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Taylor Swift meets Coldplay


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Taylor swift seems like a nice girl. Miley's young and seems to behave that way. In interviews she just seems like a typical bratty teen girl to me. =\ She's definitely going to have to face the fact that just being famous doesn't mean that everyone is going to throw themselves at her and beg to be her friend...

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8NsIFxE5KQ YouTube - Miley Cyrus - Johnjay and Rich Interview - March 3, 2009 P4/8


Haha, that's hilarious! I've read the articles about her saying that before, but I never bothered to listen to the recording (I skipped most of the video). I agree, her speaking voice is horrid (just like her singing voice, though I don't remember if I actually ever heard it..though never hearing it would be good). She acts like she loves Radiohead sooo much, but if that was really true, she wouldn't have skipped their performance just because they didn't meet her. Then she acts like meeting Chris Martin was nothing in comparison? She's allowed to feel that way, but she just sounds so damn spoiled and unappreciative... I think that she probably made up that whole thing about her extreme excitement over meeting Radiohead.



makes me want to throw up.

I hate how all the shitty singers get to meet coldplay.


Yes, agreed. It's ridiculously unfair.

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God, she is one damn lucky girl!

I don't like nor hate her music. I do think she has a pretty good voice for country, but it gets kind of blocked behind the cheese filled and cliché ridden lyrics that make me want to change the station.

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Yeah I don't think her music is bad either. Just I don't like the voice that much and her LYRICS. "Music is a love story to a melody" NO IT IS NOT. It can be about OTHER THINGS you know!


At least she's a bit more modest and down-to-earth than Miley Cyrus. Now that kid I feel like I need to punch in the face. "I'm gonna RUIN Radiohead!!! I love Chris Martinnn toooooo I need a 16 year old version of him lawl hahaha!!111! I'M SO FAMOUS AND SPOILT BRATTY!!11!1EINZ"



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Ehhh, I don't know, Taylor Swift isn't that bad. I'm not really a fan of hers, but there is much worse music out there. (Though there is that one line in the Love Story song that makes me laugh-- something like "You were Romeo, I was the Scarlet Letter" and every time I hear that I think someone didn't pay very much attention in her high school english class... :P)

But anyway, good for her for being able to meet Chris! At least it seems she doesn't have that sense of entitlement that Miley Cyrus had about wanting to meet Radiohead. :rolleyes:

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for about 23957495734957439 nano seconds i wish i were taylor swift just to have touch and met chris...**runs away**


I know what you mean... That would be nice. :( (But just temporarily, like you said, of course.)

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I have NEVER seen anyone receive a hug with LESS ethusiasm. :P




hold on, though, if he says he likes Miley Cyrus, why is he so uncomfortable hugging Taylor Swift? Chris seems like a very huggy person to me?


Then again he could of just said he liked Miley to make her feel better... :P

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hold on, though, if he says he likes Miley Cyrus, why is he so uncomfortable hugging Taylor Swift? Chris seems like a very huggy person to me?


I am not sure if you watched the video or not, but in the video (from what I remember), Chris looks pretty fine with it.

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Ehhh, I don't know, Taylor Swift isn't that bad. I'm not really a fan of hers, but there is much worse music out there. (Though there is that one line in the Love Story song that makes me laugh-- something like "You were Romeo, I was the Scarlet Letter" and every time I hear that I think someone didn't pay very much attention in her high school english class... :P)


Exactly. Literary fail. STOP IT.

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My roommate always talks about Taylor Swift being his dream girlfriend. :rolleyes:


I do think she has talent (heck, I'd say she's one of the better teenage artists out there), although I'm not gonna argue with weak songwriting. But she's pretty young, so maybe her grip on writing in general will improve over time.

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ughhhh geez miley cyrus's "like like like like like like like, you know, like like" STUPID

It's just seriously mind boggling to see WHY people like miley cyrus :inquisitive: during the xmas break my little sister was watching the "hannah montana marathon" i thought i'm gonna shoot at the TV i couldn't even tell if it was the same episode going on for 10 hours or if they were different. -_-


Taylor Swift's not That bad i mean i don't like her either, but it's only because i don't like country or w.e. it's called. And "love story" is extremely overplayed on the radio too.

But i still think she's utterly lucky to get a hug/ kiss? from chris :cry:

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well he looks uncomfortable in the pictures, but not really in the video. I think he looks uncomfortable in that first picture because he was trying to kiss her, but she was going in for a hug.. so it got weird.


eta: him trying to kiss her




Taylor Swift i like her face:rolleyes:


But she's a country music singer from Pennsylvania state.:rolleyes:


Well But Chris he kissed her but on head and then immediately turned his face.:rolleyes:That's what i noticed and he's certainly not comfortable with her.I can see it and about Miley Cyrus he's just joking about her.

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