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|~|The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 2: DISCUSSION|~|


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Hey guys! :kiss: I've missed this thread so much! I haven't really had much time to write lately but I'm glad we have a more organized way of posting things so that now I can find everyone's stories and read all of their amazingness. Before it was kinda hard to find when new stuff was posted.



I've been kinda just lurking and reading so I'll comment on a few that I've really enjoyed:


@jknc your stories are fantastic! And you have so many of them too, I feel so spoiled whenever I come on here and have tons of fics to read, it's great :laugh3:


Kyra, I absolutely LOVE Violent Waters. You definitely have a knack for writing Guy it seems, you write him brilliantly.


Brooke! My Star is Fading was soo great and I'm really enjoying your new story too. I :heart: reading about the guys when they were younger.


Juliana your writing is awesome! I think it was Open up your eyes (you can hit me if I'm wrong), I loooved it.




There was also this really good fic I remember reading but I'm not sure who posted it :uhoh2: I remember it was a collection of little moments between Jonny and Chris and it was so sweet and really well written.


There are tons more stories I wanna comment on but I can't remember them all :stunned:.


Oh also! Simon, what ever happened to your idea about Big Brothers and Sisters? I was looking forward to that...

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Sarah! :dance: You're back! Will you ever finish your story?




I have a few chapters on reserve (well 5 really :stunned:) but it's not finished yet. I was trying to wait until I completely finished before posting anything so that you guys wouldn't have to wait and be super confused trying to remember what the heck happened in the last chapter :laugh3:


Maybe I'll post a chapter a week and that will give me enough time in between to finish. Should I post one now?

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um... that's a very good point. :P *goes to change it*

although, by this point Chris would be 17, so he's almost an adult. :rolleyes:

and also, i don't know what you're talking about, because it does say boy. :P


thanks everyone! :blush:

i'll try to write another chapter before i go to bed, but i can't promise anything. :(

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