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How deep is your love?


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I have a VERY deep appreciation of Coldplay, however I'm not totally obsessed. But I do love them very much, and I even cried at the concert I went to. I listen to lots of other music, but they are always the best (= I became a fan when I was 8, and I'm 17 now.

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I would say my love runs deeper than most Coldplay fans, but I would hardly call it obsessed or crazy. I keep up on everything the band is doing (I'm on here aren't I?) and I love 3 of their albums, but I guess that says a bit. I don't worhship the ground they walk on, although some friends have claimed as much. It's all a matter of comparison.


On this site, I would say I probably come off as a pretty normal fan. But the fact that I'm on this site means that I come off as a pretty intense fan to anyone else. I can't explain the amount of times I've begun saying, "You know, Chris Martin is so hilarious," about to insert a quote when I realize my family and friends just don't care.


But I do love Coldplay. They're my favorite band. My first favorite band. I've known about them longer than any music I listen to now. Songs have made me cry and jump for joy. They mean a lot to me. They'll probably always be my favorite band, and the only band where I legitimately admired the members (U2 would fall under a sort of - Bono and the world have a love hate relationship). So yeah, I love Coldplay.

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