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^^You used to suck milk from your mothers boobs when you were a baby too :blank:


Actually I didn't


My mom had problems lactating because she had a stroke pretty young, so I had to drink baby formula.


In fact, I'm not even supposed to be around because I was an intended abortion. However, they dubbed my mom's health too risky to get the procedural abortion, so they had to have me.


Now don't you feel bad

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Actually I didn't


My mom had problems lactating because she had a stroke pretty young, so I had to drink baby formula.


In fact, I'm not even supposed to be around because I was an intended abortion. However, they dubbed my mom's health too risky to get the procedural abortion, so they had to have me.


Now don't you feel bad


I was kidding...


But I knew you were going to reply with something like that... :P


I mean sorry

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BRENT Y U CHANGE USERNAME .________________.


Because I was tired of people being like wtf is baw8cc


brent i smell really bad what should i do


Rub up against the couch like my dog does when he smells bad :|


how did everybody got themselves in cartoon in their avi?


WHERE CAN I DO THIS????[/color]


Shut up


What are your top five sufjan songs~


No particular order:


1. Come on Feel the Illinoise

2. Vesuvius

3. Predatory Wasp is...

4. Pittsfield

5. Say Yes! To M!chigan!

6. The Tallest Man, The Broadest Shoulders

7. Heirloom

8. Chicago

9. John Wayne Gacy Jr.

10. Vito's Ordination Song


I did ten because :snobby:


He's sooooooo great


What are yours? :dazzled:

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