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The Buckland Religion~Official Thread


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I know you hate the idea of the two of them being together but I think we have to face facts that they are happy together


OK, that is NOT a FACT. It is your opinion. You do not KNOW they are happy. Jonny does seem happy. But we don't know why. He's not going to say to an interviewer "I really don't want them to tour with me." :rolleyes: They are always polite. And my opinion differing from yours does NOT mean I am not "facing facts." I have as much right to my opinion as you have to yours.


and a family, and that's why they are engaged.


Again, people get engaged for all kinds of reasons. Having a kid is one of the top reasons.



I really doubt Jonny would be 'forced' into a decision like that, by Chloe or anyone. He seems happier now more than ever and has said how amazing having a family is and having them on tour with him. He sounds pretty cool with the whole family idea.


I've personally seen people get engaged b/c of pressure. It does happen. I agree, he loves his daughter. He is very happy talking about her, but never talks about Chloe.


Lots of people wait for several years before getting married and some people never bother. As JBella said, she's been with her fiancee since she was 15 and they are engaged for over ten years, yet I bet if you asked her she'd say their relationship means as much as it would if they had the piece of paper.


The whole point of engagement is that you plan to get married. That is the definition, a "mutual promise to marry."


Who knows why they waited. Maybe they just didn't get around to it. Or maybe having a piece of paper didn't mean that much to them before. Maybe having a baby made them reconsider. Who knows. I know that you don't like her for whatever reason, but by all accounts from people who have seen her, she seems nice and they seem happy together. I've been accused of sticking up for her all the time but I just don't see the point in being down on her -


Have I said anything nasty about her personally? No, I have not. I am not "down on her." I made one joke about Mich's lazer eyes. Once. That was a joke. She seemed nice from people who saw her? Can you really tell how "nice" someone is by looking at them? No one here knows ANYTHING about her. Which is fine. We do NOT know whether she is nice. But we do know she rarely smiles in any pictures.


being with her is not going to change him as a guitarist or the music, and that's what ultimately counts. What makes him happy makes me happy :)


Music is important to me. So is Jonny. What "ultimately counts" is a matter of each individual's opinion.



I agree with you in part - his guitar playing and and their music is the most important thing and I am happy to discuss that above all else, as we do 99% of the time in this thread.


But at the same time, I don't see why mentioning his family has to be silenced in this thread because a couple of people have irrationally decided not to like his choice of partner.


Sigh. I never said anything bad about her. And even if I didn't like her, that would not be irrational. I'm actually quite a rational person. Having an opinion different from yours must make anyone irrational, huh? Brilliant.




Everyone is lovely about Will and Chris' families and are happy to mention them when there is nice news like a marriage or a new baby, but the Jonny fans are supposed to ignore it because a couple of people don't like it.


There have been plenty of haters of Gwyneth. We all have seen them. And remember Joanna Berryman? What did they call her? The GOLDBAG LADY. Jonny hasn't been singled out in any way. And no one is knocking Chloe.


This thread is open to everyone to discuss anything related to Jonny, as long as it is not offensive or overstepping the privacy mark (e.g. home addresses). I'm not out to pick any fights here but at the same time, I'm not going to stop posting Jonny-related news or censor what I write because a few people have crushes him. If people don't like the news, then just ignore it and it will very quickly go away and end up on another page.


You don't want to pick a fight? I stated my opinion in a very civil way earlier. Then you came back, calling people irrational. Those are fighting words. You can say what you want, but you contradict yourself.


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Guest LiquidSky

Oh Lori!! You just made me remember the Goldbag lady.. :lol: at least it was 'lady'


Anyway, back to our loverly handsome most adorable daddy in the World! Awesome pictures! :blush:

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No. I spoke to Chloe's relative via PM. She never confirmed or denied an engagement. Those are her own words.



I was talking about this girl from the boards, she mentions they were engaged here which was in July 08:




I guess it doesn't really matter when they got engaged or how long they've been together so long as Jonny and his family are happy and healthy :).




But anyway, here's something we can all agree on, Jonny is sexy :wink3::











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"But we do know she rarely smiles in any pictures."

:rolleyes:. Umm... Would that be in the photos where someone is taking pictures of her 1 year old child as she walks through and airport, or the ones where someone is following her and her boyfriend around with a camera as they're out taking a walk. Yeah I can't think of any reason she'd be anything but smiles in those situations...:dozey:


Besides, there are photos of her where she looks happy (Isle of Wight for example).

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I was talking about this girl from the boards, she mentions they were engaged here which was in July 08:




Yes, that is the very same girl I PM'd. So she forgot she said that. (or lied :P)



"But we do know she rarely smiles in any pictures."


:rolleyes:. Umm... Would that be in the photos where someone is taking pictures of her 1 year old child as she walks through and airport, or the ones where someone is following her and her boyfriend around with a camera as they're out taking a walk. Yeah I can't think of any reason she'd be anything but smiles in those situations...:dozey:


Besides, there are photos of her where she looks happy (Isle of Wight for example).


:rolleyes: Right back at you! OMG. Yes, I totally think anyone would love to get followed around by paps and be nothing but smiles. :rolleyes: Please. I'm not stupid.


I don't expect her to be happy getting papped. DUH! But I haven't seen her with a happy smile. Maybe those Isle of Wight pics weren't posted very often. This is STILL A FACT- She doesn't smile often in any of her pics that I have seen. If there are some obscure pics from way back when that I haven't seen, then I can't really know about them. :P I have seen some pics of her at concerts. But no smiles in those.









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":rolleyes: Right back at you! OMG. Yes, I totally think anyone would love to get followed around by paps and be nothing but smiles. :rolleyes: Please. I'm not stupid."


Seeing as those types of situations account for 99% of the (public) pictures of her, I stand by my point. But hey, even if she doesn't smile there could be any number of reasons for that. Perhaps it's not in her nature to smile, or she doesn't like the way her teeth look, or anything really.;)


Personally, I think the fact that she travels with Jonny, speaks strongly to their relationship being on solid footing. People in unhappy relationships often try to minimize the amount of time they spend with each other, not go out of their way to be around each other as much as possible.

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I know you hate the idea of the two of them being together but I think we have to face facts that they are happy together and a family, and that's why they are engaged. I really doubt Jonny would be 'forced' into a decision like that, by Chloe or anyone. He seems happier now more than ever and has said how amazing having a family is and having them on tour with him. He sounds pretty cool with the whole family idea.



Agreed completely. Jonny is his own person, he wouldn't be forced into anything.



But at the same time, I don't see why mentioning his family has to be silenced in this thread because a couple of people have irrationally decided not to like his choice of partner. Everyone is lovely about Will and Chris' families and are happy to mention them when there is nice news like a marriage or a new baby, but the Jonny fans are supposed to ignore it because a couple of people don't like it.


I'm not going to stop posting Jonny-related news or censor what I write because a few people have crushes him. If people don't like the news, then just ignore it and it will very quickly go away and end up on another page.


Also, I agree with this. If something about Will's kids or family is mentioned people think it's sweet. Like when at the Yahoo Nissan show he mentioned how fantastic his wife is, and everyone thought it was adorable. Yet when something about Jonny's family comes up, it gets silenced right away because some people here have problems with Chloe, and with the fact that Jonny is happy and in love.



OK, that is NOT a FACT. It is your opinion. You do not KNOW they are happy. Jonny does seem happy. But we don't know why. He's not going to say to an interviewer "I really don't want them to tour with me." They are always polite. And my opinion differing from yours does NOT mean I am not "facing facts." I have as much right to my opinion as you have to yours.



Oh come on!! Seriously? They live together, they have a baby together, they travel together, they just bought an apartment in NYC together, they're engaged! You really don't think that they are happy together?



He looks pretty happy here:



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"OK, that is NOT a FACT. It is your opinion. You do not KNOW they are happy"

Except that by most measures available to those of us on the outside of their personal lives, they ACT like people in a happy relationship do. BUT FOR the fact they aren't married, they act in ways consistant with people in a stable happy relationship, and marriage doesn't really indicate anything one way or the other. Recent statistics, showed that a record and increasing number of people are in long term relationships, having children and NOT getting married, especially among European people, which last time I checked, Jonny and Chloe are.

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Guys. Jonny is my happy place. My escape from all the shit of this world. If I want to think something that seems unrealistic, why can't I? Why are you all attacking me? Do you seriously want me to fuck off and die? That's so very generous of you. I know my views are unrealistic. But what else am I supposed to do? Resort to drugs, alcohol, and other dustructive means to feel better? Or just talk about it, like I am TRYING to do. I do want Jonny to be happy. Probably a lot more than most people. More than you could know. Is it really so hard to understand why I don't like seeing them together? Have you never loved someone? This is all nothing to you. Just some argument for fun. I CAN'T try to ignore Jonny. I can't even try to ignore Coldplay. I hear them every single day at work. There is music playing over the intercom and I always hear Coldplay. Often several times a day. I can't get Jonny out of my life no matter what. So if you have any solutions, please tell me.

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Guys. Jonny is my happy place. My escape from all the shit of this world. If I want to think something that seems unrealistic, why can't I? Why are you all attacking me? Do you seriously want me to fuck off and die? That's so very generous of you. I know my views are unrealistic. But what else am I supposed to do? Resort to drugs, alcohol, and other dustructive means to feel better? Or just talk about it, like I am TRYING to do. I do want Jonny to be happy. Probably a lot more than most people. More than you could know. Is it really so hard to understand why I don't like seeing them together? Have you never loved someone? This is all nothing to you. Just some argument for fun. I CAN'T try to ignore Jonny. I can't even try to ignore Coldplay. I hear them every single day at work. There is music playing over the intercom and I always hear Coldplay. Often several times a day. I can't get Jonny out of my life no matter what. So if you have any solutions, please tell me.


Kissingbirds, no one is attacking you, just disagreeing with you. You've made some pretty strong statements about how you feel about their relationship, Chloe and about issues like marriage and engagement. If you write that stuff then you've got to expect people to reply and even to disagree. If you write it on the public board then you open yourself to be challenged. You can't then get offended if someone doesn't agree.


No one is saying you can't feel the way you do or that you can't have Jonny as your escape, but you can't expect people not to reply when you give such extensive posts on the subject and comment on other people's posts about it. If you don't want people to reply, maybe it's better you voice those opinions in messages directly to people who agree or sympathize with you opinions about Chloe. Otherwise expect replies to your posts and people to disagree, because I do.


As for whether she ever smiles or is nice, Jbella says she was dancing and clapping her way through the gig the other day so she can't be that miserable! If you really want I can recall several fans who have met her with Jonny and said she was nice to them... But I'm guessing that you actually don't want me to do that, so I won't.

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OK guys... I know my words may just fall on deaf ears but I'm just trying to keep the peace in the thread.


They are reportedly engaged. There are those who are happy for him, and there are those who are disappointed. It's a fact of life that disagreements will occur. What we are doing now, analysing every sentence and every opinion and launching a counter-attack, is not going to change each other's views on the topic.


Can we just leave this issue at that? The point has been established already, our opinions voiced. Fighting continuously over Jonny's private life is not going to make anything better. I don't think Jonny wants us doing that either. Let's just go back to the very point of this thread, to admire our Jonny boy.

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OK guys... I know my words may just fall on deaf ears but I'm just trying to keep the peace in the thread.


They are reportedly engaged. There are those who are happy for him, and there are those who are disappointed. It's a fact of life that disagreements will occur. What we are doing now, analysing every sentence and every opinion and launching a counter-attack, is not going to change each other's views on the topic.


Can we just leave this issue at that? The point has been established already, our opinions voiced. Fighting continuously over Jonny's private life is not going to make anything better. I don't think Jonny wants us doing that either. Let's just go back to the very point of this thread, to admire our Jonny boy.


I'm fine with leaving it. I don't mind talking about it as it doesn't upset me, but if people want to discuss other things then I'm just as happy with that. As I suggested about two pages ago, If no one wants to talk about it then just stop replying to posts about it and it will get buried in the pages. I'm only going to discuss it if people keep debating about it.

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