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Do you ever look at your life through someone else's eyes?

Matter-Eater Lad

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Amazing question Nick.And yes I think about that all the time. I like to think of myself as a very open minded person, but I have my faults jsut as many people do. And sometimes, viewing other cultures can be hard, especially when they are soo different from my own life. But, I find other cultures and peoples lives very interesting. I think some people woul be happier the way they live, than to be forced to change into western civilaztions ways.


I feel like that really didnt answer your question... But, I did meet a girl from china recently and I asked her if she had any siblings and she said, "no im not allowed too" and then i rememberd the whole one child law act and whatnot.


Im not too sure how she thinks of my life, i know for sure that some aspects of it that are very different, but I am sure some parts of my life are the same.


I think there are certain aspects of family that are the same world wide.


and gosh im rambling sorry:(

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I don't wonder how random people see my life, but I do wonder how friends or loved ones see me. Or even people from school or whatever who I see often but don't know very well. Sometimes I can go whole days just doing things as if someone else was watching. It's weird, but it's also really interesting.

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i actually think some people think my life's more exciting like it actually is. i've heard a lot of "WOAH, lucky you! Wow, how awesome" and ish about things i've done, experiences i've had and interesting people i've met. but actually i think my life's quite boring. i've had my friend telling someone else a story of something we've done and the story itself sounded way more exciting than the thing we actually did haha so actually i think if i was not me, i thought my life's awesomely exciting. i dunno if that all made any sense at all :cool2:

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Yes this is an interesting question...well I never really thought of this...I mean what people from other countries or cultures could think about my life...rather wat other germans think about my life...my friends...or people who know me...this is what is actually bothering me..

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  • 6 months later...
Yes this is an interesting question...well I never really thought of this...I mean what people from other countries or cultures could think about my life...rather wat other germans think about my life...my friends...or people who know me...this is what is actually bothering me..


and I've been thinking about this quite a lot recently.....how would I think of myself if I knew me? Or if I got to know me? If I were somebody else I would definitely like me and find me interesting....but my biggest problem is that I think too bad about other people and often do not think they could think exactly this stuff about me....although it's probably true and I am slowly starting to realise it...:wacky:

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Its such a shame this question only got 9 replies before it was temporarily forgotten (Thanks for the bump! :surprised:)


Great question. I try to, but its difficult. The Escapist put forward the question of whether you see other peoples lives through their eyes, but that is included in Nick's original question, because if you could imagine what someone in Instanbul thinks of how you live your life, you'd first have to be able to imagine how they live theirs.

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Well, obviously I don't know if this is true or not, but I think it's a pretty firm stereotype that people from other countries hate Americans(for anyone that does, I certainly don't blame them). And since I wonder if this sterotype is true, I guess that means that my answer to your question would be "yes".

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when it comes to people from other countries I only start thinking of this stuff when I meet them face to face.....not that I talk to them or know them....but for example at work...many tourists come to our shop and then I start wondering what they could think of our life as germans in this country...I don't know how deep you wanted to go with you question, but the way I think of this is rather superficial...I do never seriously think of this...

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