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How deep is your love?


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Okay, I'm obsessed with Coldplay. It's one of the biggest parts in my life.

I love the music, I love the guys and I have learned many things in a different perspective to see.

I admire Coldplays support for Oxfam - and support this organization now itself.

Thanks Coldplay I've met a lot of nice people around the world and found good friends.

Thanks to Coldplay's inspiration, I have again started to paint and still wonder why I ever stopped doing it.

Frankly, there are worse things with which one can spend his life... ;)

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My goodness, we could be long lost twins.


Yeah, Coldplay is pretty much the only music I'll listen to. During school hours, I'm always seen with a headphone in, listening to Coldplay to calm me throughout the day when it gets tough. Horribly, there are some right nasty people in a lot of my classes, but hearing Chris's voice gets me through it a lot of the time. And, weirdly, listening to their music helps me concentrate in class (unless the teacher is giving us a lecture, in which case I usually turn it off.)


Although my room isn't decked out in Coldplay stuff (my mum would never allow it), or I don't own hundreds of CDs or merchandise (again, the mother), a great love for them and their music runs deep within me. :nice:


Well I'm sorry for you - when I was in school there was the same situation shitty class members and annoying teachers but I did not have Coldplay to calm myself :( - I listened to other music back then. Of course not during class - our teachers would have told us something...:lol:


However you're right saying that their music is very calming. For me Coldplay makes a bad day much better and turns a good day into a perfect one. The music can be played in all situations, that's why I love CP so much.


I'm a fan for only one year - so I think my fan status will still develop. I don't have my room full of Coldplay but I have a little corner dedicated to them a self made picture with the butterflies on my wall - I think that's sufficient, I'm not 12 anymore :lol:

Before the concert I only had phases (a month or so) in which I listened to Coldplay extremely often but I think it has changed - from now on there has to be Coldplay every day!!!!

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Basically... my whole entire life is Coldplay. Every second of free time i have, I'm on here or listening to their music or watching interviews on youtube. Pretty much every single thought i have is about Coldplay. For real. My mom and some of my non- Coldplay friends feel like I've "left them behind" because of it. I really just have no interest in people who won't talk about htem with me, or who don't like the music. All of the money i earn i want to spend on Coldplay related stuff. I think my parents are going to give me an intervention soon. lol.


Yeah, this pretty much sums up my feelings as well.

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:rolleyes::rolleyes:Oh christ another obsessive fan that has gone to far I think lol :lol::laugh3::P

So we are all on here as we love Coldplay to some degree. Some of us are more obsessed than others. I'm curious to learn just how deep is your love, LOL?:P Do you think about Coldplay often throughout the day, or is it just a passing thought as you glimpse your posters on your bedroom wall when you wake up? Do you listen to them everyday, or just now and again? You get the drift...so spill the beans!!!:wink3:


Me? It's a full blown habit and my poor husband, well , lets not go there. I listen to Coldplay everyday to and from work and my children are word perfect on almost every song. My colleagues say its brainwashing, I just call it a good education. :D

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I always say my life is Coldplay and plays...

I said in another thread once somethings like 75% Coldplay, 25% Drama (I love theatre and music)

Anyways, yeah I love them...obviously. The ONLY music I listen to. I don't go 5 minutes without thinking about them. I literally ache if I go a few hours without listening to them (I was having a panic attack today in school)

I'm so freaking obsessed....

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Basically... my whole entire life is Coldplay. Every second of free time i have, I'm on here or listening to their music or watching interviews on youtube. Pretty much every single thought i have is about Coldplay. For real. My mom and some of my non- Coldplay friends feel like I've "left them behind" because of it. I really just have no interest in people who won't talk about htem with me, or who don't like the music. All of the money i earn i want to spend on Coldplay related stuff. I think my parents are going to give me an intervention soon. lol.


Oh, did I mention I already GOT an intervention? It sucked so badly!!!

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I am not so into Coldplay like I use to be :o I even skip through tracks now to avoid listening to Coldplay, why why why !!!!They are still my number 2 band that I love the most but I have grown tired of them maybe one day my interest will peak again

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