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The albums called Hail to the Thief, 2+2=5 and Are You Listening? were 2 working titles but luckily they didnt go with either of those horrible names. Im not crazy over Hail to the Thief, it just doesnt roll off the tongue in sentences (But at least it rolls better than 2+2=5).


Im doing my best to not download any, I want to wait and build up in excitement, and its working, I cant wait for these brilliant new songs.

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The unmastered version is BRILLIANT!!!


2+2=5, Sit Down Stand Up, Where I End And You Begin, There There, I Will and A Wolf At The Door is my favorites at the moment.

Can't wait for the finished album! :o


I wish I was as good as you guy's and waited for the album though, but I just couldn't :(

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Was this the sort of thing Thom was talking about when he wanted the unborn chicken voices to piss off?


Probably not, nonetheless...




I mean, they rule. I just dont want to download a song...


I know its only June9th, but it seems soooo far awaaaaayyyy...


Well, look at that, I have 2 GCSE tests June 9th, and 2 on June 10th, faaantastic...


In fact the next morning I have my mathematics test which is highly important (Like the 2nd most important) so I guess I'll be studying while listening to some great music :)

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Was this the sort of thing Thom was talking about when he wanted the unborn chicken voices to piss off?


Probably not, nonetheless...




I mean, they rule. I just dont want to download a song...


I know its only June9th, but it seems soooo far awaaaaayyyy...


Well, look at that, I have 2 GCSE tests June 9th, and 2 on June 10th, faaantastic...


In fact the next morning I have my mathematics test which is highly important (Like the 2nd most important) so I guess I'll be studying while listening to some great music :)


yeah it seems sooo far away and hearing other ppl talking about the album really wants you to download the songs i know!

at least ya know youll have more fun of the album then when u go listen to it now!ah studying with radiohead on! can u think of anything better?

good luck on your tests even though its far away lol

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