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How deep is your love?


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I can't even explain how much love I have for Coldplay.. they are my favorite band in the world and I have been a fan for about six years. I have a Coldplay tattoo on my wrist because I love and adore them oh so much. I have spent thousands of dollars combined to see them perform(8 concerts total) and they are the only band I will travel to see live. Just a few reasons haha but yes, I love them a whole lot.

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I can't even explain how much love I have for Coldplay.. they are my favorite band in the world and I have been a fan for about six years. I have a Coldplay tattoo on my wrist because I love and adore them oh so much. I have spent thousands of dollars combined to see them perform(8 concerts total) and they are the only band I will travel to see live. Just a few reasons haha but yes, I love them a whole lot.


:) ^^ :wacky: may I ask how is your tattoo like?

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I'm so jeaolous people at this site. Because lots of them saw COLDLAY moreover some of them met band members!!! Did you ever think that?? Did you ever think that they touched Chris,Will,Guy,Johnny or see them alive. This is only a dream for me. I think that feeling every day and every hour. I hope they will come our country... I haven't got any posters of them and any CDs... Cuz i didn't find any poster but i'm gonna buy their CDs ASAP. I wanna LİVE 2003 DVD but i can not find it there. I ve just downloaded from internet but its not good :( :(


now if you ask me how deep is my love.. i can answer you i feel them without touching or seeing alive. i am thinking them every night or everymorning..yeah this hurt me but i can not resist... i can give my life for going to a coldplay concert and meet Chris or other guys. So you,the cping people, if you saw them alive, you did lived one person's dream. good night.


p.s.:sorry about my english. it is not good but i am working on it.

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^ You ain't alone sister, I've never seen them live either, but I do have Live 2003


But like you, I want the real thing, the real experience of going there, seeing them, and being able to say: I WENT TO GO SEE COLDPLAY! IT WAS F*CKING AWESOME!! AND I got to talk to Coldplay! I have something signed by them!!






My love of Coldplay is HUGE

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Even though I think of the Bee Gees after reading the title of this thread, I can say my love for Coldplay is very deep! I started listening to them right when Yellow hit, and had it played at my wedding receptioin in 2001. I think about them everyday, I come HERE everyday (ok, every other day at times) and the only CDs in my car that I go to regularly are Coldplay, right now AROBTTH is in the CD player now. I loaded my IPOD with all Coldplay and Coldplay-related (Jay Z collab, Kanye collab) songs. My workout room is an ode to things I love, so my Coldplay stuff goes in there. And I am not a fangirl, I am, (cough) 41. Coldplay really means a lot to me.

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