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Prince Myshkin

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Ohhh, OK. It surprises me that comics are always so relevant, no matter what era we're in or medium is used to project the images. Job security and a never-ending stream of topics, as long as the magic markers don't make you too woozy...

Superheros none of us are, but we can take great inspiration from them, and set our sights higher - good to lift the human spirit higher, assure us that we are not alone in our spirit journeys in life.

I'm still working on just being a better human being!

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I think we should look up to superheroes, I know for a fact that may sound childish, but I don't mean jump off a building in attempt to web-sling like spiderman, I mean, we should always try to be our best and use what we are good at for the good of the world. :)

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