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*is confused*

Edit: nice cream hahaha

you might be hungry :P

:P :P :P


Oh I am hungry. :D


been listening to a punch-up at a wedding on repeat lately, underrated tune

TBH, I don't like it that much. I probably wouldn't put it on the album either.

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someone tell me if this is bad:

I was reading a quote on someone's profile, they quote a song from Rush of Blood to the Head (the song, except at first I thought it WAS the song) then Karma Police comes on, right? And I thought it was AROBTHH for like a split second. Those songs have similarities, right? Am I crazy for thinking that? obviously abrobthh is NOTHING compared to Karma Police... Buuuut......



did any of that make sense?

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Myxomatosis used to be one of those songs that really creeped me out when i heard it. I actually heard it before i got into radiohead at all on my mp3 player on shuffle, and it was that line that was just so addicting to hear, yet when i heard it and saw the title (Myxomatosis [The Judge, The Jury, and the Executioner]) it just really freaked me out. Now it's one of those songs that I just love, and kinda makes me wanna dance (although i can't)

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Don't mess with Miley Cyrus.


The 16-year-old singer and actress has vowed to "ruin" Radiohead after the British band broke her inherited achy breaky heart by brushing her off at last month's Grammy Awards when she asked to meet them.


Cyrus, surprisingly, claimed to be a huge Radiohead fan. She asked her manager to set up a meeting with her idols, whose dressing room was a few doors down from hers at the Grammys, but Thom Yorke and the rest of the band apparently declined.


This prompted the sulking Cyrus to walk out before Radiohead's performance with the University Of Southern California marching band. But her spite didn't end there.


"I'm going to ruin them," Cyrus said during a radio interview on Tuesday morning in which she referred the group as "stinkin'" Radiohead. "I'm going to tell everyone.”


Cyrus said in the interview that she hung out with Coldplay singer Chris Martin at the Grammys, and he was "cool." The Hannah Montana star also said Paul McCartney was very nice at the awards show, and revealed she had a Kings Of Leon ringtone and doesn't enjoy urban pop music like that made by Boyz II Men.


To spare me typing more words than I've already wasted on Cyrus, you can hear her interview with out-of-touch syndicated radio hosts Johnjay and Rich here:


YouTube - Miley Cyrus - Johnjay and Rich Interview - March 3, 2009 P4/8





what a spoiled....a hhh

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