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Gwyneth's Kinky Surprise


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With her distaste for late nights and her insistence on a strict macrobiotic diet, Gwyneth Pal t row has acquired something of a boring reputation. But she turned that image on its head when she spent half an hour in a sex shop and emerged beaming with around £ 150 worth of goods.


The 30-year-old Oscar winner's spending spree proved a bit too raunchy, however, for her British boyfriend Chris Martin. Apparently too nervous to enter the shop in New York's Greenwich Village himself, the 26-year-old Coldplay singer paced the pavement outside. At one point, he slumped to the ground, leaning against a parking meter and scratching his head, seemingly wondering if Miss Paltrow would ever emerge. :lol: :lol:


Dan Lishner, an assistant at the Pleasure Chest store, revealed after the couple finally went on their way: 'Gwyneth said she was getting things for a girlfriend's bachelorette party. 'She bought all the regular stuff people have at parties of that sort.' Mr Lishner was unable to recall all Miss Paltrow's purchases but said they included a vibrator.


According to another customer, she also bought a veil embroidered with phallic symbols. The shopper added: ' She picked out a number of sex toys and handfuls of suggestivelyshaped balloons. 'For a final joke, she decided on some chocolate money with Kama-Sutra style images on the front.'


Miss Paltrow's shopping spree prompted speculation that she might be stocking up on items for her own hen night. But friends say the only wedding the couple - who have denied they are even engaged - were planning to attend was that of one of the actress's old schoolfriends. Miss Paltrow and Martin have been lovers since they were introduced at a Coldplay concert a year ago.


Their decision to shun the showbusiness lifestyle has earned them the label of ' most boring couple in showbusiness'. They are both yoga devotees - Miss Paltrow rises to exercise at 6am daily - and eschew rice, meat and all dairy products.



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Yeah, I heard about that yesterday. I like this quote though:


"Apparently too nervous to enter the shop in New York's Greenwich Village himself, the 26-year-old Coldplay singer paced the pavement outside. At one point, he slumped to the ground, leaning against a parking meter and scratching his head, seemingly wondering if Miss Paltrow would ever emerge"


Awww :blush: :blush: :blush: He's so cute!!

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they are so cute together! They look perfect together. People say the Gwyn has made an effect on Chris but I think it's the other way around. Gwyn goes around in jeans and tiny tops looking like a rocker chick and not like the hollywood chick she used to look like. She's cool because she's not as hollywood as you would think. I read an article that says she doesn't even have a creative team and makeup team unless it's on film sets. She picks out her own clothes and does her own hair and make up. That is so cool! They call them the most boring couple in showbusiness, but they probably don't even care. They probably enjoy their macrobiotic diets and their yoga!

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