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My neighbour is stalking me. :/

Technicolor Sparks

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So I'm living in a dorm this year, and the guy who lives next door to me is stalking me. My friend told me that he was "in love with me" (this was the first week of school, and we had hardly even spoken!), and I was a little weirded out because he is a masters student and I am only a second-year undergrad.


Today he told me that he tried to find me on Google!!! And he found some articles I had written for a magazine, and then he tried to find me on Facebook but apparently couldn't. I have NO IDEA how he knew what my last name was!!!


I'm kinda creeped out right now. I *think* he is harmless, but he keeps bringing things up about me that he has no way of finding out unless I told him...and everytime he sees me he makes this really weird high pitched squeal. Soooo creepy.

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:uhoh: um....I'd just tell the school officials, god forbid, in case something does happen :uhoh:

Most people would find this flattering....well to an extent :freak:


btw, is Wicked good? My choir group sang for a closing military base and they gave us $1000, and the people from Wicked invited us to come down so they can teach us a number from the song, dance and vocals I think :confused:

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It was flattering at first, but it has started getting weird haha. :P


YES Wicked is AMAZING! I saw one of the travelling tours perform in Winnipeg this summer and was absolutely blown away. Is your choir going to meet the cast then? Lucky!


Probably not :lol: just the Choreographer, I'll take pictures for you :nice: Still deciding if I should go or not due to the whole social factor :\

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Tell him to GET THE FUCK OFF <___<



No seriously, if you don't like him and he's annoying/creeping the crap out of you, you could leave him a letter (if you're too freaked out to talk to him face to face) and write how his actions make him seem to be like a total creep and you would like him to stop, or something like that.

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I lived in the dorms a couple of years ago (this was sophomore year) and there was this girl who lived next door to me who would always creep around me and get really close to my face when she talked. When she was done saying things to me, she would put her hand next to my cheek, hovering it just about a couple of centimeters from my face. She told me I had such "radiant" body heat and that I have "such a nice aura." I, being polite and accepting of all perceived strangeness (I thought she had a mental disability or something at first), just sat there awkwardly.


This was the first week of the semester.


Next, after I got busier in the lab (I work in a chemical synthesis lab on campus) and I would be gone until 1-2am. When I got back, she would always be waiting outside my door, asking where I was and why I wasn't home.


When my roommate was there and I wasn't, she would always pester him about where I went and when I'll be back. Occasionally he would let her in (it was an awkward situation). Once, she was sitting on my bed during a "visit," and when I turned away to get something out of my closet I caught her SNIFFING MY BED PILLOW in the mirror on the other side of the room.


And once, I heard something weird outside my door at about 3:30am when I woke up for some water, and she was STANDING OUTSIDE MY DOOR LOOKING THROUGH THE PEEPHOLE. For real. Like in every horror movie ever.


She's the worst. She had my schedule memorized so she would always wait outside my classrooms. Eventually, she studied abroad and recently she told me she left the country for a year so she can "get rid of my loving. It's a curse" or some weird crap like that.


What a nut.

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Tammi: He's a transfer student from Beijing so you won't know him. :P Unless you have connections in China haha!


And whoa...that story is freaky!! I hope it doesn't go that far lol!


Well, she never videotaped me (that I know of), so yours is pretty damn horrible. I would contact someone about that. :stunned:

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