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Can anybody find me a job?

Gitta Rensolo

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No message about the job so far.....


I am actually thinking about doing a second apprenticeship....might be hard moneywise, but I know that the apprenticeship I have and my chances won't make me happy in the future....


so, I should finally become what I've been thinking of for so long now: a confectioner.


I know it's something totally different to all the music related stuff I've done so far, but I love baking and I want to produce something and I want to be creative and I want to have better chances in the future with what I've learned....haha and I do remember that as I kid (when I was around 5 or 6) I wanted to become a baker and to own a bakery with some of my Kindergarten friends :wacky: (haha one of them became a cook as far as I know)



oh and thanks Ren :hug:


I miss you, too...:sad:


edit: ok ok a good friend and me are about to make a plan

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the plan is that we are going to move to Cologne...but right now I feel like I'm in some kind of a misery....the more I think of what I really want to do the more I realise that I want to be a confectioner or a baker....I know that many people probably will be surprised about this, because when they think of me they think of music and how talented I am....but I feel like there is no career that has to do with music that I really feel like doing if you know what I mean....


so I could do an apprenticeship as a confectioner or baker, but you don't earn enough money to live during the apprenticeship...I couldn't afford a flat or a car....and I won't get any financial support by the state, because it would be my second apprenticeship.....:\


I don't know what to do

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That sucks majorly. I'm not sure if I can ask it (apologies in advance if it is indeed offensive somehow), but can anybody in your family give you a hand?


Anyway, if people say you're talented at music, I'm quite sure you're talented at a bunch of other things. I hope you can get past this.

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naaah sure you can ask me this question....:wink:


unfortunately my parents can't support me financially....:(

my mum said some days ago that she'd love to help me and that it's a pain in her heart that they can't....but hell there must be a possibility....on friday I have a date at the employment centre....maybe they can help me....


today I went to Cologne to check which shops are offering jobs at the moment...and there are a bunch of shops where I could apply fo a job.....but I don't want to work in a shop anymore AT ALL!


I know that I have talents and working in a shop when one of your biggest talents is creativity can be really frustrating.....it bored me and made me feel empty


you just can't make money with all these things that I extremely feel like doing argh


another thing that I can imagine doing is to be a social worker. I would have to go to university again to do this

if I did the social worker thing there will probably be a financial support.---

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so, I'm going to ask at the employment centre if there is ANY possibility of a financial support in my case....I mean....there must be....if I explain to them that it is the only thing I really want and that I am really unhappy with the profession I learned...otherwise I might be unemployed for longer....and get money by the state without working....

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the plan is that we are going to move to Cologne...but right now I feel like I'm in some kind of a misery....the more I think of what I really want to do the more I realise that I want to be a confectioner or a baker....I know that many people probably will be surprised about this, because when they think of me they think of music and how talented I am....but I feel like there is no career that has to do with music that I really feel like doing if you know what I mean....


so I could do an apprenticeship as a confectioner or baker, but you don't earn enough money to live during the apprenticeship...I couldn't afford a flat or a car....and I won't get any financial support by the state, because it would be my second apprenticeship.....:\


I don't know what to do


I know it's not ideal but you could always live in a shared flat and you might not need a car if you live in the city.

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nah well I'm not saying that it is THAT hard finding a job here.....I mean...well, it's hard to find a job with my qualification, because it is a quite special one....and I feel like I shouldn't have done this....I feel like I've kinda failed....haha and I am only 24....oh my


I didnt read the whole thread. but this caught my attention, your answers are right in the text. your only 24! Thats still very young, you have so much time to do other things. this one thing wont ruin your life! just stay strong, figure out what you want and go for it! you can do anything! you want just stay positive :) but about finding a job you could always go to yard sales and sell the stuff on ebay because a lot of people at yard sales dont know the prices of items. and it can be something you do till you get back on your feet!

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so, I'm going to ask at the employment centre if there is ANY possibility of a financial support in my case....I mean....there must be....if I explain to them that it is the only thing I really want and that I am really unhappy with the profession I learned...otherwise I might be unemployed for longer....and get money by the state without working....


Good luck with it! :)


I've just read this thread and must say that you're situation really sucks. :\ But just do what you love in life and it'll be okay. :)

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on the 26th of March I can go to uni for one week like an ordinary student and check if becoming a social worker could be the right thing for me....I am really looking forward to this...:awesome:


and if I like it I will apply for uni which will start in October this year....I think it'd be pretty cool if this works out....

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