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LOLdplay: I Can Haz Cake?

Strawberry Rain

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Jonny: "You know, being the lead guitarist of one of the biggest bands in the world reqiures a lot of energy. We don't get much sleep during the night due to rehearsals and after parties and stuff. So one night I realised. All I need is a slice of cake every day, and that's basically everything I need to perform excellently every single show!"

Chris: "I love you. Whoop, how YOU doin' down there?! :wacky:"



Chris: *whispering* "I love you."

Jonny: "Maha! I knew it."



Jonny: "Gawd! I'm so glad you and I, Chris, have become US! <3"



:laugh3: :P

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Thanks :hug:






Do they have cake in a coffeeshop?


I think a coffeshop is a different thing in your country than in mines :P


in our place for ex. Starbucks also sell cakes :dead: :p




that cake looks so good:dead:


of course :wacko: wanna see what it looks like after I've 'murdered' it? :evil: :lol:

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(Makes no sense if you haven't seen "The Notebook"...)


:lol::lol::lol: I. CAN'T. STOP. LAUGHING!!!!! hilarious!!! :lol:

(I wonder if they did the kissing scene after that? :wink3:)


Char we don't have Starbucks here :disappointed:


And Sof is in India!

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