made me a bit emotional.


The last song with Coldplay, Killers, Brandon Flowers, & Gary Barlow was so surreal, I wouldn't believe it had happened if I didn't have pics.


After the show, we managed to talk to Phil, in a reverse Romeo & Juliet moment!! We spotted him on the balcony so yelled up, and he sat on the edge of the balcony to exchange a few words with us.


that's all for now. night night :kiss:


we knew it :lol:


it all sounds so amazing, but we;re going to need more detail on the Phil talk!!


I met Chris :D :D :D


best birthday ever




Crazy, there were paps everywhere but he was so sweet ( and very tall) haha, I also got a wave from Bono and a thumbs and great from Dave after I shouted out great gig as he and Brandon walked past :D..


YouTube - Coldplay Feat Gary Barlow-Back for Good for War Child



I took over 100 pics and vids on the camera (majority of which were Guy, but can't upload them until weekend so will have to make do with phone vids 1st :)


I love you already for the pics :D


I know I managed to get sprayed by Brandon and Chris (they were some sweaty fellas) haha


okay no matter how much I love them... ewwww :sick:


right its now 5.15 I really should head of to bed, can't believe i'm not tired yet


it;s cause you an a high :wideeyed:


don't know what happened to some of my setlist tweets, they're not there but you obviously got them! :confused:


it was awesome Ian... :D thank you soooo much for doing that! :kiss:


What also annoys me (still in rant mode) is how some people are mega lucky to get into all these intimate gigs, like the BBC gig, Warchild... and other people like myself who love Coldplay are never lucky enough to get tickets.


Ban all those who won tickets from future events... grrrr.


so you're the only one that loves coldplay on here? :dozey: seriously..


Ian twittered about that :D



  1. We have a new busker! Shiver, trouble, yellow, fix you, dont panic, viva. Harmonies all perfect! Apart from victims, they no interested environ 16 heures ago from mobile web
  2. We have buskers playing a coldplay set! Coldplayers' backing vocals are great! environ 17 heures ago from mobile web


ohh I missd that bit :nice:



sorry. i didn't realize i wrote so much.



Will post pics and vids soon.



awesome review (that also oes to Kara, Michie, Jen and Ian and everyone else obviously) and we looove them long an detailed... :wacky:


Great review Kara, so glad you had such an awesome time :)


I sent a group text to everyone I knew was going (and had their phone number, of course!) so I sent you one too, hope you got it.


Roll on Wembley!!


squeeeee i can't wait, even more excited now :dance:


wow, you girls are fast :shocked: ace reviews :D suppose I'd better start typing mine up :lol:


now you on the other side for once muhahaha :P


ok so I took something like 700 photos, 176Mb worth so I figured instead of spending another day to post the best ones I will upload the whole lot to a file sharer so you can grab them all. a lot are blurry but there are some jems too :D should be finished uploading later :D


ooh wow.. awesome!! :D


I've just found a squished hot dog at the bottom of the plastic bag :laugh3:


ewwwwww glad you found it now and not in a month or 2 :P


Enjoy it!!!!!





Mwahahha, your spot was 1000 times better than Anchorman's :P



Thanxx Ian!! :D


okay so anchorman must have been right next to Phil, or actuall is Phil...

so then anchorman, and Prospekt are one and the same person?


the post anchorman game :D


Can't wait to que with everyone again in September...might need to bring our own entertainment to that que though.


who has a guitar :D


Group pic!!


th_CIMG4015.jpg *click*


awww soo cute now I;m jealous! :nice:


Instead of Poland just put Croatia and you have the same thing. Except its not Germany for me its Italy...


edit. Great pic!!!


they're gonna come to croatia now, after you postcard was received


even I am speechless, totally amazing. thanks so much. it all must be running through your minds over and over again.


well now you've done it peeps, Christa speechless... the end of the worl as we know it...

(welcome back mum)

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Sorry, everyone :(


I promised photos but I'm afraid they have to wait until tomorrow.

Just got off the phone with a friend, marathon for 3 hours ;)

Have work tomorrow so I urgently need to catch up some sleep and I have to reduce my picture first anyway :(

So hopefully you don't mind too much :(


But for the time being, I leave you with this - a group picture of our little coldplaying.com 'meet up' :)


Feel free to add the names ;)



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Part 3:


Where did I leave off? oh, yes, the Blue Danube.


The Blue Danube hits a crescendo, the lights go out, the screams intensify & the first notes of Life In Technicolor play out. Finally, those 10 and a half hours, are over!!! Out walk the boys, and we're off!






unfortunately, I think I'm going to be about as useful as I was after the Absolute gig. So many things seem to merge, and the fact that during the encores I went into meltdown & was completely incoherent doesn't help much either. At the point LiT started, and the band came on stage, I entered a very happy place, the buzz of which hasn't worn off yet, and I have lots of fragmented memories. Singing my heart out, semi-dancing & taking photos seems to have done for my memory recall.


This gig felt completely different to any I have ever been to before, and at the moment I can't place why. It felt that way, even before the most amazing encore ever! The only thing I can put it down to is sharing the experience with a fab group of Coldplayers & it being some incarnation of the Coldplay Karma.




LiT and Violet Hill were great, but Clocks kicked up a notch again for me. I've not felt that emotional during Clocks for a few years now, but the minute it started all the old, happy feelings flooded back. Just as a clarification, for years Clocks has been my favourite live song but back in December it just didn't have its usual magic spark. In the early hours of this morning (it was today!!!!! this time yesterday we were stood at the barrier contemplating roadies!!!), it was back with a vengeance.


In My Place was awesome. It felt like the whole venue was singing along. And then in the middle, Chris came to the very corner of the stage, right in front of us, and sat down against the wall. I couldn't believe how close he was. He was even closer than the gig at Absolute a few weeks back!!!






Yellow definitely had the whole venue singing along, and Chris pretty much left us to it for a while.






After Fix You, they had a quick break, before coming back on. First up was Viva La Vida. Which rocked! When Will bangs that drum, he's like a maniac! I have a lovely picture of the drum, with blurred Will standing over it!!






Next up came one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I still can't believe it happened. My two favourite bands on the whole planet semi-collaborated! Unfortunately in the process, I reverted to the teenager I never was, and screamed in a way I never have before. The most I ever screamed before was when Sale Sharks won the Guinness Premiership Final a few years back. I don't do screaming fan girl, and until that final hadn't thought I was actually capable of really screaming. This morning, I surpassed that, and apologies to Anna who was in the unfortunate position of being right next to me!

Just to clarify why I was screaming, on the verge of tears, and going weak at the knees. I am a huge Take That fan as well as a Coldplay fan. One of the most amazing experiences of my life was when this happened (and I did behave like a sensible human being then, so why last night was different I don't know):






So, having seen the rumours on Twitter that The Sun was saying Take That were going to perform, I allowed myself a glimmer of hope, but didn't pin too much hope on it happening. Particularly as Anchorman was playing hard to get & would only Twitter that there was going to be a special guest.


Chris starts his introductions, and I still didn't really believe it was happening, until Gary walked out onto the stage. Even looking at these pictures, I still can't quite believe I didn't dream it. Gary & Coldplay performed 'Back For Good' whilst the whole room sang along. You couldn't make it up!










And if you thought the evening couldn't get anymore surreal, there was the last song. Akillers song, with Coldplay & The Killers, but no, we couldn't possibly leave it at that, so we'll just throw in Bono & Gary Barlow as well. All sense of reality had completely dissipated by this point. God job I was sober, if I'd been drinking I don't think my brain could have coped with what it was seeing.














The night doesn't end there though, oh no, no!! I draped over the barrier for a bit whilst I tried to comprehend what had just happened, and whilst we waited for the room to clear. The girls shouted to Matt, and he handed over Jonny's setlist and some other bits and pieces. He also seemed a little baffled that they were calling him by name.


Whilst we were stood around, someone spotted Phil on the balcony (I think it was Kara & Mich). So we shouted to him, and he stopped and talked to us for a few minutes. Mich already mentioned the gist of the conversation, so I won't add anymore. I don't think any of us took any photos as we were so stunned he stopped to chat for a few mins.


We slowly made our way out via the toilets & the merch stand. To the right, near where we had been queueing were some mercs with blacked -out windows and some paparrazi hanging around. Whilst we were discussing what to do next, the paparrazi suddenly sprinted off down the road after someone. Someone mentioned it was possible Sienna Miller leaving.


Ian & I decided to call it a night, as it was approaching 2am by this point. We said bye and wandered up the road to try and grab a black cab. At the other end of Shepherds Bush Common we got lucky. As the cab drove back past the Empire, the paparazzi flash bulbs were going, and the Mercs were driving off. They must have come out of the door about 15/20 mins after we left.


And that is Jen's story of one of the most surreal 24 hours of her life. Its the most amazing show I have ever been to, and it will take some topping.

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Sorry, everyone :(


I promised photos but I'm afraid they have to wait until tomorrow.

Just got off the phone with a friend, marathon for 3 hours ;)

Have work tomorrow so I urgently need to catch up some sleep and I have to reduce my picture first anyway :(

So hopefully you don't mind too much :(


But for the time being, I leave you with this - a group picture of our little coldplaying.com 'meet up' :)


Feel free to add the names ;)





I love it :D that came out so well




The girl front roll 2nd from left (with glasses) reminds me of my brothers ex-long-term-girlfriend.


with the white scarf? that's me

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