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[20-Dec-2010] Crisis: Coldplay in Newcastle (JOURNAL TYNE THEATRE, WESTGATE RD)

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The snow over the past few weeks has all but gone here now in the North East, only leaving behind some slush and hard to shift ice. I know the 20th is a week or so away, but because the previous show has shifted things are getting back to normal.


Yep but there's more on its way isn't there? At least here in the south east that's what we've been told to expect...:(

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The 10 day forecast for newcastle is predicting snow on fri 17th, sat 18th & sun 19th . its predicting rain/snow on thurs 16th & mon 20th.


if i were you, I'd plan extra travel time to make sure you get there. if there is no snow and you get there early, you'll have saved yourself the stress :)

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The 10 day forecast for newcastle is predicting snow on fri 17th, sat 18th & sun 19th . its predicting rain/snow on thurs 16th & mon 20th.


if i were you, I'd plan extra travel time to make sure you get there. if there is no snow and you get there early, you'll have saved yourself the stress :)

Myself and a few other people were planning to take the 7:15am train from Liverpool to Newcastle (although we haven't booked it yet). It takes about 4 hours to get there, and we plan on waiting until we get to Newcastle to get ready. Should we try to take the really early (3am-ish) train?

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As it looks like a lot of my board friends are going to Newcastle I've now decided that I really want to be there as well! (I did already want to be there but this just tips the scale a bit more :P)


If anyone has a spare ticket - feel free to contact me and I'll gladly take it off your hands! :nice:

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Sorry to bother you guys, but I'd like to copy the post I wrote in the Liverpool thread:


I know that it's probably useless (cause those tickets are golden, so it might be too late to hope for one) but if someone happens to have a spare ticket, I'd be more than happy to help you with it!:blush: (this also applies for the Newcastle gig)


In any case, have a blast everyone!!


@Anna: may the luck be with us :P

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Hi I appreciated this is my first post but I have been lurking (and being entertained by everyone) for a couple of years.


Anyway you have probably guessed I am after two tickets for next Monday's gig.


Appreciate I am unlikely to be high up anyones list if they have any spare tickets as there seems to be more deserving cases from regulars on the forum.


If there are any spare tickets would be greatly appreciated especially as it's our wedding anniversary on Monday!


Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year


Thanks for reading



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As it looks like a lot of my board friends are going to Newcastle I've now decided that I really want to be there as well! (I did already want to be there but this just tips the scale a bit more :P)


If anyone has a spare ticket - feel free to contact me and I'll gladly take it off your hands! :nice:


As I wrote elsewhere, if someone does have a spare ticket they couldn't hope to go to a gig with a nicer person and more passionate fan than AnnaElisabeth :sunny:


Good luck Arwen too, and welcome to the forum Mallenbeadle :nice:

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Seated...Standing...general Admission?? Confused much?


Aloha fellow Coldplay Fans..


Im slightly confused (and yes blonde)... I won Auction tickets (and will probably be joining the Crisis community as i have spent all of my money...) and when they came they have Stalls row M or something on them... I thought general admission was Standing??? ... am i sitting?.... can anybody help a lady out here?


I cannot Bloody wait... any speculation as to where the gig will be!? :cool:



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Ah right,


so people actually got tickets that said Standing aposed to Stalls?


Hmmm i was going to ring Crisis adn ask but im sure they have a lot more important phone calls to be answering!? :o


Aw i hope im not up a height at the back in a seat... ill be gutted after the amount i paid for the ticket :(

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there are only 200 standing tickets i've heard, i can't believe they are in the back. i'm pretty sure that we will be near the stage, in front of coldplay in the stalls, then the seats will be behind us, i suppose so.

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