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My neighbour is stalking me. :/

Technicolor Sparks

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So I'm living in a dorm this year, and the guy who lives next door to me is stalking me. My friend told me that he was "in love with me" (this was the first week of school, and we had hardly even spoken!), and I was a little weirded out because he is a masters student and I am only a second-year undergrad.


Today he told me that he tried to find me on Google!!! And he found some articles I had written for a magazine, and then he tried to find me on Facebook but apparently couldn't. I have NO IDEA how he knew what my last name was!!!


I'm kinda creeped out right now. I *think* he is harmless, but he keeps bringing things up about me that he has no way of finding out unless I told him...and everytime he sees me he makes this really weird high pitched squeal. Soooo creepy.


If he is scaring you, tell the police. Don't fuck around in this dilemma between "should I" or "shouldn't I".


He doesn't have to be an immediate threat for you to tell your local police officer about it. Just explain to them you feel uncomfortable and he is scaring you. You don't have to pretend he is about to slaughter you.


The police are there to give you a voice. The least you can do is just give them a heads up about what is happening to you. If they are at least half decent police officers, they should be able to direct you on what to do in the future.



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OH and I forgot the worst part...yesterday I caught him videotaping me while I ate dinner! :shocked2:


:/ You need to talk to him, seriously.


I lived in the dorms a couple of years ago (this was sophomore year) and there was this girl who lived next door to me who would always creep around me and get really close to my face when she talked. When she was done saying things to me, she would put her hand next to my cheek, hovering it just about a couple of centimeters from my face. She told me I had such "radiant" body heat and that I have "such a nice aura." I, being polite and accepting of all perceived strangeness (I thought she had a mental disability or something at first), just sat there awkwardly.


This was the first week of the semester.


Next, after I got busier in the lab (I work in a chemical synthesis lab on campus) and I would be gone until 1-2am. When I got back, she would always be waiting outside my door, asking where I was and why I wasn't home.


When my roommate was there and I wasn't, she would always pester him about where I went and when I'll be back. Occasionally he would let her in (it was an awkward situation). Once, she was sitting on my bed during a "visit," and when I turned away to get something out of my closet I caught her SNIFFING MY BED PILLOW in the mirror on the other side of the room.


And once, I heard something weird outside my door at about 3:30am when I woke up for some water, and she was STANDING OUTSIDE MY DOOR LOOKING THROUGH THE PEEPHOLE. For real. Like in every horror movie ever.


She's the worst. She had my schedule memorized so she would always wait outside my classrooms. Eventually, she studied abroad and recently she told me she left the country for a year so she can "get rid of my loving. It's a curse" or some weird crap like that.


What a nut.


HAHAHA, totally creepy. :/


Do you work on organic synthesis? I am a chemist too. :D

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Here even some postgrad students still live in dorms. They (dorms) are cheap :|

And you feel like you are forever young HAHAHAHA I also sometimes hang out with them :embarrassed: As a grad I also lived in a dorm.


Yesterday I also had a creepy experience. So Friday night I had a afro dude trying to dance with me all the time and I didn't feel comfortable with it. Whenever I went to the toilet he would follow me and beg me not to go home yet. Then when I went home he asked for my phone and e-mail, but I didn't give it. Sadly he knew the guy who had been dancing with me and after I left apparently he has been begging this guy all the time for my e-mail. The guy contacted me about what to do about it because the other guy wouldn't stop asking, so he wanted to give it. I said no, but then I got an e-mail from creep guy ayway where he says that he wants to have a little dance from within with me (whatever that means :uhoh:) and the feeling was so good. I answered him that I found it creepy that he emailed me and that I don't want to meet up with him.

I hope he will now stop with this.

Okay, my storie is by far not as creepy as yours, hahaha, I have had worse creeps, but that was years ago luckily.


I don't really know what you can do about your situation because he lives there (you can't ask/say him to get the fuck out of your life) and his creeping is not so obvious that your can say 'stop stalking, ass'. If you say something about the videotaping he would probably defend himself by saying something like it is for a project and he wasn't really taping you. You know, it's tough to 'proove' that he's creeping.

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What is with all the creepy people out there. :nod:


Yeah, creepy guy sent me another mail. Didn't say how he got my e-mail. Did say that he still wants to dance within with me (why does that sound so creepy???)

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Yeah, creepy guy sent me another mail. Didn't say how he got my e-mail. Did say that he still wants to dance within with me (why does that sound so creepy???)


If my 10th grade intuition is correct, I think he wants to do more then dance :confused: :uhoh:

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Yeah, creepy guy sent me another mail. Didn't say how he got my e-mail. Did say that he still wants to dance within with me (why does that sound so creepy???)


*shudders* Yep, that definitely sounds creepy!


Ahhhh I ate lunch with my friend today, and he came and sat with us. I'm not sure why, but the subject came up about Facebook and saving profile pics to your computer...my friend was like "Uhh I don't think that works anymore" and then creepy guy looks at me and is like "No, you definitely still can".



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*shudders* Yep, that definitely sounds creepy!


Ahhhh I ate lunch with my friend today, and he came and sat with us. I'm not sure why, but the subject came up about Facebook and saving profile pics to your computer...my friend was like "Uhh I don't think that works anymore" and then creepy guy looks at me and is like "No, you definitely still can".




:stunned: dont put any pictures of yourself on facebook, atleats make them ALL private :uhoh:

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Yup! I love organic synthesis. :dazzled:


I just can't do physical or inorganic chemistry. At all.


I'm more on the interphase of organic-inorganic chemistry. I love catalytic cycles. :D


*shudders* Yep, that definitely sounds creepy!


Ahhhh I ate lunch with my friend today, and he came and sat with us. I'm not sure why, but the subject came up about Facebook and saving profile pics to your computer...my friend was like "Uhh I don't think that works anymore" and then creepy guy looks at me and is like "No, you definitely still can".




:confused: I agree, make your pictures private.




My personal story when it comes to stalkers isn't that creepy... Anyway... 2 years ago, as a student of the last semesters, I was chosen once to help first semester veterinary medicine students with their basic chemistry courses (giving complementary classes). And one of the girls attending, was hitting on my since day one... She even started writting me several e-mails at some point, discussing on personal matters, when I never gave her that trust. :thinking:


Also, there were some days when we finished the complementary classes and she would follow me everywhere I went inside the campus! She was like glue and didn't know how to get rid of her. Ultimately she became so annoying, and I had to tell her that I already ahd a gf (which was not true). And it worked! She wrote about 3 more e-mails and then she stopped.

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So I'm living in a dorm this year, and the guy who lives next door to me is stalking me. My friend told me that he was "in love with me" (this was the first week of school, and we had hardly even spoken!), and I was a little weirded out because he is a masters student and I am only a second-year undergrad.


Today he told me that he tried to find me on Google!!! And he found some articles I had written for a magazine, and then he tried to find me on Facebook but apparently couldn't. I have NO IDEA how he knew what my last name was!!!


I'm kinda creeped out right now. I *think* he is harmless, but he keeps bringing things up about me that he has no way of finding out unless I told him...and everytime he sees me he makes this really weird high pitched squeal. Soooo creepy.


This is very much similar to the motion picture Americans of Beauty, in which girl from the world of ghosts is harassed by scary boy next door in a similar way. Lucky for you the boy is a marijuana salesman and has an optimum reputation for high grade. Kevin Spacey consults him about buying the magical plants from him, and he becomes a very good friend of his. Then he run away with his sexual brat daughter. This I believe could have happen to you, because in real life KEvin Spacey also smokes the marijuana. :(

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