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what was your worst teenager phase?


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^That's the whole crisis of being an 'adult' when it comes to the age of 14-16 which can be hugely decisive in your future, but really still being a child who understandably can still make irrational decisions.


I've had many friends who quit before GCSE's, and regret it, the same as people who have quit before the end of A-Levels or Uni and felt it was just as much of a big deal, and overall it is their attitude after mistakes that really makes the difference in what jobs they've gotten into.


And I've also met some people who went to private schools in England and top universities and honestly, you'd meet someone with more sense at a bus stop and they are usually completely impractical in a work scenario. So its good that you never let that little mistake get you down.

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My worst phase was my Coldplay obsession phase (:sick:).


I am right now going through a music-obsessed phase, which is why I can't stop thinking about that Eb clarinet I found in the band room today, and why I have Second Suite in F by Holst stuck in my head. I'm also going through a very lazy, "I don't give a shit" phase, and I guess it's not good but I don't really care enough to go do something productive, ahuehuehue. :P

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I used to be obsessed with David Tennant and Doctor Who to the point where I made a scrapbook of newspaper cuttings and screenshots and everything :anxious:

and I used to also be obsessed with Chris Martin. I think I still have 300 pictures of him on my laptop :uhoh:

But yeah I also think I was more of the depressed teenager at about the ages of 12-15ish than anything.

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Ok, I will say it.



I was one of those crazy Avril Lavigne fans. :shame: Not as crazy as some were, but definitely still one of them.


I wore a tie to school.

























I even made my parents take me to Napanee.



















































I bought a Home Hardware tshirt in Napanee just like the one she always wore.


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My depressed, why-am-I-not-cool-like-everyone-else phase.


Still recovering, haha.

I used to be obsessed with David Tennant and Doctor Who to the point where I made a scrapbook of newspaper cuttings and screenshots and everything :anxious:

and I used to also be obsessed with Chris Martin. I think I still have 300 pictures of him on my laptop :uhoh:

But yeah I also think I was more of the depressed teenager at about the ages of 12-15ish than anything.


Agh. Totally me as well.


I think I won the "Biggest Chris Fan" thing here when I was 15.


Though, I'm still obsessed with David Tennant. I don't have a scrapbook (:laugh3:) but I stalk the DT tag on tumblr way too much. It's probably pretty unhealthy.

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Had a phase where I actually pretended to like Muse because my friends were into them, though I never did and still don't. Also I used to mention deftones lyrics in about every conversation which became a quirky habit.

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I used to be obsessed with David Tennant and Doctor Who to the point where I made a scrapbook of newspaper cuttings and screenshots and everything :anxious:

and I used to also be obsessed with Chris Martin. I think I still have 300 pictures of him on my laptop :uhoh:

But yeah I also think I was more of the depressed teenager at about the ages of 12-15ish than anything.

You sound just like me :blank:

except I never made a scrapbook.

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Can totally relate. Won Biggest Chris Fan and Most Likely To Scare Coldplay Into Early Retirement in 2008.

I also still have a time capsule from that era, but it's nice looking at all the stuff I kept.


...I think I still have 1000+ pics of him on my compy from that time, no joke. :[

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I'm still a teenager, but:

1. The phase where I basically wanted to be an indie hipster because I liked the style but then I realised that I just couldn't be pretentious enough! (Still love the style and indie music but now I just incorporate them into who I naturally am)

2. The 'oh-my-God-no-one-can-relate-to-me' one (actually, I think I still get that one sometimes!)

3. The utterly hooked to my iPod/music/Coldplay phase - oh yeah, still in that one too... :laugh3:


And basically, just being a teenager in general! I've never been one of the punk/emo/chav kids though, I just act like an old person all the time!

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I wore (fake) dreadlocks, listened to catalan and basque Ska bands, and supported the independence of Catalonia. Thank G-d it was only a phase, and it just lasted like a year or year and a half LOL Now I totally hate those kind of people.

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