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6-Mar-2010: Foro Sol, Mexico City, Mexico - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews/Photos

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Ladies and Gents,


I have tickets to the March 6th show, General A, will sell for face value ($1350 pesos). I have a bunch of spares. Please contact me if you are interested.




Tengo boletos para el concierto del Sabado 6 de Marzo, General A, los vendo a costo ($1350 CU). Tengo muchos. Contactenme si estan interesados!!


Alfonso Olvera


I'll contact you by tonight if I can, please hold four until then. Muchos gracias señor.

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Okay, sorry for going off topic here but I need some advice.


Obviously I'm not mexican and I am arriving in Mexico on Tuesday, having a beach holiday before the concerts start :D


I am taking my mobile/cell phone with me but texting or feeding twitter would be expensive as it would be charged for sending texts to Germany or another foreign country.


Anyone of you got any tipps/hints about prepaid cards?!

Which one should I get, is it easy to handle ....

Never had a prepaid card before so I really don't know how that works (even not in Germany :laugh3: ).


I'd like to keep contact with some people I'm going to meet up with and maybe feed my Twitter as I won't have other chances to go online/communicate ...


I would be really grateful for any advice :)

Thank you!


The biggest carrier here is TELCEL, it's easy enough to buy and use a prepaid card, they sell them everywhere, i would recommend that you buy it at minimarkets like OXXO or 7-Eleven though, cause you can get the ocassional counterfeit one if you buy them on the street. I guess you just have to ask your carrier in Germany if you can actually use mexican prepaid cards once you get here, maybe you'll have to buy them over there and use them once you're here, that's how it sometimes works with mexican phones abroad ;) as for keeping your Twitter up to speed, you might want to use Wi-Fi hotspots like Starbucks cause i've heard it's really expensive to go online on prepaid cards, they run out really quickly.

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Okay, sorry for going off topic here but I need some advice.


Obviously I'm not mexican and I am arriving in Mexico on Tuesday, having a beach holiday before the concerts start :D


I am taking my mobile/cell phone with me but texting or feeding twitter would be expensive as it would be charged for sending texts to Germany or another foreign country.


Anyone of you got any tipps/hints about prepaid cards?!

Which one should I get, is it easy to handle ....

Never had a prepaid card before so I really don't know how that works (even not in Germany :laugh3: ).


I'd like to keep contact with some people I'm going to meet up with and maybe feed my Twitter as I won't have other chances to go online/communicate ...


I would be really grateful for any advice :)

Thank you!


Forget about buying a pre-paid card, you can purchase a pre-paid phone for about $350 pesos and this will include some included credits in your account. Pre-paid rates are usually $5 pesos/minute. They usually have a promotion where if you buy a $500 prepaid card, they give you $400 more.

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Sure, will be happy to. I actually have 16 that I need to get rid of!!! My company bought a bunch but we're not able to go.


You must be a part of a great company!!! Sounds like it would've been a lot of fun! Thanks so much you're a big help :-D. I'll send you a PM tonight! Have a great afternoon!

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Hey la idea de la coronitas esta bien , jeje yo creo que llevare la mia, y entonses, va a ver reunion antes???? yo ya arregle mi viaje al concierto y yo llego como 6:00-6:30 al foro sol , y seria una ayuda muy grande si alguien me dijera si hay algunos restaurantes cerca del foro y algun centro comercial o algo parecido como una plaza o algun lugar donde se pueda perder tiempo.

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Oh and btw. ... I'm extremely relaxed now about the concerts :)

Most of you probably didn't hear but my flight to Mexico City on Febr. 23rd got cancelled because of the pilot strike from Lufthansa.

I was now rebooked onto an AirFrance flight and will fly on the same day, only via Paris/France ...


Soooo happy that it's fixed after all :)




Thank Goodness, but really you shouldn't have worried, all pre-concert drama will reside directly on my well practiced shoulders, just ask Angie. :laugh3:

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You must be a part of a great company!!! Sounds like it would've been a lot of fun! Thanks so much you're a big help :-D. I'll send you a PM tonight! Have a great afternoon!


Thanks for offering but it comes down to the fact that I've got a little sibling back at home and we wouldn't be able to leave him or take him, so I appreciate it but I can't do it, and good luck selling the rest! I look forward to seeing you around the boards!

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Thanks for offering but it comes down to the fact that I've got a little sibling back at home and we wouldn't be able to leave him or take him, so I appreciate it but I can't do it, and good luck selling the rest! I look forward to seeing you around the boards!



No problem at all, let me know if things change! Take care

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Hey la idea de la coronitas esta bien , jeje yo creo que llevare la mia, y entonses, va a ver reunion antes???? yo ya arregle mi viaje al concierto y yo llego como 6:00-6:30 al foro sol , y seria una ayuda muy grande si alguien me dijera si hay algunos restaurantes cerca del foro y algun centro comercial o algo parecido como una plaza o algun lugar donde se pueda perder tiempo.

de la mañana o de la tarde????? si es de la mañana sta bn aunke un dmasiado para mi jaja si es de la tarde ya valist xk t toca hasta casuchi amenos ke tngas de los ke son numerados.


Chavos unanse al club de coldplaymexico

ya se empezaron a organizar cosas muy chidas

y ps mientras mas mejor. Aki hay fans de verdad

asi ke unanse hagan bola. De ahi es lo de las coronas

y un par de cosas mas ke se estan organizando.


Asi nos conocemos tooodos los coldplayers.



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Okay, sorry for going off topic here but I need some advice.


Obviously I'm not mexican and I am arriving in Mexico on Tuesday, having a beach holiday before the concerts start :D


I am taking my mobile/cell phone with me but texting or feeding twitter would be expensive as it would be charged for sending texts to Germany or another foreign country.


Anyone of you got any tipps/hints about prepaid cards?!

Which one should I get, is it easy to handle ....

Never had a prepaid card before so I really don't know how that works (even not in Germany :laugh3: ).


I'd like to keep contact with some people I'm going to meet up with and maybe feed my Twitter as I won't have other chances to go online/communicate ...


I would be really grateful for any advice :)

Thank you!


Just a question, by prepaid card do you mean a celphone chip with credit in it or just the credit? :thinking:


Here a prepaid card is just the credit, and like Kaisin said, prepaid cards are easy to find as they sell them pretty much everywhere: minimarts, supermarkets, drugstores, etc. As for tweeter, I'm not sure if you can get tweets to your cel in Germany... you cannot in Mexico. However, everytime you tweet without using a WiFi it will charge you a fee, so it's doable but still a bit more expensive than regular texts.

Oh and as you've never used a prepaid card before, it's no big deal. You just gotta scratch the silver surface to get a code, dial a number (*333 if it's a "Telcel" card :P), enter the code and taddaaaa!! You've got credit in your cel :tongue:


However, I'm afraid this would not really help you as you would still have a german phone, with a german number in Mexican soil. So I think what you need is a mexican chip, place that on your phone and get a prepaid card so you can use it and get charged in pesos. I think the easiest way to go is as Kaisin said, and just get a cheap cel at a minimart (oxxo, 7eleven, and they have a bit of credit in them) and then just buy a prepaid card when it runs out...


Btw, pm'ing you as we speak :D

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Use skype.

Hey la idea de la coronitas esta bien , jeje yo creo que llevare la mia, y entonses, va a ver reunion antes???? yo ya arregle mi viaje al concierto y yo llego como 6:00-6:30 al foro sol , y seria una ayuda muy grande si alguien me dijera si hay algunos restaurantes cerca del foro y algun centro comercial o algo parecido como una plaza o algun lugar donde se pueda perder tiempo.

Mmm algo padre cerca de ahi? Pues no, quizas el

aeropuerto. :lol:

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Vuelvo a preguntar porque la vez pasada nadie me pelo jaja y se acerca el día...


¿Habrá reunión antes del concierto en algún punto, a alguna hora en especifico para formarnos y morir de frío todos juntos?



Lo mas seguro es que los del club de fans tengan una hora establecida para verse en el Foro, la verdad yo no se todavia que tan temprano pueda estar ahi prque tengo que cargar con mi hermana y mi prima :dozey:

Really!!?!? :shocked2:

That's sooo great!! :D

Meaning I'll have probably have 4 more spares to give away after the mexican tour ;)


Oh and btw. ... I'm extremely relaxed now about the concerts :)

Most of you probably didn't hear but my flight to Mexico City on Febr. 23rd got cancelled because of the pilot strike from Lufthansa.

I was now rebooked onto an AirFrance flight and will fly on the same day, only via Paris/France ...


Soooo happy that it's fixed after all :)

Yep, I'll have a few spares myself too :wacky: I just hope the whole handing over isn't a mess :uhoh:

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Lo mas seguro es que los del club de fans tengan una hora establecida para verse en el Foro, la verdad yo no se todavia que tan temprano pueda estar ahi prque tengo que cargar con mi hermana y mi prima :dozey:


Yep, I'll have a few spares myself too :wacky: I just hope the whole handing over isn't a mess :uhoh:


Duh, yo también. Por mi no hay problema en faltar a la escuela pero nooooo mi hermano y mi prima si tienen que ir :dozey:. No quiero terminar hasta atrás :cry2:.


Eso es lo que me temo... que la gente se desespere y se haga bolas y al final ya no alcance disco :\

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Duh, yo también. Por mi no hay problema en faltar a la escuela pero nooooo mi hermano y mi prima si tienen que ir :dozey:. No quiero terminar hasta atrás :cry2:.


Eso es lo que me temo... que la gente se desespere y se haga bolas y al final ya no alcance disco :\

Mmmm... estamos en las mismas :dozey: En el primero del DF va a estar interesante ver ke tan temprano puedo convencer a mi hermana y a mi prima de que empecemos a hacer fila... Y en el de Guadalajara no creo ke mi novio kiera llegar temprano ni estar hasta el frente :inquisitive: .......... mmmmmmmm....... ya me las ingeniare :tongue:

I know! this is insane:wacky:


10 more days for me :P

Awesome :awesome:

You're finally seeing them in your home land :wacky:

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Y yo ke tenia la esperanza de que en Guadalajara la cosa no estuviera tanto asi... Ya rompiste mis esperanzas de poder llegar a las 3 y agarrar lugar decente :disappointed: :tongue:

Si me preguntas a mi, tu hermano y tu prima son demasiado responsables, cuando yo estaba en la escuela hubiera aprovechado cualquier oportunidad para faltar :D

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Pues la verdad nunca he llegado a las 3 y nunca he ido a un concierto de Cp. entonces no estoy muy segura... pero yo supongo que a las 3 si va estar la fila un poco larga no? :thinking: Y pues si no la haces te queda todavía Monterrey! :D Tienes 4 conciertos!

Ey si claro... Payasos que es otra cosa! :P Pero vas a ver! Después del concierto van a estar súper agradecidos si nos vamos temprano! :D

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