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Does anybody else think Nelson Mandela is overrated?

Prince Myshkin

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Ok firstly you cannot compare the muslim agenda with mandela's, One is based on a book, the other on the struggle for Human rights and freedom. America and the old SA government are not in the same category.


my point is on when terrorism becomes acceptable and then how far a person can be respected for those actions.


just because a person believes something is right doesn't mean it is right, as is shown by muslim extremists. plotting to kill government officials would have worked for mandela and that became his aim.


i think he should be free, since he served too much time in jail for a man who clearly is not a threat to society, but why i find it a confusing precedent to set to have him as pretty much the most respected human alive. i think he should be known, i just find the whole thing that surrounds him as massively overrated.

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Also just to change the subject slightly, how comes you are still awake if you are from the UK? I thought i was the only one lol!


i am actually heading to sleep right now



since i'm leaving i don't want my words twisted too much whilst i'm asleep.

1. i agree with what he fought for.

2. i think he should be a free man. i think he should be remembered for what he did.

3. i don't understand why he won the nobel PEACE prize and is the most respected man alive considering what he plotted to do and the murders that the group he led carried out.

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two wrongs make a right then?

i'm not saying they don't, just wondering what your opinion is.


In this case yes because the alternative would be for one wrong to be inflicted indefinately. The two wrongs are not equal either, Mandela was attempting to stop a wrong. Its different from revenge as the saying implies.

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i am actually heading to sleep right now



since i'm leaving i don't want my words twisted too much whilst i'm asleep.

1. i agree with what he fought for.

2. i think he should be a free man. i think he should be remembered for what he did.

3. i don't understand why he won the nobel PEACE prize and is the most respected man alive considering what he plotted to do and the murders that the group he led carried out.


Yeh me too, im quite tired now, I understand your position, I think that you are uncomfortable accepting violence as neccessary in this case. To that i would say look at the first & second world wars, wouldnt you agree that the allied forces are heros for liberating the occupied countries and defeating the nazis, even at the human cost of the soldiers and civilians? I think that fighting and killing can be justified in certain circumstances, mandela is one of those cases in my opinion.

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But allied forces made lot of unjustified atrocities, but this is a a different topic.


Ok but the main point is still relevant, that they fought a war to save people.


out of general curiosity what atrocities did they commit? I know they executed unarmed german soldiers at some concentration camps but to be honest I think thats totally justified.

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Justified? I don't think so, because then they were becoming like them. Russian soldiers did massive rapes on lots of villages, german or not. And even if they were german, it wasn't their fault a totalitarian bastard was wrecking havoc around Europe.

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I would have rather died than be part of gassing entire families. I think the nazis deserve to die if they kill innocents. I dont think that makes me anywhere near as bad as a nazi?


Edit: actually i think you may be right. We are the good guys so I think we ought to take the higher moral ground, But other than that I dont see a problem with it, If somebody killed a relative of mine i would want them to die painfully, Is that wrong?

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That's racist.


not necessarily

but very possible.

they may have hated him because he killed one of their relatives in his struggle against the corrupt government. i wouldn't say that was hatred based on race.


good ol' google


Nope, it's 100% racist.



they could well be racists and it could be racially motivated but from the information given how have you decided it was racist? all you know is two white south african twins hate nelson mandela.




He wasn't a terrorist, just because the government says someone is a menace doesn't mean he's a criminal.



Yes he was like a great symbol of the cause.


Spot on! Anyone can be labeled as a terrorist.

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........do you have inside information? if not then that's a ridiculous statement.


I dont know much about the corruptness of the government but im sure its was about a million times worse that the blair/bush government, and just for the record the wars were certainly not illlegal, Sadam was the one that broke international law. The UK & USA should be proud of the liberation of Iraq, now they can vote people into power, obviously there was an awful human cost but Sadam had inflicted much more on his own people and the Kurds, (the largest ethnic group to have no homeland)


Sorry to change the subject slightly but i had to express it.

Haha, man. You'll never learn..

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