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I'm here for YOULO.


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Okay so I'm gonna hit 10,000 posts soon. At this rate, at least, seeing that I have no life. I'm currently at 9,xxx.


Anyway, until I hit 10,000 posts, you can ask me any question you have about your life, about me, about something philosophical, or something private. And I have to answer it and tell you the truth. Examples:


  • What's the meaning of life?
  • Brent are you retarded? It's okay you can tell me.
  • I have a sex addiction. Should I buy a butt plug?
  • What's a good recipe for taco salad?
  • How do I embalm dead bodies so I can stow them underneath my floorboards?


I have to give you the answer to the best of my ability. Because you, the Coldplaying community, has given me so much to do over the past year, and it's time to give back. I am therefore offering to you my great benevolence, my undying wisdom and my uncanny knowledge of reproductive anatomy. You're welcome.


Ask me your questions :angry:





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Why didn't you add me on Facebook ****


Uhhhh wait did you add me :huh:


Okay, oh wise Brent, what is the best way to make money if I'm too young to be hired for most jobs?


When I was 15-16 I had my own lawn-mowing service and I made a lot of money. Learn about yourself, what you are good at, and capitalize at it.


Try Etsy! Or eBay!

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When I was 15-16 I had my own lawn-mowing service and I made a lot of money. Learn about yourself, what you are good at, and capitalize at it.


Try Etsy! Or eBay!


I'm good at clarinet but that's about it. :|


but I'm horrible at explaining things and I'm impatient so I don't think I could give private lessons



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I'm good at clarinet but that's about it. :|


but I'm horrible at explaining things and I'm impatient so I don't think I could give private lessons




I give piano lessons. Try the clarinet thing! It's not too hard to explain and it's pretty fun. And it pays really well. Put up flyers!

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Why do hot dogs come in 10's but hot dog buns come in 8 in a pack? :huh:


I actually know the answer to this but I think I'll test you BRENT


There is a widespread scam between the bread and hot dog industries so they can purge sales of each.


So you have to buy 8 packs of hot dogs and 10 packs of buns in order not to waste anything.


Scam artists.


Actually in the US it used to be like that, but now they each come in 8. AMERICA FUCK YEAH

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Brent how lousy of you to just assume that common mis-conception everyone thinks is correct, when it's simply more convenient for meat packers and bakers to work with these numbers. For meat packers its easy to see why, hot dogs come 10 to a pound of hot dog meat, so if you have 100 pounds of meat, you know you have 100 packages, simples. Bakers though never work in 10's, they like dozens, 8's, 6's and 4's, think of the shape and rows, they'd be too long either way you do it, it's mind boggling to a baker, they'd lose a compact shape and no doubt crumble to pieces by the time they get to a supermarket shelf because it's hard to keep it stable.


So it's no surprise that the hot dog side of it have now caved in and produce hot dogs in 8, but it's also understandable they they'd be a bit pissed off having to change everything they do and revise all of their margins completely. But the main reason it has continued is that nobody really cared, so they started off this way, and if nobody cares, why not continue in that way?

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Brent how lousy of to just assume that common mis-conception everyone thinks is correct, when it's simply more convenient for meat packers and bakers to work with these numbers. For meat packers its easy to see why, hot dogs come 10 to a pound of hot dog meat, so if you have 100 pounds of meat, you know you have 100 packages, simples. Bakers though never work in 10's, they like dozens, 8's, 6's and 4's, think of the shape and rows, they'd be too long either way you do it, it's mind boggling to a baker, they'd lose a compact shape and no doubt crumble to pieces by the time they get to a supermarket shelf because it's hard to keep it stable.


So it's no surprise that the hot dog side of it have now caved in and produce hot dogs in 8, but it's also understandable they they'd be a bit pissed off having to change everything they do and revise all of their margins completely. But the main reason it has continued is that nobody really cared, so they started off this way, and if nobody cares, why not continue in that way?



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