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Is it just me or is this entire era starting to feel...depressing?

Guest Osaka Sun

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I'm certain too many people on this thread had never dedicated anywhere near as much time waiting for this album than they had any other. I'm sure many people really don't like the music, but I think until people have listened to the album, put it away for a week or two, and come back, we won't know how we all feel.

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Guest howyousawtheworld
Over the past few weeks I've grown to be increasingly pessimistic about Mylo Xyloto. When we all heard the new tracks live at the summer festivals, everything sounded so fresh, almost perfect.


Then ETIAW, the studio version of Major Minus, throwing out MTM, the Rihanna duet news...and these new interviews of an indifferent Chris, Will feeling nervous (!), and the creation of an album that apparently had so many inconclusive phases (an acoustic record, then a film, then a rock symphony, then what?).


The lyrics to the disgraceful Paradise, the mediocre Up in Flames, and UATW, all feeling like the lovey-dovey story just like X&Y (not helping). I was listening to the recording of the band in Toronto today and the only thing that felt good anymore from LP5 was Charlie Brown. I remember going on the forums during the VLV era wanting to listen to every new snippet of Prospekt's March with excitement. Feels like all of that is gone now. :\


Ugh. Maybe I'm just overworrying. But the final result better sound good.


What about you all?


To be fair Coldplay or any other band don't dominate my life so much to get so upset about these things.

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I'm with you. I've been a fan since day 1 and always looked forward to every release. This is the only one where I think I will be underwhelmed.


I hate the first two singles; they are poppy and completely devoid of decent lyrics. I thought Chris wanted to change that?

I hate the "uniforms" and the fact that the last two albums have had themes where they dress the same all the time and play the same set list all the time. At least with Viva, it was a great album. We've all heard a bunch of tracks off Mylo and I have hope that with Charlie Brown and Us Against the World, there will be more on there to like.


I just can't see how a band can go from writing some really brilliant songs to ETIAW and Paradise. ETIAW sounds like something Backstreet Boys should be singing.


I'm hoping once the album is heard as a whole, I'll be eating my words, but I doubt it.


The live set at Much Music was great, but this humility of "we thought only three people would show up" is stupid and wearing thin. It seems insincere to me now.


Let me say, I hope I'm wrong. I will just have to hit skip when ETIAW comes on.

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After ETIAW I felt nervous but then the new songs calmed me down, and especially after seeing them performed live, I really loved the new sound. But then after paradise I felt uncertain again, and felt not so good about the era, and then I really ended up loving paradise, and accepted the new sound which is very refreshing to me now. And im just very happy about the era now, and I cant wait for oct. 24th!! :dance:

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To me this is one of the happiest eras so far! I am very very far from depressed.. I love all the new stuff(yes even ETIAW and Para, para. At first I wasn't super fond of Paradise, but man how it has grown on me!) What I love about Coldplay is they have something for every mood and moment in my life. At this moment I'm happier then I've ever been, I've triumphed a lot of obstacles in my life and just married the girl of my dreams. Do you know how invigorating it is to sing and dance to ETIAW when you've been through hell and made it out on top? Do people not understand how amazing it is to nod your head to paradise while cruising in your car? Sure they may not have as much emotional weight as previous work, but when hard times come I'll just pop in Parachutes or AROBTTH or X&Y and enjoy them for what they are and always will be, uplifting and emotional.

All in all I enjoy all of Coldplay's work for different reasons and am very excited for the new album! Also for all the haters, here's a tip, go away, come back AFTER you've heard the album and give your opinion then, if you still hate it, then don't ever listen to it again and wait for LP6 or forget coldplay and move on.. simple.

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You guys don't make a big deal out of twilight thing. Is it confirmed yet?

and if its true we get one new coldplay song so that makes me happy.


Yes downside is its twilight. Although i actually enjoy the movies and books, I would not have wanted them to be a part of it. But whatever, might as well enjoy the song, twilight soundtracks are usually good :)

and poor Muse has suffered through it, we. Will just have to do the same :P

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I really hope Eno doesn't work with the guys the next record...


I am excited about MX but I'm more exited about the next b-sides or the next EP


I think i'm joining this boat now not because I dislike Eno, but it's getting close to the point where he's being used like a crutch. If anything, it seems like the band are always switching things up so why not switch/ditch Eno for LP6.


I wouldn't go as far as saying i'm depressed, but just not as jittery as I thought I would be for the album to drop. Perhaps it was listening to most of the songs already in live form. Still looking forward to studio versions, videos and b-sides and that's what's keeping me positive.

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